Chapter 12

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She smirked and pulled out and slammed back into me. She did this repeatedly and each moan led her to go faster. I was pretty sure that my ass was red as a tomato because of how she was smacking it. She gripped my hips and slam in me more and this time deeper.

"fuck.." she groaned. She kept going until we both felt our walls clench and she came in me and I busted onto the sheets both moaning each others names and we clasped on the bed with me on the bottom.

That's when I realized she didn't use a condom.



Getting Leila was the only thing that was on my mind. Which is going to be very tough since she's dating someone. However, right now won't be a problem after what juh went down. Trust I have this whole situation wrapped around my fingers. I'm positive that I can break Alex.

It was just another day where the sun juh had to shine through the curtains waking up Leila from her deep slumber. I actually had fun watching her sleep. She looked so beautiful and so peaceful.

"Morning sleeping beauty" I said using my thumb to caress her cheeks. Her eyes were a pretty thing to look into and trust me it took me a while to pull away from her gaze.

"Morning" she beamed. Her morning voice so cute.

"What do you want to do today?"

"I don't k-Oh! wait ALEX! I promised him I would see him after I left yesterday" She quickly got out of bed and ran inside the bathroom.

"Way to kill my morning" I mumbled. I got out of bed and used the guest bathroom to do my regular shit like I do every morning. I threw on some basketball shorts and no shirt. My hair was blow dried so I just let it down messy. Not a big fan on whatever girly shit dem hoes be into.


"Damn women you almost busted my ear drums." How the hell you going to creep up on a nigga making breakfast and yell in his damn ear. Like the eggs could go flying and shit and land on her god damn face.

"Sorry" she blushed. Why the hell is she blushing? Her eyes kept scanning down to my abs then even lower. Oh...that's why she was blushing.

"Like what you see baby?" I smirked. Her cheeks went even redder.

"I have to go home my......parents might me looking for me. uh I'll see you later ok." I nodded and she pecked me and left out the door.

but why did it hurt so bad seeing her leave?


I don't know what came over me, I can't believe I let my guard down again I'm so stupid for letting that shit happen. Can a girl even get another girl pregnant?

'Come on she has a dick for crying out loud' my inner thought fired back at me.

'But she still is a girl so technically I can't get pregnant' I said back

Clearly this is bad because here I am talking to myself.

'Yeah your so bad..(hint the sarcasm)' my thought fired back yet again .

I opened my door and walked in, I'm in serious need of a shower. I could've took one at Lucifer's house but I didn't bring extra clothes and there was no way in hell was I going to wear hers. After the nice warm shower I decided to just stay home and relax. That was until the doorbell rang.

I sighed and opened the door. "Where were you?"

"Alex? What a surprise I didn't expect to see you"

"Yah because you promised me yo ass would be at my place and you would be safe." He growled.

He stormed his way in and roamed his hands through his curly brown hair. "I fucking thought something happen to you don't ever do that shit again." He uttered then grabbed me by my waist and kissed me.

His kisses weren't aren't all that bad but they weren't good like Lucifer's. I kissed him back quickly so he wouldn't suspect anything and I felt like such a hoe it wasn't even funny.

He pulled away and smiled at me and I smiled back. "I love you and I want us to last forever till the day I can make you my wife"

I chuckled nervously "Me too" He never said those words to me before and I didn't think he was ever capable to. But now I knew something.

I have feelings for both of them.

It took a while trying to get Alex to leave but it finally worked and he left. At times like this I just want to be alone. I sat down and went on my phone when I noticed and unknown number.

Unknown #: Feels good smashing Lucifer then running back to Alex you little slut.

I texted back

'Who are you and how did you get my number?'

Unknown #: Don't worry bout that all you need to know is watch yo back you dirty slut. Leave Lucifer alone and we will be all good. Oh try calling the police and you won't get to live to see your graduation in three months.

My face went pale and I ran to the home phone to call my parents. Before I can even reach the phone a rock smashed into my window breaking the glass and a piece of the shattered window slicing my left cheek.

I winced in pain holding my side and letting the blood ooze out my left cheek. Seems like the person who threw it aim a clear shot to my left side, I crawled to the rock and picked it up and read the little note attached to it.

tsk tsk mommy and daddy can't help you now


That was what I read before darkness consumed me.


What happened?

Who is J?

Lucifer and Leila?

Alex or Leila?

Comment and vote.....

I'm so happy I updated.

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