Chapter 19- Books of the Old

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"Pepper I promise you, I'm fine." I huffed and pushed away Pepper's mothering hand away from my wrist that was wrapped.

Who knew you could really hurt your wrist if you punched wrong? I didn't that's for sure.

"Percy you know I feel about you getting hurt." Pepper gushed as she grabbed my hand gently to take a look at it once more for like the thousandths time.

"And you know how I feel about being crowded." I said pushing away her hand kindly and slowly and instead took it in my hand, "I promise you I'm fine." I said and took my hands and stuffed them in my jeans.

"Why did you even get in a fight. Normally you're really good at controlling your anger." Pepper said and I was thankful she stopped pestering my wrist.

"I didn't start it." Percy said his face wrinkling remembering what Jacob was saying, "and it's not like the guy didn't have it coming." I huffed and crossed my arms looking away from Pepper because I knew she had a disapproving look.

Instead of getting more into the conversation she just sighed and stood up while dusting her pants, "I'm going to call Tony to let him know that your wrist hurts because you got into a fight at school." Pepper said and patted down my hair that was messy the best she could and then sighed and left my room.

Turns out that Happy might've been ok with me getting in a fight to defend myself...Pepper not so much.

I flopped onto my bed as I was grounded for until I returned to school, "Jarvis please tell me I remembered to bring my laptop up here." I said as I sighed.

"Negative sir, it seems you left it on the countertop once again." Jarvis's voice rang out and I sighed.

"What can I do that won't be boring and that I can do in my room?" I asked the ceiling as I hung my head upside down off the bed.

"I would recommend a good book from the collection you have when you first moved in here." Jarvis's voice rang out and then a thump was heard as I fell off the bed.

"Are you out of your mind!" I said horrified, "I can't read a book. Those things are the devil." I hissed at the ceiling

"I do not see how books have horns or live in hell." Jarvis said and I wished Tony didn't make him as sarcastic as he was.

I narrowed my eyes, "What are my other options?" I huffed crossing my arms then winced when my wrist bent a bit more then it probably should and hurt.

"You could always take a nap." Jarvis suggested.

Again I was horrified, "Naps are for babies. I am seven years old and definitely not a baby." I said huffing.

"Then I do not have any other suggestions." Jarvis voice rang out and I huffed. Grumbling I looked at the bookshelf that was in my room. Why I even still had it was beyond a mystery.

Moving slowly I uncovered some of the dust around it and looked at the titles. Read it in school, seen the movie,, nope, Tony already read it to me, what?

I looked at the shelf to see if my eyes deceived me, frowning I slowly pulled the book out of the shelf. My eyes furrowed even more as I slowly blew some of the dust that was still collected it off and rubbed it with my hand.

I looked at the book in front of me, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The only reason this caught my eyes was because mom use to read this to me.

Telling me about the history of blacks and the whites and how everyone should be treated fairly and similarly. The book always stuck in my mind and I was never able to finish it.

I remember mentioning it to Tony once when we were just messing around in the workshop when I first moved in as we set my bedroom up and I didn't think he was listening.

Moving slowly I went back to my bed with the book in my hands and got comfortable. Opening the book slowly and listened to it creak from never being opened before that day I leaned back against my headrest and slowly deciphered words that were abnormal.

Slowly the minutes ticked by into seconds as I steadily got farther into the novel. I was brought out of reading when a knock on my door.

Blinking I looked up, "Yeah?" I asked as Happy entered the room.

"Wanted to let you know that I talked to Pepper and convinced her that you shouldn't be grounded. Until she really cools down though I would spend your time in here for the night then come out tomorrow. Also, Tony won't be home today." Happy said the last part guiltily.

I shrugged already getting use to the new Avengers schedule and the unexpected leavings, "Will he be home tomorrow?" I asked instead my faces scrunching up with concern.

"I don't know for sure bud." Happy said and finally took a look at what I was reading, "Whatcha' got there?" he asked coming into the bedroom as he closed the door.

"To Kill a Mockingbird." I said lifting the book up slightly, "I'm having some trouble reading it though." I said with a frown.

There was a small smile on Happy's face as I scooted over and let him on the bed, "I can fix that if you want?" Happy asked.

I nodded and handed him the book. Normally when I was younger and wanted a bedtime sort of story Tony was beside my side away from the workshop until I fell asleep.

But he wasn't here so Happy would have to do, "Where are we." Happy said as he flicked a page and quickly looked over it.

"Scout was just informed of Dill's and Jem's plan for going to Mr.Radley's house." I said and leaned against my pillow.

I allowed Happy to read to me as I let my mind wander, I still remembered the dream I had before Tony went to Afghanistan and was still confused by them.

That along with my water powers? Something just didn't exactly feel right and these two things seemed to be connected in a way I wasn't seeing.

While mulling over these I listened to Happy's voice slowly fade out and soon I was in a light doze.

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