Chapter Sixteen

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He stood there, looking worried,  nibbling his lip. "We have to go, Luke." I tightened my grip on his hand, trying to pull hin forward. "Luke?"

"Hmm? Yeah sorry, let's go." I pulled him into the bright light, and everything whirled around us, the room behind us getting gradually smaller and every colour blurring, making me feel dizzy.

When it stopped, Luke was as white as a sheet, looking like some kind of representation of the English flag. A guy in glasses, holding a clipboard was waiting for us. What was his name? Gareth, oh yeah.

"Oh dear, you are in trouble,"he sneered, already leading the way. Luke was eager to look around, trying to grasp every aspect of this. People walked around with wings of all different colours sticking out of their backs, and he was constantly getting knocked, being ignored as if he was insignificant. He is the opposite of that.
He's my bag of dorioes.

"Here we are." Gareth said, stopping outside of an Old Oak Door. I'd never been here before.

"Thanks," I murmured, pushing on the door. The room was big, and dark. Exactly like the court room I'd been in just earlier that day.

"Emma Blackery. Luke Cutforth. Come forward." Four people sat a desk, looking very important. My eyes drifted down to Alex. He was my first boyfriend, my best friend. Then he was chosen to be a head, and he left me, deciding I wasn't good enough for his important life. He looked down, pretending to be busy studying his notes.

"You know the rules, Emma." Sheila said, looking down at me. "You're not allowed to get close to your human. Not allowed to share our secret. You know what would happen if anyone found out about you; about all of us!"

"Yeah I know but-"

"There's no but! You broke the rules!" She shrieked, thumping her fist on the table.

"You know what the punishment is for sharing secrets, for getting in a relationship with a human." A man I didn't recognise sighed.

"You're not even giving me a chance!" I cried.

"You were one of our best students. We let the leash loose because of that. We thought you could be trusted. We were obviously wrong."

"I LOVE HIM!" I shouted, "I love him, ok? It's stupid, the rules! I know he's getting better, I know I'll have to move on soon, but that can't stop me being in a relationship with him!"

"Yes it does! What if your next placement is in India? Or Australia? Even if he wasn't a human, there's no way you can keep a relationship up at that distance!"

"Yes we can. We could! He has sworn not to tell anyone, haven't you Luke?"

"Yeah. I would never dream of telling everyone. Please, you can't take her away from me. I'm begging you." He had finally woken up from his trance, and now he was trying to fight.

"I hate to do this, but there's no other option. You knew what you were doing. Emma, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to go to the hell and we'll erase every memory Luke has of you."

"NO PLEASE!" I screamed, tears beginning to stream down my cheeks.

"Say your goodbyes." Sheila ordered. I looked at Luke, helpless.

"I suppose this is goodbye."

"You're just gonna give up? Not even going to try?"

"I love you." He wrapped me in his arms and whispered "I'm going to get you."

"But you'll forget me."

"Never. No matter if they try. Heart always wins."

"Shut up." I sniffed. "I love you." We kissed, and he let go.

"Be brave." He smiled weakly and one guy grabbed me, and another grabbed Luke. I wasn't going without a fight.

"ALEX! PLEASE! Talk to them! Please, I'm begging you! If you ever really loved me, you'd do this for me! Please, Alex." I shouted as I kicked at the guy, getting further away from Luke, from everything I knew by the second. I could already feel my heart tearing. Alex didn't even look up.

Luke was never coming back. He'd just forget. He couldn't win.

A door was unlocked,  and I was chucked into darkness, unlimited darkness. "Hello?" I called. Nothing.

Days went by, and I was left alone. No Luke. No light. No nothing. I cried most of the time, and I sang. Mostly Placebo, sometimes Busted. I could already feel the madness taking over my brain. Could already feel myself going crazy. I already wasn't myself. I'd given up. On Luke. On getting out. On Alex.

"Da da da da da da da da da day a da da da da da day a da," I sang, giggling at the sound of my own voice. And then I broke down crying, and I didn't have any idea why.


From time to time, I'd start to see things. Derek sometimes. Sometimes monsters. Things that made me crawl up and scream, claw at my own skin, at my clothes; ripping them. At one point I began to tear at my wings, plucking feathers off, causing myself immense pain,  but I didn't care anymore.

"I don't want to be a fucking angel anymore!" I shouted. Echoes all around me. "You see that, Alex? Yeah this is what you've done to me! I wish there was no afterlife! No chance afterwards!"

I could feel the old Emma slipping away. Turning into a new one; one Luke would never love.

Could never love.

Coz he'd forgotten.


Why do I do this to my characters as well, I really wanna rescue Emma now.

Sorry it was short, there's not much you can make out of a dark room-but-not-quite-a-room.

Also, the new Doctor Who companion though! I'm excited to see what she'll be like, but I'm annoyed that I HAVE TO WAIT TIL 2017 FOR SERIES 10!!!
Love you all!!!

*hands over glue to repair your heart if I just broke your heart from this*

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now