Chapter Twenty Seven

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#RIPChristinaGrimmie :( <3
"Hey Em, can you call me back when you get this, please? Thanks. Love you."

"Em, babes, I love you, can you pick up please?"

"Have I done something wrong? Are you ignoring me?"

"I'm getting really worried, Em. Is something up? Are you okay?"

"I'm swear, if you don't pick up, I'm coming round. Please, I just want to know you're okay."

A million unanswered messages and a dozen voicemails and she still wasn't replying. Not a sound out of her all day. We were meant to be doing revision for our English Exam, but she never turned up. I leant back against my bed, chewing my lip. What was wrong with her? Had something happened?

I'm going round there, I thought.

What if she forgot? Or needs space? Maybe you should just let her be.

No, if something has happened, I'll never forgive myself. I'm going. I pushed myself off my bed, phone in hand and went out of the door, stepping into the sun. Yes, that's right, there had finally been some nice weather for once! I set off, my strides wide and fast as the urge to see Emma grew and the warmth of the weather around me seemed to give me energy.

"I give up. I'm coming round. Love you. Bye."  Still no answer.

I arrived there, and strangely, there was a white van parked outside the house. I didn't really think anything of it. I knocked on the door, but nothing happened. After a few more tries, I decided she wasn't going to answer and that I'd have to get in another way.

A window! I looked around at the ground floor windows, and spotted that one was open. Great! Pulling it out as far as it would go, I put one leg up onto the windowsill and hoisted myself up. I tried to act cool and land on the floor gracefully,  but, because it was me I ended sprawling on the floor.

"I swear, if the only reason you're doing this is to get me to climb through a window, I'm gonna kill you!" I shouted.

"I don't think you'll be the one doing the killing." A voice sneered from behind me. Fuck. It wasn't Emma. I spun around to face a man holding a knife, ready to strike.

"What is this?"

"You didn't have to get involved, Luke. We knew you would, of course, so we waited." Another person appeared. A girl.

"What are you doing?" I asked, as she clasped handcuffs around one wrist and hooked me to the stair bannister.

A guy stepped out of the shadows, "Oh I'm going to make your life hell. I'm going to take Emma and I'm going to torture her. I'm going to take her to a lab, where they'll experiment on her. And this time you won't have the pleasure of forgetting what you've lost. Because, you've lost, Luke. Big time." His face was half lit, making it hard to see who he was. But I knew that face. Wait, no, it couldn't be! Could it?


I pulled against my handcuff, wanting to punch him; to rip him to shreds. He's meant to be Emma's best friend! How could he do this?

"Fuck you! You can't do this, Alex!"

"Oh, but I can! And I will!" He laughed, an evil glint in his eyes.

"I never trusted you from the start."

"Well, Emma did. See, she's not liked in what you might call 'heaven'. She's not like anyone else we've ever come across: she's a rebel. We can't have her ruining the society we've worked so hard to build, so we made a plan. And this is the plan, Luke. Do you like it?"

"You're meant to be her best friend, you complete DICKHEAD!"

"I was, a long time ago. But it's for the best. Everything I've done for you two for the past two months; the rescuing, the helping, the operating has all been a lie. I pretended to love her. Every kiss we shared that night, every word I said to her, was a lie. And she fell for it. She even tried to sleep with me." My heart dropped. This couldn't be true. "Oh, poor Lukey didn't know that! What a shame! Awwww, what's he gonna do?"

"She wouldn't do that."

"Oh, but she did. I stopped her of course, as part of my cover, and because why would I even want to touch a piece of filth like her? She's nothing." Anger boiled inside me.

"Don't you dare speak about her like that!"

"Guys, let's bounce. Enjoy your stay, Lucas." He led the way out the door, followed by the girl, the man and another man carrying a lifeless body, taking no care with it at all. Emma. She looked so peaceful: blissfully unaware of what was going on around her.

I stuggled against the handcuff, tears brimming in my eyes, willing to be let out. They shut the door, and I broke down, sobs tumbling out of my mouth. They couldn't do this. I punched the bannister with my hand repeatedly, causing pain, but it wasn't as much pain as I felt inside. Nothing could compare to that. It was like part of me had been taken with her, and I was trapped; helpless,  unable to do anything. All I wanted to do was collapse, curl up in a ball and just hide from the world. But I couldn't do that. I had to stay strong for Emma.

The first thing I had to do was get out of there. But I'd have to tell someone how I got there in the first place. I pulled out of my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Who was the person I trusted the most? Who was the one who was the best at keeping secrets?


I called her, and she answered almost straight away. "Hey Luke, what do you want?"

"Do you know where Emma lives?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Can you go there, and bring something to get handcuffs off a person, please? It's urgent."

I heard her laugh, "you are weird. But in a good way, of course. I'll be there, though."

"Okay, see you."

"Yeah, bye."

It was just a waiting game now.


If this is not the best, I apologise, but I have reasons. 1) it's 1AM. 2) I've had a very busy day. 3) I haven't had much time to write coz I've been revising for exams so I've lost the writing streak I've had.


Love you all!!!

*does a shimmy into your life, becomes Lord President and abolishes all exams and unfair things (it's time for fun)*

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