Chapter Twenty Two

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What could Alex and Luke possibly want? I had no idea, and I wasn't really sure I wanted to find out.

It was obvious I was in danger, which made me jumpy. Every time someone got too close to me, or looked like they were behaving suspiciously around me, I'd get ready for something to happen. Usually, I'd tell myself it was all in my head; but this time it wasn't.

This time it was more than Derek.

The train pulled into the station at almost 9. I'd been practically bang on with my guess. I hopped off, looking around eagerly for Luke, and sure enough, I saw a ginger head. Of course, there were a lot of gingers in the world, and I instinctively ran towards the head, arms outstretched, before I realised it wasn't Luke. It was a twenty-something dude, trying to enjoy his coffee without weird teenagers running up to him, looking very confused.

"I'm so sorry." I mumbled, as I ran away, my face turning red. How could I have managed to do that? I felt like hitting my head against a brick wall; I was so embarrassed. I wanted to avoid another incident like that, so I called Luke.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"By the ticket office."

"Ok. I almost hugged a man because I thought he was you."

"Oh my God! You didn't! This is priceless!" Luke laughed.

"Shut up. I hate you. Anyway, I can see you now so bye." I hung up, and marched towards him. He smiled, and pulled me into a hug.

"You cheating bitch." He laughed.

"Shut up. Just coz I almost hugged a dude. I have guy friends I can hug."

"A dude you'd never seen before."

"I hate you."

"I love you too, you spork." Our faces were so close together, and he leant down, pressing his nose against mine, and rubbing it. An Eskimo kiss.

"Well that was... different."

"Nice different or..."

"Nice different." I nodded, as we started walking out of the train station. "Hi, Alex by the way." He smiled, looking at mine and Luke's intertwined hands. I felt a knife twist in my stomach, letting guilt leak out of the wound.

"What's wrong then?" Alex and Luke explained: how I was being tracked, that I needed the chip removed, and if I didn't, they'd find me.

"It's a wonder that they haven't taken you back yet. I don't know what they're up to. They always keep stuff from me. Because I know you."

"They hate me, don't they?" I sighed.

"You're the enemy to them. Like a plague. They're scared other people will follow your example, and there will be a rebellion."

"I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE." Luke shouted. I looked at him judgementally, raising my eyebrows. "It's like the Hunger Games."

"Get out. Get the fuck out." I gave him the middle finger, and he pretended to slouch off in the opposite direction for a couple of metres, before running back to join us again. "You didn't follow my instructions!" I whined.

"Well, I obviously couldn't stay away from you then."

"Ew no. Too cheesy."

"You like cheese."

"Not that much."


"Where are we even going, Al?" I asked.

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ