Chapter Seventeen

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AN YASSSS I got it up early (it's short tho :'( )
I was taken into a blank room. Everything was white, the table the chairs, and even the guy in it was dressed in a complete white suit, complete with white wings. Exactly how I had imagined this "heaven".

Emma's screams still echoed in my head. Who was Alex? A person on the head board? Or was she just screaming at nothing? I was already worried. What was it like in that room? She was probably scared as fuck and I bet her anxiety had probably begun to set in.

I sat down opposite the guy in the white suit, and let out a deep breath. There was no way they could take away my memories of Emma. What about my family? My friends? They'd remember her!

"Hello Luke. Now, this procedure is simple. I'm going to knock you out with a serum, and then I shall inject a serum in your neck that will erase every memory and every thing to do with Emma from your life. When I do this, it will affect your friends and family too. No one will remember her. The only thing that will remain is your recovery from depression. That has to stay."

Ah. So my friends would forget.

"I'm sorry I have to do this. But I have to do it now." And he pressed a needle into my neck, and already, as he pulled it out, I felt my eyelids drooping and the room spinning.


I woke up in my room, light shining through the cracks in my curtains. How did I get here? Wasn't I supposed to be at school? I checked my phone. I must've fallen asleep when I went upstairs last night. But I was on time. I got up, had a shower, straightened my hair and pulled on my school clothes. I walked downstairs to find my Mum and my sister sitting at the table.

"We actually didn't have to wake you up for once! Good sleep?"

"Yeah, it was alright, I guess." I got a bowl and filled it with cornflakes and then topped them with soya milk. I poured some orange juice and sat down, beginning to dip into my cereals.

"Don't forget your pills, love." Mum pushed the bottle towards me and I took two, taking a gulp of orange juice with them.

Everything seemed empty... Quiet. I couldn't fathom out why, but there seemed to be a missing part in my life. As I walked to school, I felt lonely. There was an empty seat next to me in most lessons. At lunch, a voice seemed to be missing from the chatter and laughter of my friendship group. It was almost like when my pet hamster died when I was 11. It felt like I'd lost someone.

But I hadn't...


Through most of this I was listening to one of the saddest songs in Hamilton; It's Quiet Uptown and it honestly pulled at my heart strings because that and this chapter together are not a good combination.

Love you all!!!

*sends pizza to your house*

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now