Chapter 25: My Mother's Journal

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"Master Mini-Stark, I believe you owe Miss.Potts four dollars for those two swear words." Jarvis voice said overhead but the man that was apparently my father wasn't spooked by the sudden eavesdropping butler AI.

I scowled at the AI even if he wasn't exactly here, "Oh shove off." I muttered annoyed at the AI, "You didn't hear anything Jarvis." I said dismissively.

Jarvis was quiet for a second before my father spoke, "Make sure Percy pays Miss.Potts." he said making me glare at him annoyed.

Who did he think he was! He wasn't my...oh, well I guess he kinda is. I scowled at him anyway, "What exactly are you doing here." I asked a little bitter at the fact that my father, after years of no contact and letting my mom die, now showed up out of the blue.

"I thought it was time for us to meet." Dad said leaning forward so his elbows rested on his knees as he stared at me.

"I would've thought the time for us to meet would've been when mom died." I said harshly but didn't feel the satisfaction when he flinched. I just looked away with a scowl.

"Your mother's death was very...disappointing." Poseidon, not father, said hesitantly but I glared at him twice as much.

"Disappointing. Disappointing! The only person who ever really loved me at the time died. And you just say disappointing." I yelled at the man my breathing coming out hard and fast and I really wanted my dad.

Not Poseidon, no my real dad. I glared at him even when he flinched, "This is not how I was expecting this to go." He muttered to himself rubbing his chin.

"Yeah well I never thought I would meet my birth father who happened to be alive." I said accusingly and so filled with anger and annoyance, I stomped my foot and almost felt myself go into some sort of tantrum.

Though instead of commenting about the birth father, he didn't let me get the satisfaction of yelling at him more about the topic, he instead ducked his head almost like he regretted something.

That made me pause in my anger, I tried to calm myself but allowed myself to grit my teeth and counted back from 30 to see what else he might say.

I was nearly at 10 when he spoke, "I know that we probably should've meet after your mother's...demise. However at the time, my brothers were watching my every move. I was not allowed to attend the funeral, or see how you were doing." Poseidon said, his head still bowed but his voice clear and it helped ebbed some of my hate off.

"You wanted to come to the funeral?" I asked softly, my brain not really processing that I actually had more relatives.

"Of course." Poseidon said his head instantly went back up so he could look at me in my eyes, but his seemed distant and sad, "She...she was a queen among mortals." he said softly.

"She was pretty awesome. From what I can remember anyway." I said kinda muttering to myself. It was true, over time the image of my mother was kinda fading. Dad didn't know her before so he can only tell me things that he learned online, which was different than personally knowing her.

"You don't remember?" Poseidon asked with a small tilt of his head, and I almost flinched at how many times I do that. Although...I was getting a habit of just messing with random things in my pocket from Tony, who can't keep his hands still to save his life. Especially when he was nervous at something or wanted to not remember something. (No Tony is not a demigod, he just doesn't like staying still.)

"I's just sort of fading, kinda." I said awkwardly and watched as Poseidon's lip turned inward slightly before something was suddenly in his hands.

A small book, a slightly new, but worn out, brown leather bound book, "This was your mother's. Mostly full of pictures and some notes she wrote on the side when she felt like it. I guess you can call it a diary, but it was mostly a writer's journal. Or at least that's what she called it, unfinished ideas or just things she thought would be cool to write about but never got to it." Poseidon said as he handed me the small book.

I felt the cover gently, like if I pressed too hard it would crumble in my hands. This was my mom's, and it felt so fragile.

Carefully, oh so carefully, I opened the book and almost cried when I saw my mom's cursive handwriting of her name on the front page, "Thank you." I managed to get out without my throat croaking from the sudden heaviness it felt.

Poseidon was silent for a few moments, like he was thinking something over, "I need to talk to your...father Percy. Will you be alright alone?" he asked and I nodded almost absently as I took a seat on my bed, which happened to be next to Poseidon.

I stroked the page and carefully turned it to the next one so I could read the small notes and stupid stories on the side.

I heard a small sigh and felt my hair being ruffled, but I didn't really feel it. I was too engrossed into the small journal to really notice or complain.

I heard the door of my bedroom open and then close as I scooted farther back on my bed so my back was against the wood and I could pull my legs near me to rest the book on it.

"Is everything alright Young Master Stark?" Jarvis asked his voice concern which pulled me away from the brown haired woman in a photo that was on the next page.

"I- I'm fine Jarvis. Just something unexpected. And do please remind me before dinner to put the money in my swear jar." I said distantly as my finger drifted down the photo that was my mother.

Her brown eyes were shining brightly as she leaned against some sort o hospital bed, in her arms was a small blue bundle that made me realize it was me.

I gave a sad smile to the photo, "I hope you're proud of me mom." I whispered to the photo feeling my heart ache, but it was almost good. Like some sort of closure was in this book.

I shook my head when for a split second I thought my hand had been ruffled again, but no one was around so it was probably my imagination.

Sighing I allowed myself to be drifted back into the small journal before hours later, a knock was at my door and I distantly heard myself say, "Come in."

"Percy? Why don't we talk?" My father, not Poseidon, said as he sat at the edge of my bed. I felt a little disappointed but slowly closed my book and set it on my nightstand. Once that was done, I stared at dad expectantly.

"I think we should discuss what Poseidon had come to talk about..."

Percy Jackson Adoptive Son of Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now