Chapter 14

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This Chapter is a little about Laraya Thompson the pretty girl who interrupted Lucifer and Leila sex scene. This scene may get out of hand but I'm warning you for starters.

Laraya Thompson everybody *claps**claps*

Laraya: thank you thank you..hold your applause till the end *bows*

Author: *pushes hea* if you don't get yo ugly ahh out hea...


Laraya Thompson

After my ass left Lucifer place I actually went home, usually I go to the club to go down on some random chick. I guess I wasn't feeling it today. I made it home and made me some Carbonara; which is just an Italian dish or even simpler pasta. I guess you guys want to know a little about me.

There is nothing much about me really.

I grew up in Chicago and lived there till I was 16 and moved down here after I dropped out of high school.

People be drop outs and they be sayin that its bad, but not really actually because I make more money than all y'all favorite celebrities fuxk you talkin bout. Ight let me stop.

Did I tell ya'll how Leila is so fine? Well she is too bad I can't have hea. I got dressed in *in media* because I was going to walk around the city for bit. I grabbed my car keys and left to go down to the stadium.

It took me 34 minutes to get there but I still made it. I parked and walked inside, the place was crowed and a lot of thick bitches too.


Laraya spotted a girl with a group of friends. The girl seemed to have caught her attention, the girl stand out a lot. She had tattoos almost all around her beautiful shaped body.

However she was white..sort of

And most people seemed to judge her appearance since mostly black or lightskin people come here. But she didn't seem uncomfortable instead she held her head high and talked among her group of friends. Laraya licked across her lips, the girl clearly got her attention.

Laraya scanned the gorgeous creature standing on two legs, her clothes were more like her's. Black joggers with stars running down the legs; which hanged a little low, her black Nike long sleeve v necked shirt, and her all red huaraches.

Laraya noticed she was staring too hard when she noticed the smirk forming at the lips of the girl, her eyes pierced into dark blue ones.

'shit....' she thought.

Laraya stumbled back almost knocking the tray out one of the workers hand. She has never felt embarrassed in her life, she made her way outside for some fresh air to calm her nerves.

Her body felt things she never wanted to feel. Unaware sensations shot threw her body.

Laraya leaned against the brick wall.

maybe she hasn't had sex in a while. Her nose wrinkled at the thought she might be falling for someone like herself; a stud.

"Hay.." A voice lowly whispered in her ears. This startled her and her instinct kicked in, Laraya took a swing at whoever was behind her. However, she missed badly once her fist were caught.

The same dark blues eyes from inside stared back at her.

Laraya Thompson

The stud that was inside a while ago just fuxking caught my punch, and nobody has ever caught my punches before. I stared back at her and I didn't know what the fuxk was happening to my body but the warmth of her hands felt good.

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