Chapter Twenty Six

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17th May 2016. Officially the best day ever. I knew it before it had even happened. Unfortunately it was a Tuesday, but Luke's parents wrote us a letter, allowing us to leave at the start of period 5, so we could get ready. We went back to Luke's, where I'd stayed the night before. My make up and clothes were littered across the floor of the spare bedroom, proof to his parents I'd slept there that night, when I'd really slept in Luke's arms in his room.

"Right, okay, we have 3 hours to get ready. That's plenty of time, right? I'll take the shower in the bathroom, you take my parent's shower." He was freaking.

"Luke, we're not going to be late." I sighed.

"I just want it to all go perfectly."

"And it will. Don't worry." I smiled, putting my hand on his shoulder and kissing him. "Okay, let's go!" I took a shower, washing my hair and making sure all the products had washed out. I'd been making sure to keep my face clean so my skin would hopefully stay clear, and it had. I threw on an old t shirt and a pair of legings. I didn't want to get make up on my outfit or get it wet from my hair. Firstly, I dried my hair and then brushed it through, making sure it looked okay. Then, I curled it, going for loose curls, which actually worked for once. I was beginning to look pretty. I did my make up; the usual, and winged eyeliner. I'm not going to lie, the eyeliner took me about 45 minutes to do, and even then it didn't look it's best. I guessed the 13 year old look worked. I added some silver eyeshadow and by that time Luke was done.

"You're still not done?" He sighed.

"Beauty takes time."

"But it was there before all of the make up!"

I raised my eyebrows at him, shaking my head.

"You know I'm going to change now right?" I asked.

"Yeah, do you want me to go?"

I deliberated for a few seconds. "I guess it's okay." I pulled off my t shirt, trying not to wreck my hair, before pulling on a black Busted one, which was sure to be replaced with a new one I'd buy at the merch store. When I'd taken off my legings, I slid on some thin black tights and a navy denim skirt with gold buttons the way down it. It was only just above knee length and it wasn't my usual style but I decided it'd look good. I completed the look with wristbands and a black blazer.

"Is it too much black?" I asked, twirling round.

"No it's fine. The blazer though?"

"Yeah you're right? Zip up hoodie?" Luke nodded and I found that, checking my hair once more.

"Let's go. To Rocket!" He commanded, leading the way out of the house.

Rocket was a new café that had just opened in town, and it had been getting a lot of really good reviews and we wanted to try it. "Okay we have less two hours." Luke muttered.

"Calm down. It'll be fine."

"WE'RE LOSING TIME!" He yelled, dancing away from me. I laughed, taking in the reference. I studied my ridiculous boyfriend for a few momentd. He looked so gorgeous, wearing a black and white tear drop shirt and his usual blue jeans. And... cat vans. Why wasn't I surprised? Luke's dancing caused a few weird looks from passers by and, to our dismay, a few shouts from some young boys. "Faggot!" They shouted. Luke stopped immediately and I walked over to them. They must've only been 14.

"You're all pathetic! You don't even know him! Why don't you find something useful to do with you lives instead of judging other people for how they act? You're not going to go anywhere in the world if you act that way!"

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now