Chapter 30: Titan's Curse

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I swear I didn't mean to hold up the sky.

It sort of just happened.

Like, it was not really intentional.

It's just that Annabeth was just sort of kidnapped while we were rescuing these two kids from this horrible Military School.

I say horrible, I mean fabulous, Papa.

There was this Manitore too, but that didn't really matter. Well, until it kinda took Annabeth with him wherever he went.

Which sent Luke into a frenzy muttering about Little Sisters and killing, and even more gory details about the anatomy I wasn't going to mention.

Did monsters even have anatomy. If they did the Manticore should probably be afriad. And that was just Luke's threats. You should've seen Thalia and the sparks flying off her.

Of course, the Hunters of Artemis probably didn't help. Though, I must say that Zoe was slightly cool. If only because she was actually older than my Papa.

Huh, just realized, my papa is the only human to have lived so long and still look in his 20's. Humans 1, Gods and Immortality 0.

Getting slightly off track, so Annabeth was taken and Luke and Thalia cursed and bitched. Apollo came to give up a ride back to camp (he was actually kinda hot, and not the sun god kinda way too).

Thalia drove, we practically crashed, some place got burned. You know, the usual. Well, if the Avengers were there then maybe a bit more usual, but it was practically just Tony's lab in a nutshell.

My dad really needed to think about more safety measures when experimenting with machines, Dum-E should not just be capable of holding and using a fire extinguisher, he should at least be able to send an alert to Papa.

...Maybe that's what Jarvis is for actually...

Right, camp. We arrived, Chiron took the two new campers and showed this orientation (which I never received for some reason) and Luke and I went to make out.

Alright, so that last part didn't actually happen; instead Thalia dragged me away from a conversation I was trying to have with one of the hunters, Phoebe was her name and she reminded me of Aunt Nat with out deadly she was.

Then started to berate me before Grover went love-sick fool and started making goat-doe like eyes at the hunters and sighing a lot.

Really, is that what a love-sick fool looked like? Maybe that's why Aunt Nat didn't like falling in love. The whole droopy look on your face and such.

I mean, she did hate having weakness shown, and that look on Grover's face screamed 'kill me now I'm unaware of my surroundings'.

There was of course, Friday's capture the flag which consisted of camp verses hunters. I found it very amusing when the hunters fell into my traps around our flag that I may have set up using electronics.

Really, expect the unexpected and a Son of Posiedon using electronic machines that the Hephaestus cabin may have made with my help. Well, let's just say Prank-War at the Avengers tower really made someone have unique ideas.

I don't think the hunters enjoyed being covered in glue, feathers, M and M's, mud, this pink goo, and of course, having their bows and knifes disappear from them (due to the help of a daughter of Hecate).

Their weapons were save, just in their cabin, just slightly pink instead of silver. The pink was an idea from the Aphrodite Cabin but whatever works.

Then of course, the Hermes Cabin with the help of Athena got the hunters flag.

But just as I was climbing down from a tree, a hell hound decided I would be a fabulous lunch.

Clearly he didn't get the memo that Sea Salt tasted horrible. Like, really why would you want pure sea salt and some raw meat and bones. Like, yuck...I think.

So of course I told it so as I took my sword and killed the beast in got sprayed in golden dust.

Luke didn't seem to appreciate my comment afterward but he couldn't say much because the Old-Mummy-of-the-Attic came to us.

Well, to Zoe who then asked where her mistress was and blah blah blah. A quest was issued, I had to take the mummy back to the attic (I had to wash my hands like five times before I felt clean enough which is saying something).

Zoe had to pick campers for the quest and reluctantly chose me because I was able to stop them from capturing the Camps Flag and then Thalia got picked and then Grover (Luke started to pout around here and then started whispering to Thalia).

Zoe then reluctantly chose Phoebe after Bianca pointed out that she had no training and that while it was great to go on a quest, she should probably learn a few things before then.

With the mixed campers and hunters going on the quest, I said goodbye to my lovely friend Blackjack the Pegasus (who demanded I returned with donuts, as if I wouldn't) before going into the van with the girls and Goat-Boy.

That's when it got slightly weird. 

We met Apollo who went by Fred at the time, went on this subway and went to the desert where I instantly water-vapored everyone out of there after a large 'nope' and ended up at the Dam.

Were we made these dam jokes and I had to eat some ambrosia to stop passing out from lack of energy from the teleportation.

We had a food-fight with skeletons (it wasn't even Halloween and Loki wasn't playing a prank with his daughter Hel).

They tried to kill us, Thalia asked for her dads help. We flew (I may have yipped when they picked us up but I swear it was a manly yip before I ducked and tried not to look at the ground).

I had to capture this old smelly guy and started swearing that would probably cost me around 25 dollars in the swear-jar when I got back (that wasn't even counting the ones that I said in Greek.)

Zoe just looked far to amused for my liking as I tried to wash away the smell that just kept sticking to me.

From there we met Zoe's jackass of a father who had Lady Artemis trapped under the sky (and wasn't that something that I had to have a long talk with my dad about (who was still an atheist might I add)).

Annabeth went under the sky with my help after we fred Lady Artemis, before she had to stop from being exhausted as it was.

Leaving me to hold the sky and my gods I wonder if Thor or Hulk could handle this. It was hard. Though, knowing those two strong-monster of men they could probably do it with just one hand.

I don't think they're suppose to be that strong without godly help, and let me tell you, I know they aren't blessed by any gods. I asked when I first arrived to see how many knew about the Avengers and thought of them (and everyone there knew the Avengers. It was slightly weird).

They assured my that none of them had any sort of blessing or had any relation towards the gods and that was just weird because why are they so buff if they aren't.

I feel like a twig when I'm next to them, and being a twig is not fun not matter what Groot says.

So after this long fight with Zoe dying (Which was horrible and I will probably have nightmares for months--maybe years).

I also understood why my family never talked about certain people after missions and sometimes had this slightly distant look to them because I had that same one after I returned and I remember clearly how much cuddle-time I had with my family because of it while looking at the new constellation in the sky.

It was a slightly horrible way to end a quest but it could have been worse. We could have all died.

Of course, Nico started to slightly hate his sister for joining the Hunters and ended with a tantrum that killed the skeletons after us.

But that was just slightly details that didn't really matter all too much at the moment.

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