Chapter Twenty One

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Everything was different without Emma. Lonely. My heart ached to hold her in my arms, to see her gorgeous face again.

We'd facetimed, called and texted of course, and those moments were the ones that I cherished. She wouldn't update me of where she was after she left her parents. She moved every couple of days, being cautious, going random places that no one would think she would go. There was no telling when she'd be back, or if she would ever be back. No, Luke. Of course she'd be back. And we'd make every moment together special.


"Um... hey. Luke isn't it?" At the mention of my name, I turned around. I wasn't anywhere special, just walking to school.

"Yeah. Why?" I studied the boy from head to toe. He was dressed all in black, head bowed.

"Could I have a word? Somewhere more private?" He asked.

"I can't right now. I'll be late for school. And I can't just go off with some stranger. You could be a murderer for all I know," I sighed. He didn't look like a murderer. But how was I supposed to know what a murderer looked like?

"I assure you I'm not. I appose no threat to you. I need to talk about Emma." The mention of her name brought a small smile to my face, but then my thoughts to turned about why he needed to talk to me about Emma.

"Is she in trouble?"

"We can't talk here. Could we meet somewhere private? After you've finished school?"

"Yeah I can do that. Say... by the park gates at 4?"

"Ok. I'll see you then."


For the whole day, I couldn't concentrate. We were meant to be studying hard for our GCSE's, as they were fast approaching, but I was too busy thinking about Emma and that dude. I kept coming up with different conspiracies. Some were crazy- well, actually they were all crazy- but I had nothing else to go on.

I rushed out of school as soon as the bell went, running full pelt to get to the park on time. By the time I got there, I was panting and sweating like a pig, despite the fact it was only February. I was also 10 minutes early, but the guy was still there, leaning against the park gates, looking really cool. He gave a short wave as I approached.

"Hi." I muttered.

"Let's walk."

I nodded, "so... Emma?"

"Okay. You get to the point fast," he chuckled, "look, there's no easy way to say this, but... Emma's in big trouble. They're tracking her. The angels. She's not safe."

Shit. "How are they tracking her?"

"They implanted her with a tracking chip before she left to help you. It looks like they knew there'd be problems with her from the very start. You need to get her home. She needs to let me get the tracking chip removed."

"Can we trust you?"

"Of course. I'm her best friend. Well, ex-best friend. Alex."

Alex? Where had I heard the name Alex before?

Emma's screams echoed through my head: "ALEX! PLEASE! Talk to them! Please, I'm begging you! If you ever really loved me, you'd do this for me! Please, Alex."
And then... "Alex thinks of everything."

"You're the dude on the head board of angels, aren't you?"

"Yeah. I helped Emma escaped. I got back on the board, that's how I know all this. I hate the rules. I hate what they've done to you and Emma. Whatever you think of me, you have to let me do this. I know what I'm doing, don't worry about that." He paused, "please." He looked down at the floor. We'd stopped walking. He was tracing patterns in the grass with his foot. I heard the expression in his voice.

It was clear he loved her. The monster of jealousy leapt up, longing to claw at this guy, to tear him limb from limb. I fought hard to keep it inside. Emma was my girlfriend.

"You love her don't you?" I sighed. I saw the blush creep up his cheeks.

"What? No! No of course not! She's yours, man. It's clear she loves you."
Bullshit. He loved her. My fists balled up. I was ready to punch him. But Emma's life was in his hands.

"Ok. Do whatever you need to do."

"Phone her. Right now. We need her here as soon as possible." He ordered. I sighed internally. God this guy was demanding.

I pulled out my phone and called her. "Hey bae." I said when she picked up.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Where are you right now?" I asked.

"You know I can't tell you, Luke."

"I know. But you need to get your butt here right now. Your friend... Alex, says you're in trouble. I can't really say over phone, it could be too risky."

"Right. I'll catch the next train. I'll probably be late though. Maybe about 9?"

"That's fine. As long as you're here."

"Ok. I'll see you then. Love you."

"Love you too. We'll explain everything later."

"Bye." She said, before ending the call.

"Come on. Train station. Can't let her be on her own." Alex ordered.

"Ok. I'll just text my Mum, say I'm at a friend's or something."

Hey sorry that was kinda short. I'm not really any good at the "Luke on his own with no Emma" chapters.

Love you all!!!

*hides from the world with all my spork friends so I can try and recover from the Lemma breakup* (yeah I'm still not over it)

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now