Chapter 17

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I'm doing questions and answers and here are some comments that I'd like to get straight.

Author: @DallasNight

Does Lucifer have boobs?

Lucifer: Fuck no!

Leila: Language! I'm sorry she is being rude.

Author: *rolls eyes* How bout both of you shut up.

~Next question

Author: JesseB19

Thought Lucifer was a girl?

Author: Lucifer is a girl..with a dysfunctional body...well not really....she lets just say she's--

Lucifer: Bitch just spit it out like damn with all that stuttering..I'm a girl with a guys body. Basically transgender.

Author: Your the bitch man..kiss my light skin ass. I can make you die in this book.

Lucifer: Ight chill out I was just playing.

Author: *rolls eyes* whatever...

~Next Question

Author: JesseB19

Lucifer Fuck me!

Lucifer: *Laughing* what the fuck? I'm not even goin' answer tht.

I'm going to be switching between characters chapters so please forgive me because this can be annoying.

And I also wanted to turn this book into a fantasy shit, however not in these few chapters.

Read and enjoy..

This is Adams....Leila's Brother....



I was currently at the airport waiting for my ride to come and drop me off at the house. I'm finally coming back from all that work and taking a break, and of course seeing my little sister. There is no telling how she's going to react when she see's me. Probably smack me or throw a shoe at me for not calling or texting, even bite my arm if she wanted to.

Last time wasn't the best time since I almost got killed by her, who knew little girls had strength to push a human person over the balcony.

key word Almost.

However those were memories to remember. I can't remember the last time we had time to sit down and chat.

"Mr. Adams" a loud voice yelled out from the crowds. Ah..probably my driver. I strode to where he was standing and exited through the airport entrance.

"Do you need me to hold your suitcase sir?"

"No I'm quite alright, it's not to heavy I suppose" I beamed. "Is Leila home?"

"I'm afraid she went out and I haven't seen her for a while" he mumbled pulling out the parkway.

"What do you mean a while?" I raised my eyebrows mischievously.

"She came back three days ago but I haven't seen her since, maybe it's because I had to run errands. She's very close to Maria maybe she would know where she is"

"The maid?" I uttered.

"Yes the maid; they've been often close lately"

We arrived at the house and went inside with my materials. The house was too quiet. I rushed up to Leila's room however it was empty. I scanned the room but found nothing. I inched closer than found her closet wide open with a disturbing writing on her mirror.

it little slut I'm watching..

What the hell? Who the fuck wrote this on my baby-girls mirror??!!??

I walked around more trying to find more things that I'm not aware of. But nothing..I found fucking nothing. I ran my hands through my curls and sighed falling back on her bed.

Her bed sheets smelled like her..Vanilla and strawberries.

It was getting late I'm going to take a shower, considering how I called her 38 times and she didn't pick up I decided to just wait for her to come home. I went to my room to take a nice long shower, it was dark outside.

I crawled into bed and fell into a deep slumber.

||DREAM MODE||- Third Person!

Adams found himself in a room where he's never been before. Turning around wondering where in the world he was he never excepted to find his beloved sister on the bed with her legs wide open for him to get a peek of her sex. There eyes connected which shot electric currents down his body. She walked seductively to him. Not having time to wrap his brain around the situation her lips were now on his.

When she kissed him his brain lit on fire and the warmth spread throughout his entire body. After that he was addicted, he couldn't bare not to be with her and he could barely breathe when she was around. Those kisses were his salvation and his torment. He lived for them and he would die with the memory of them on his lips. he dedicated his life to being with her from the moment of that first kiss, for he knew that if he lost her he would loose himself. She was the half that made him whole.

He hesitantly looked up at her. The swirls of emotion he saw there made him gasp. Lust and desire. However, before he could ponder about it further, she yanked him to her and covered her mouth with his in a hungry kiss. As there lips crushed together, he felt like he was walking on air. It was magic, the way her lips connected with his. Her mouth was so warm, the caress of her lips softer than he could have imagined and he opened his mouth with a low moan.

His pleasure soon disappeared when he found himself in another room, however this wasn't the room he wanted to be in. Red liquid pooled under his feet. He felt a push and his body started to move on its own leading him to a room with a black door.

The room was dark so he flicked the light switch on, he regretted doing so after seeing the events that were playing in front of him. His sister lay dead on the ground in her own pool of blood. Arms cut off, legs cut off, her stomach torn open even, and dead corpse everywhere. His whole body shook arms and lip tremble with fear.

A gloomy figure walked out of what seems to be the bedroom. A smirk smeared across it's face looking at him. The figure flicked out a knife with a sharp point that can probably also cut through steal and pointed at Adam.

"Your next..and your in my way" it cooed tilting its head to the side and threw the knife at Adam making it sink down into his throat.



I shot up from bed with sweat trickling down my forehead. This was the first time I had a dream like that. I was sprouting a hard on but I was still trembling with fear.

A sound came from Leila's room and I scurried to her room to find out what that was. I opened the door to see a person dressed in all black and spray painting horrible things on her walls.

"What are you doing?" I growled. The person turned around slowly and I couldn't believe who it was.


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Amber is in the media and the person who is playing her is drum roll please

My girl @chicas0831

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