Chapter Five

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Carrie: Hey there's a party at Pete's at 8 2night u in?

Ugh, really? I'm not a party person

Plleeeaaassseee ?

Ugh. Fine

Yay! Thank you Emmaaaa lyl X

Ly2 c ya l8er X

C ya x

I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy this party, but I was sure gonna give it a go, especially if Pete had invited Luke. Or Luke just turned up. I looked at my phone to see the time display as 17:43, meaning I had just over two hours to get ready. Might as well start now.

Over the past 3 weeks, I had grown to what I'd call "slightly popular". Basically, I'd made quite a few friends and they were awesome, and I already knew quite a few addresses, which is why I wouldn't have a problem finding Pete's house.

I pushed myself up from the sofa, eyes lingering longingly over it, knowing the cushions would still be warm but I forced myself upstairs and into the shower. I spent 15 minutes in there, watching the soap bubbles drain down the plughole before I got out and wrapped my hair in a towel.

I didn't want to wear anything too formal; it was just a house party after all, so I pulled out my red and black plaid shirt and some black jeans.

When I was dressed, I blow dried my hair and straightened it to make sure there were no bumps or unexpected curls and then applied my make up. When I was done, it was only 7, so I had 45 minutes. More Scrubs it is then. Scrubs was my favourite show and I was constantly watching old episodes when I was bored.


I rang the doorbell, hearing music blast from inside, silhouettes of teenagers dancing around. No one seemed to hear the doorbell, so I turned the handle of the door and it opened letting me inside. The place wasn't exactly packed, but there were a good few people inside, whether they were dancing, talking, or just making out. I made my way into the kitchen through the hoards of people swarming everywhere, where Carrie and Pete were stood in a corner, just generally chatting.

I stood still for a few seconds, hoping she'd notice me before she looked away from Pete, and caught eyes with me. Her big smile was instantly replaced with a bigger one and she ran to me. "YOU CAME!"

"No really, I hadn't noticed I was here." The sarcasm was thick in my voice.

"Shut up. I'm glad you came. I think people like Luke and Cherry are coming, I don't know but Dodie's here somewhere, I don't know where, you'll have to go find her."

"Oh ok, thanks." She pulled me into a squishy hug before racing back to Pete, who was on his phone. I looked towards the food and drink table. Well, it was mainly drink. With some doritoes. At least there were doritoes. I filled a cup with some punch, leaving the beer and vodka alone, because I wasn't a big fan of the taste. Now... where could I hide from the rest of the party? A bedroom would be best but I didn't want to risk having two strangers walk in on me, ready to have a heavy make out session. That's what happens at teenage party's, right? I'd never been to one. Actually, the last party I had been to, was for my ex best friend, Carly's, 11th birthday.

I had a very sad social life.

I made my way up the stairs and into an empty bedroom,  hoping it would stay that way. Being the greedy bitch I am, I had taken the whole bowl of doritoes, so I could drown my lonliness in them. I sat on the bed, placing a few doritoes in my mouth to see a few texts from Luke.

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