Chapter Eighteen

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(trigger warning: mild gore)
He was coming closer. He had no features, no hair. His face was a blank canvas. I struggled, pushing against me, but now he was on top of me, trying to pull my shirt off, trying to see what was beneath. He held my wrists together to stop me from lashing out. He was just too strong. He dragged out a knife from his pocket and began twirling it in his hand. He brought it closer to my chest, and pressed the tip of it in at the bottom of my neck, just enough to draw blood and for me to hiss in pain. He dragged it down my skin, ripping my t shirt, causing my body to flop open. Blood and guts spilt out, covering him in blood. "Hello Emma."  He smiled and I looked up, to see features on his blank face. It was-
(End of tw)

Every time I went to sleep,  I had the same dream, ending in the same place every time. The same dream that kept bugging me. Who was that boy? All I remembered was the ginger hair. The beautiful blazing fire on the top of his head. But I couldn't quite place my finger on who it was. That dream caused me to delay sleep for as long as possible. Of course, it was inevitable, but it was so horrible.

I had no energy. I traced patterns on the floor. I sang. I laughed. I slept. I talked to Lewis, my best friend. Of course, he was there. He kept me going in there. We shared stories, we complained, we laughed together. He was my rock.

Lewis and I were talking about what we'd do if we ever got out, and as if some over powerful force had heard us, light filled about a metre of the room. A figure stood in the doorway. The figure approached.

"Emma?" It called.

"Hello?" I called back, using some of my last remains of energy to push myself off the floor and stand up. The person took my hand.

"I'm here to rescue you."

"And Lewis?"


"My friend Lewis. He's coming too, right?" The person appeared to look around before speaking.

"Um, sure. Of course he can come." They led me out, taking their time and allowing me to take a few stumbles. As we approached the doorway, light hit my skin, burning my eyes. "It'll be sore for a while. You'll get used to it." The person said.

"C'mon Lewis. It's all gonna be fine, that's basically what he said." I turned around and smiled at him. He'd gone quiet. Shy I expect.

"You're going to stay with me for a bit, help you recover. But then you have to leave. You have other... affairs to sort out in a different world."

He led us round corners, rushing down paths until we reached a green door. He pushed it open, and led us inside before closing it and then locking it.

"How long were we there for?"

"In- oh! In there. 2 months. It's the 23rd January 2016 today. I'm really sorry I couldn't get to you before, I had to bide my time."

"What about Lewis?"

He sucked in breath and waited a few seconds, "Emma... There's no easy way to say this... Lewis isn't real. He's in your head."

"What? No. No! You're lying. When have you ever been there for me? Lewis has always been there. Lewis is so real, right Lou?" I turned. There was no one there. Silence. "Oh." I let out a sob and the guy opened up his arms and wrapped me in them, rocking me from side to side.

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now