Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Hello?" I croaked, into emptiness. My lips were dry and cracked, and my mouth tasted like garbage. I took in my surroundings, allowing my eyes to adjust to the light. Well, I certainly wasn't at home. The room wasn't brightly lit, but wasn't swamped in complete darkness either. How did I get here? I didn't remember going here. The last place I was was home, I'm certain of it!

A rough, shabby blanket was wrapped around me and I could already feel myself aching from the cold, hard floor that I had slept on.

"Fucking hell," I whispered, standing up. I wasn't in the clothes I knew I had been wearing before- whenever before was- I was wearing some sort of hospital gown. I swayed from side to side for a moment, my head spinning and my vision slightly blurred. I tried to figure out what else was different. Something else felt different, I was certain of it. What was it?

And then it hit me.

My wings: they were limply hanging down my back, feeling as heavy as lead. I turned my head as far as it would go, to see that the feathers were ruffled, like they had been tampered with, when I saw a flash on red around my shoulder blades. My eyes widened as I panicked and struggled to turn my head round further, which, of course was impossible. I reached my hand around and under the thin material of my gown and felt some rough lines littered around my wings and upper back. Cuts.

"And we'll do a lot worse than that, don't you worry honey." A voice laughed through some kind of intercom. A voice that I recognised.

"Where am I?"

"In a lab, that's all you need to know. You're now our special pet! Won't that be fun!"

"How did I get here?"

"You honestly don't remember? Awww poor babs! I must've drugged you a slight bit too much."

"Drugged me? How? The last person I was with was-" I stopped as I felt my heart plummet. No. He wouldn't do this. I gulped, "Alex."

"I'm sorry, who?" He was teasing me now, just wanting me to repeat his name.

"Alex." I'd been so stupid. I'd trusted him. I'd tried to sleep with him. He was my friend.

"And the penny drops." He laughed.

"Why?" My voice began to crack. Tears were a prospect I could see on the horizon. But I couldn't show him how weak I was. No crying, Emma.

"Do I have to explain this again? I've already explained it to your dumb boyfriend. Oh well, to put it simply; you needed to be disposed of. And who could be better to do the job than me? You trusted me, you asked for my help. So that was all I had to do, and then that enabled me to have you dangling on a line for me. You fell for my precious little act hook, line and sinker."

"What have you done with Luke?"

"Do we have to do all these questions? It's always questions!"

"What have you done with Luke?" I repeated, through gritted teeth this time.

"He's safe, don't worry. For now, anyway. I'm sure he'll find a way out of the handcuffs. But the stupid boy is bound to come and try and rescue you, which will be a big mistake. I have guards ordered to shoot any intruders that manage to get in."

"No. You can't!" I screamed.

"Oh but I can! I'll bring him in for you to watch him die!"

"You fucking dare! I'll find a way to get to you and I'll- I'll-"


"I'll tear you to shreds! I'm a hurricane that hasn't started yet! You lay a finger on Luke and you'll unleash that hurricane! Do whatever the fuck you like to me, I don't care, but you leave Luke alone!"

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now