Chapter Thirty

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"Well, firstly, all we want is to see what you can do." Doctor Clark said.

"I c-can f-fly. T-that's about it." I stammered.

"Show us then!" Another Doctor screamed. I pushed myself up off the chair and stood on my shaking legs. They looked at me expectantly, some of them angry, like it was my fault I was here and that it was my fault I was like this (well... it was). I flapped my wings, regaining control of them after so many months of having them unused and tucked away. I let them pull me off the ground, and span in the air for a minute. I would've actually flew, if there was the space. And then it hit me!

"I can do more. I just need more space. If you could take me outside, I could show you." The doctors and scientist exchanged glances, deliberating through eye contact.

"I suppose that could work. We'll lead the way." Yes! They'd fallen for it! All I'd have to do would be to fly away! I didn't have to be the damsel in distress!

We walked down more corridors, until I could feel heat on my face and see the light shining all around me. I began to fly, doing it low at first, before shooting up, ready to fly away. But before I could, a terrible buzz was sent through my whole body. It was excruciating, and I screamed, tumbling back down to earth, hitting it with a thump. I hadn't damaged anything.

"Did we mention we inserted a taser in your back for incase you try anything like this? We didn't? Oh, I'm sorry. Must've slipped my mind! Well, now you know!" A voice laughed through the pain and of my brain. Someone pulled me up roughly, shaking me. My legs collapsed underneath me, still effected by the taser.

"Come on, it's time for the real fun to begin." Someone hissed, dragging me back inside. My vision was foggy and I ached all over. What if my nerves had been damaged? Shit.

I was thrown on a table. They'd stopped playing games with me now. They just wanted to torture me and treat me like some lab animal. They weren't interested in the science of me anymore.

The tip of a knife was pressed into my back, around my wings. I hissed. Even that hurt. I squealed as the knife was pushed further into flesh and muscle, and a strip of flesh was torn away from my body. I cried, pummeling the table with my hand. She tore more skin away from me.

"You want to know what we're doing? Examining how the wings are joined to the muscle and torturing you at the same time! Isn't it great?" Dr Clark said.

"You're fucking insane."

"Why, thank you dear! How nice of you to say so!" She carried on cutting and tearing, until half of my back was bleeding and cut to ribbons. The room was filled with my screams and uncontrollable sobs. It was so unbearable.

I wanted it to all end. It had to end. Nothing could go on forever.


I woke up back in my room, lying on the cold floor. I stated at the wall for a bit, not wanting to get up, knowing what pain would come rushing in when I did.

"Fuck it." I pushed myself up, and felt millions of tiny knives over my back press into it. My muscles screamed. Beads of sweat stood out on my forehead with the effort and pain of moving. They hadn't changed my gown, so it was stuck to me with blood and sweat.

At least the pain wouldn't be there for as along as it would if I were alive. Thank God for angel healing. I stumbled to my feet, in constant agony, weak from doing that small task. I leant against the wall, crying.

Why couldn't it just end? If I was a human, it would end. I'd be dead soon. But I was already dead, so that wouldn't happen for another 80 years.

I dreaded every waking second in this insane nightmare.

Swiggy swate I've got an update! (Ha, that didn't work)


As you may have guessed (if you are the Doctor know everything or something, or just smart), this story is coming to an end. another 2 chapters + an epilogue is what is left to publish. I've written them all so my updating should speed up in the next few days.

Love you all!!!

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