Chapter Nineteen

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Please read the AN at the end! There's an important question in it!

Months went by and it still felt like something was missing from my life. Like everything about me was an incomplete puzzle. I had a reoccurring dream; practically every night. There was a girl. No; an angel. She had purple wings, and she was holding my hand. We were walking down the street, just talking. She wasn't scared of anyone discovering her secret; she was so brave. The dream always ended with Derek shouting at me, "Burn in hell you ugly, useless, hated fag!", and then she'd march up to him and punch him. I could never make out who she was though. Her whole body was a blur, except her wings. They were the only thing defined about her.

The only thing I knew was that I loved her. It's like when you get a crush on a fictional character; like when people get crushes on Sherlock or the Doctor or Katniss Everdeen. She wasn't real. But she felt so real. So alive.

I didn't talk about this with anyone. Not even my counsellor, and I was meant to tell her everything that was troubling me or might cause my depression to come back. It just seemed so private, so personal that I couldn't bear to tell her. Not a word about it.

And then she came.

I wasn't looking forward to this day of school. We had all the boring lessons: Maths, RE, French, Geography and Biology. It was the worst day in my timetable and I hated it with a passion.

But she turned up in form. And she sat next to me. "Hey I'm Emma."

"Hey. I-I'm Luke." She gave me a small smile and then turned to look out the window whilst I studied the back of her head. She had mousy brown hair, just past her shoulders. She played with a strand of it, twiddling and twisting it with her fingers. Honestly, it was the most adorable thing ever.

She followed me round the whole day. Wherever I turned; she was there. She creeped me out.

And the creepiest thing was, she turned up at my door. Standing there nonchalantly, in a too-big hoodie and a dress, a bag slung over her shoulder. My heart ached at her cuteness. My sister let her in and showed her to my room.

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"Do you honestly not remember me?"

"Am I supposed to?" She reacted like I'd stabbed her in the back, her hazel eyes turning big.

"No. I suppose not really." She stepped closer to me, almost leaning against my chest, and stood on her tiptoes, wobbling slightly. She pressed her lips against mine and I didn't push her away. It felt so right. How can a kiss with someone you don't even know feel so right and so perfect? I wrapped my arms around her, pressing her against me. My mind was a blur and all I could think about was her and how perfect the kiss seemed to be.

When she pulled apart she looked at me expectantly. "What?" I asked.

"Do you not remember anything? Anything about me?"

"Um.... no?" I squeaked.

"Looks like I'll have to tell him." She muttered to no one in particular.

"Tell me what?" Man, she was confusing.

And she locked my door and told me everything. How she was my girlfriend and she was an angel, sent to help me with my depression but we were taken away because human-angel relationships aren't allowed. I had my memories of her erased and she had been locked up. Now she was on the run from the angels, with no idea where she'd go next, but all she needed was for me to remember.

"How do I know all this that you're telling me is real?"

"Fucking hell, Luke. This is so hard," she shook her head in dismay, "Oh Alex what do I do?"

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now