Chapter Twenty Nine

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Carrie was fast. She was carrying a pair of pliers, looking ready to bust me out of any situation. But, when she saw me, she burst into laughter.

"For fuck's sake, Carrie! This is an emergency!" I shouted. She stopped, and looked at me, hurt. "I'm sorry, I'm just stressed."

"It's okay. We all get days like that." Oh Carrie. She's so understanding and so forgiving. "How did you even get into this?"

"I'll explain in a minute. Can you just get me out, please? I think the whole gang needs to be here for me to explain. I -we- need everyone's help." Carrie nodded, and put all her force on the pliers (which were massive) and, eventually, the chain splintered and I was separated from the other handcuff.

"I don't know how to get that off. It could be a new fashion statement."

"Do I rock this look? The jailbird?"


"Right, okay. Time to get the gang round."


"Why are we here, Luke? I was doing revision." Evan sighed.

"Speak for yourself mate. We were having fun. You remember what that is?" Patty laughed, putting his arm around Dottie.

"Don't come moaning to me when you fail your GCSEs. What was your 'fun' anyway?"

"We were playing Portal, for your information."

"GUYS! Please! Shut up!" I shouted.

"Sorry. Okay, what do you want? Where's Emma anyway?" Dodie sighed.

"That's kinda what I want to talk to you about." I took a deep breath and looked down at the circle of friends sat around me. Patty, Dottie, Bry, Candice, Evan, Dodie, Bethan, Cherry, Carrie and Arthur (he'd recently just joined the school, none of us knew why, but he'd grown pretty close on us). "Emma has a secret. A secret that she's only told me about. And now she's in danger because of this secret and she needs our help."

"What kind of secret?" Bry asked.

"You'll love her no matter what, right?" Everyone mumbled "yeah" or nodded. "Okay... she's an angel. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but she's dead. She died 3 years ago. Angels come to Earth to help the needy, to save their lives. Emma came to save me. But, she's been taken away to a lab because her best friend betrayed her and now it's time to save her. I can't do it without your help, but it's gonna be dangerous. It's your chance to back out now if you want. I'll understand." I was shaking by the end of it.

"You're serious? This isn't some joke? Emma's not going to come out and laugh at our faces, is she?" Cherry questioned, looking confused.

"Deadly serious. I'm not lying. Please guys." Silence. And then, Patty stood up.

"I'm with Luke. He's my best mate, and I trust him. Look at him, guys. He needs our help." He put his arm around me, and I couldn't help but smile. I probably would've cried, but I was all cried out.

One after the other, they stood up. First Dodie, then Evan, Cherry, Bry, Candice, Arthur, Carrie, Bethan and lastly, Dottie. "We'll do it, right guys? Whatever you need!" Carrie smiled.

"Before I say anything else, I'm just going to say this: there's a chance you could die. I know what Alex is like and I know he'll have put guards with guns everywhere. I'd understand if you want to put yourself first. I don't want any of you to get hurt; I'll put myself in the line of fire if I have to. Just warning you."

"Anything for a friend, right guys?" Bry chipped in.

"Yeah! Maybe we could get bullet proof vests or something?"

"My Dad's a policeman! I could get some off him!" Dottie chirped.

"Great!" I had friends. I had actual friends who really cared.

"What's the plan?" Bethan asked. So that's what I was missing!

"There isn't one. Not yet. I don't even know where she is. She could be anywhere by now." How did I expect to help Emma without a plan?

"Well, isn't it better to bide our time?"

"Every day we leave it, the more she gets hurt! The more they torture her! We can't afford to wait!" Silence. It was like we were in some James Bond film or something. I think we were all thinking of some dangerously daunting and adventurous scheme into the lab, but of course that wasn't how it was going to work.


Over the next couple hours, we planned, googling experimental labs in an 100 mile radius, and crossing them off one by one until we got to the on we were certain Emma was in.

By the end of the day, we had a plan.


I went home, running over the plan in my head, and when I got home, I was pulled away from the plan by Katie.

"Can I talk to you, please?" She asked. I nodded. She pulled me into her room. It was so different to when I'd last seen it. When I'd last seen it, it had been painted bright pink, with childish drawings on the walls. That must've been something like 8 years ago! Now, she'd painted the room a vibrant blue, with photos of her friends and pictures from the Internet of her favourite YouTubers, bands, celebrities and whatever else littering one wall and posters dotted across the others.

"What is it?"

"I told Mum we knew. About her affair."

"What did she say?"

"She promised that it was a one time thing. I can't do anything but believe her. I don't want to do anything but believe her! She made me promise not to tell Dad."

"Yeah, I think we should just forget about it." I shrugged, turning to leave the room.

"And- Luke?"


"I-I think I-I'm bi." She stammered. I stopped, a smile on my face. I opened my arms arm and she ran into them.

"Are you sure?" She nodded. I planted a kiss on her head, "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Luke."

"What did you expect me to do? Kill you? One of my closest friends is bi and I love you so much, why would I do anything but accept you?"

"I don't know. Just brains."

"I know. Shhhh."

"I love you too, Luke."

WE HIT 500 READS ON THIS, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I really appreciate every single one of you who have taken some time out of your day to read this 'lil story!!


Also, I know Katie probably isn't bi or anything but it's a fanfic, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

Love you all!!! <3 ♡♡♡♡

*makes sure you're wrapped up nice and tight (like a moth in a cocoon ;)) and protects you all night*

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now