Chapter 8- Adopted Son of Tony Stark

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It wasn't long after they played baseball before Tony got a discreet judge that would sign off Percy's adoption and Gabe Ugliano arrest.

Of course said judge followed all the rules to the book not overlooking anything and Gabe was officially out of Percy's life.

"I want to ask you a question." Tony asked one day as he fiddled with the TV remote.

"What is it?" Percy asked just the day before he was going to meet the judge and have the papers signed off.

"Because I'm going to adopt you. You can change your last name to Stark if you want." Tony said slowly for the boy to process.

The boy himself looked away with a frown toward the glass backdoor and seemed to be in thought and bit his lip as if he was afraid to say something.

"You don't have to," Tony said gently, "I get it if you don't. It's up to you. I don't mind either way. I promise." Tony said crossing his heart like a boyscout would do.

"You promise?" Percy said looking up at Tony his eyes still full of innocence.

"I promise." Tony said and for Percy's sake pushed his pride away and held out his pinkie, "I Pinkie-promise."

Percy smiled lightly and pinkie-promised Tony back and looked like he was debating before looking back at Tony, "I want to keep my last name. For my mom." Percy said softly and watched for Tony's reaction.

All Tony did was smile encouraging that it was fine and stood up. Brushing himself from lint or other fibers he looked at Percy with a wide smile, "I'll be in smallish study working on some plans for when we go back to Malibu. Want to join me?" Tony asked with a smile.

Percy smiled at Tony back and slid off the couch and then his face grew wider and his eyes sparkled mischievously as he shouted to Tony, "Race you!" and took off his small legs giving him an advantage.

Tony just laughed and raced paced Happy who just smiled and shook his head with amusement. He hadn't seen Tony this happy in a long time and it warmed Happy's heart.

Who knew that when he coaxed Tony to go visit Jarvis that they would meet the small little boy that would change their lives for good?

Next day Tony helped Percy with a small suit and told Percy that it isn't going to be long. The small six year old still squirmed in the suit even though he wore it for his mother's funeral he still didn't like being confined in it.

"The sooner we go the sooner I can get out of this." Percy said as he wrinkled his nose and looked down his suit.

However the mad image was ruined by his six year old face making him look so adorable. Not that Tony or Happy would ever comment on that.

It wasn't long before Happy got the car ready, and packed extra clothes for Percy knowing he wanted to change as soon as possible once this was over, and they were off toward the judge's house.

It wasn't long before Percy Jackson became the adoptive son to Tony Stark. There was a paper file in the judges office along with an online version (which Tony would later hack and have Jarvis put that in a disclosed file that only he and certain people can see).

Happy went to the ice-cream place where the people don't care if Tony Stark was there with a small child or not. Ordering the same thing they had when they first hanged out they sat there and enjoyed the new day and new friendship that they had.

"So when are we leaving for Malibu?" Percy asked likking some of the ice-cream that began to drip onto his hand.

"When do you feel like?" Tony retorted.

Percy looked like he was thinking the best a small six year old could and then smiled, "Can we leave tomorrow?" Percy asked his voice a little more quiet but not banking on the shy side more nervous.

Tony smiled, "I don't see why not." Tony said with a soft smile.

"Are you afraid of airplanes?" Tony asked curiously.

Percy frowned and looked at the sky, "I don't know. Mom always said it was dangerous for me to travel by air. She always said it was best to travel by sea or car." Percy said looking away from the sky to look at Tony.

Tony and Happy looked at each other and shrugged, "Do you want to try it?" he asked wanting to know what Percy thought

Percy frowned again and chewed the bottom of his lip, a pattern Happy and Tony are getting use to, "What's the weather supposed to be like?" Percy asked

"Clear with no chance of rain." Happy said when Tony looked at him to clarify.

Percy hesitantly nodded.

Percy Jackson Adoptive Son of Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now