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10 years later

"Hey, Luke. Sorry it's been so long. I've just been really busy, you know? I know that's no excuse, but it's all I have. Everyone's fine. I went to Dodie and Evan's flat warming party last week! Carrie's now in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang; Cherry's in a film; they're all just doing so well! You never guess what I've been doing! Arthur and I have been on tour with Busted! Fricking Busted, man! It's been so awesome: a dream come true!

"I miss you. I know I say this every time, but it's true. I've tried to move on, like I know you'd want me to, but it's never worked. I'm sorry. I've done everything else you told me to do. I stayed strong, I fought back. Hell, I even made merch saying that!" I twiddled my Stay Strong Fight Back wristbands that sat on my wrist with the others.

"I love you. I've never stopped loving you. I hope you know that, where ever you are now. Whether that's up there, or being a ghost.

"I should go. I don't have anything left to say, really, and I have to catch a train back to Basildon. Sorry 'bout that. Okay, I'm going. Bye Luke. I'll be back soon." I stroked the curve of the cold stone of his grave stone, sighing at the words carved into it.

Lukas David Cutforth
6th April 2000- 11th June 2016
Beloved son, brother and friend
You shall be missed

I pushed myself off the ground, and took one last look before turning back. Someone had been watching me. They tried to hide themselves but they didn't do it fast enough. I ran over through the rows of gravestones but the person didn't move. "Hello?" I shouted. I slowed down, out of breath. I really needed to go to the gym more.

Who was this person who thought I was of importance? I mean, they had to think that to spy on me, right? What other reason did they have? The person stepped out of the trees. I stopped, dead in my tracks. It couldn't be- not after all these years- could it?

"Hi Em." He said. I tried to get words out, but all I could make were a few croaks. He walked towards me, opened his arms up, and all I could do was fall into them.

"Luke." I whispered.


"Where have you been?" I looked up at him.

"Sorry. Didn't take the two years to train like I thought it would. They did some 'extra training' and I was also stuck in some kind of limbo after I died. All that took basically 8 years. I had to set up a life first. Came back to my parents, lived with them for a bit. I've got a flat in Dagenham now; it's a 15 minute drive from Basildon. I'm a YouTuber now, like you. Still want to make films though. Sorry I've taken so long." He explained.

"It's fine- I mean, it's not, I've missed you- but I understand. You did what you had to do. It's all been worth it. I just never thought I'd see you again," I stepped back and took him in, devouring him with my eyes. "You still smell like milk."

"Shut up." He smiled. He had dyed his hair bright red, and grown a couple of inches, but other than that, he hadn't changed.

"We have a lot to catch up on. Do you want to come back to mine?"

"Sure." He lifted me up and kissed me swiftly, before setting me back down and taking my hand. "I've missed this."

"Every waking minute."

"Yep. I love you."

"I love you too. Never stopped loving you."

"Come on! Let's go!" He pulled me by my hand, laughing and tripping over leaves.

I had my Luke back.


I WENT WITH THE HAPPY ENDING! (Tbh I didn't want to be killed by you guys and I didn't want to go through the pain of killing Luke off completely. Man, I would make such a bad Steven Moffat).

Thank you to everyone who has read, voted and sent me lovely comments. I appreciate it all so much! I've enjoyed writing this book so much, it's definitely been my favourite to write!

I think I'm going to  try and write some phanfiction! That'll be a fun experience...

Anyway, Love you all!!!

*sends glitter and kisses and the chance to be an angel for a day coz that'd be fricking cool* (you wouldn't be dead, just have the wings and stuff)

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now