Chapter Thirty One

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The plan. Oh, The Plan. I loved The Plan so much. It was possibly the greatest plan I'd ever come up with (I'd never come up with any and I'd had my friends to help me this time, but it still counted).

We took our exams. As much as I love Emma, we agreed exams had to come first (I didn't want to agree, but we took a vote, and I was out-voted), but they only took a couple of weeks, so we carried the plan out on a Saturday. Saturday 11th June.

We took two buses to the nearest stop to the lab, all dressed in black. I'm going to admit, we did get a few strange looks from people, as we did look very strange and kind of suspicious...

It wasn't any kind of fancy plan, with technical gases and James Bond style stunts. None of us were good at that stuff. We'd studied maps of the lab, and found the ventilation shaft opening.

Stage 1: Patty, Dottie and Arthur would go through that, and find Emma's door.

Stage 2: They'd text me to tell me where it was.

Stage 3:Dodie and Carrie had to get to the security room and act like they were lost, distract the guards, and steal the key card.

Stage 4: Evan and Bry would get the key card to me.

Stage 5: Bethan, Cherry and Candice would watch the corridors so that I would have adequate time to get Emma out.

Stage 6: We'd all get the hell out of there, and into the car park, where Ally, Cherry's brother's friend would be waiting in a van, ready for us to jump into.

It was a simple yet effective plan.

We put it into motion, everything going smoothly throughout the first three stages, Evan and Bry had a few close shaves with the guards, making me worry as I waited impatiently for them.

I was going to see her again. It'd only been a few weeks, but I dreaded to think what they'd done to her.

"Sorry, Luke. I don't know if they know we're here, but they're walking round with pistols in their hands. We had to be careful." Bry explained, handing me the card

"Okay, thanks. I'll be as quick as I can. Just, watch your backs, yeah?"

"Sure." I slid the card into the little slot in the top of the box, and the small red light turned green, making a beep noise. I pushed the handle of the door down and took a deep breath. I braved myself for the worst. I pushed the door open.


"Luke- please you have to go." She cried from somewhere in the room. It wasn't even a big room, but I couldn't see her.

"No, I'm here to get you out!"

"You don't understand! They know you're here! They have everyone! You have no idea what they're going to do if you don't get out!"

"How do you know all of this?" I stepped forward into the room. Still no sign of her. There was a chair in the far corner of the room, and as I approached, I realised what they'd done.

"PLEASE, LUKE, JUST TURN AND RUN NOW! I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE!" She screamed, from some sort of baby monitor. I turned, ready to run, but I stood frozen in my tracks. A gun was held at my face. Fear filled me as I stared down it and at the holder.

"Hello Luke." Alex smiled, "I'm going to have the great pleasure of killing you myself!"

Click. Safety off.

I could feel myself sweating, my brain freeze up, my stomach churn in fear and my body go limp.

I only had a few more seconds left to live.

Would I really be that mean to kill Luke? I'll guess you'll just have to wait ;)

Sorry it was really bad, I really need to improve my writing...

Love you all!!!

*turns you into a unicorn for a day* (yes, of course I can do that, I am secretly Merlin, how have you not guessed that yet?)

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