Chapter Seven

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Ugh, Mondays. I hated them more than any other week day. But this one was particularly bad. I'd be seeing Luke today; I couldn't escape it and I hadn't even made up an excuse to why I ran off the other night.

As I pulled on my hated school uniform, all sorts of worries tumbled through my head. We couldn't be together. I was adamant in that fact. I had no idea what Alex, the "head" angel would do if Lemma became a thing.

I had woken up late, and the worries had slowed down my hurry to get dressed, so I rushed out of the house with a banana for breakfast, pulling my bag on my back. I slowed down as I reached the end of my road; mainly because I was out of breath from rushing and also so I could put my headphones in and listen to the soundtrack of Hamilton. There was a trend going around our friendship group with Hamilton the Musical and it was Evan who had gotten me obsessed with it.

The bell went as I walked through the school gates. It wasn't the first time this had happened. Oh well.

I sauntered into form, 5 minutes late, where Mr Donners looked up and shook his head at me.

"Sorry, Sir." I took my seat next to Cherry, making sure my gaze was lowered to the ground so I couldn't make eye contact with Luke.

"Hey." Cherry whispered.

"Hey. I thought you were meant to be at Pete's party?"

"Didn't feel like it, really. I was kinda tired. Was it good?"

"Well, Luke and I sat upstairs scrolling through Tumblr the whole time so I don't exactly know. I guess it was alright though." I shrugged.

"Ohhh you and Luke, eh? Anything else happen?" She teased, digging me in the ribs.

"Well..." I paused for a moment, wondering if I should tell her. Might as well, "We kissed." A blush crept up my cheeks.

"Oh My God! LEMMA!" Cherry squealed.

"Shut up. Lemma isn't a thing. Don't tell anyone. I don't want it round the class by lunch."

"Ugh. Fine." Cherry got stuck back in her sketching. She was constantly drawing in form or if we had a test and she finished early. This time I think she was sketching one of her Johnlock fantasies.


Most of my classes had gone very awkwardly; mainly because I sat next to Luke in most of them and our conversations were either very strained, or non existant.

Lunch was welcomed but I realised it was a bad idea as Luke and I would probably have to pretend every thing was fine in front of our friends.

I sat down in our usual spot under the trees and waited for everyone else to turn up. When Luke turned up, he sat as far as he could away from me. I have to admit I was disappointed but not surprised that he didn't sit next to me.

"What's up with you two? You had a lover's tiff?" Evan grinned.

"For God's sake, shut up with the Lemma stuff, for just one day!" My blood boiled. Luke and I had to get this sorted out. "Luke I need to talk to you."

As I walked away, letting Luke follow me, I heard Patty remark "Well she's on her period."

"Don't be such a dick, Patty." Dodie retorted. I made sure we were far out of earshot of our friends before we could talk.

"I'm sorry about the other night, Luke. I-I just-"

"Just what, Emma? If you don't like me, you just have to say!" He was pissed off already.

"I do like you, though! That's the problem!"

"What problem is that? Don't want to be seen with me? Figures." He spat.

"It's complicated. I can't explain, not right now but-"

"Emma, I love you, ok? But if you can't tell me the truth, how can I ever trust you?"

For a split second, my heart tore and I came so close to telling him about me. I caught myself on the edge though.

"For fuck's sake, I love you too! There I've said it. But we can't be together. It's not allowed."

"Why isn't it allowed, Em? That's all I need to know."

"You have your secrets, I have mine. I'm sorry. Really I am, Luke. But I'm not worth getting upset over." I reached up and kissed him. "Lemma can never be a thing."

"Stop taunting me! You're just like that bitch, my last crush! I fell so hard for her, and it's happening all over again. I thought you were different. You're obviously not. I don't even know why I bother. Bye, Emma." I saw the hurt, the anger and the confusion in his eyes before he stormed off, in the general direction of the school gates. Skipping school. I dithered on the spot for a second, before deciding it was best to let him cool down and I walked back to our friends.

I sat back down with them, and Patty smiled. "Sorry about earlier."

"S' alright," I shrugged. I felt the choking sensation of that I was holding back tears. My eyes stung.

"Em- are you ok? We saw Luke walk off." Carrie placed her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"You know what? I'm not hungry any more. I'm going to go the library." I picked up my lunchbox and walked back into the school buildings, resting against a wall in the hallway. I put my stuff in my locker and went to the bathroom, where I locked myself in a cubicle and let the tears flow. There was no one there to let me cry.


PE was 5th period. I couldn't wait to get home so I could race round to Luke's.

I pulled my PE kit out of my bag and walked over to one of the toilet cubicles, where I always got changed so that no one would see my wings. My clothes were all sort of enchanted to compress my wings down. I was lucky enough that the girls in my PE class were considerate enough to not ask why I got changed in the toilets.

The teachers came in and we filed outside to do Netball. Great.

As we chucked a ball round a court, I couldn't help smiling at the fact that the boys actually had to run around a field. I could just about see them. At least Netball didn't involve that much running...well, as long as you don't make an effort.

That lesson couldn't have gone slower. Why did school have to get in the way of important things?

All I had to do was see Luke. And I was going to break the rules. I was going to ask him out.

Hey, so I know that wasn't the best chapter ever but oh well...
I'm going to try and stop the Hamilton references soon, it's getting a bit much XD

Anyway, love you all!

*skips off into the distance trailing rainbows and singing Hamilton*

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now