Chapter 25

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I have made a new rule. Before any updates are made chapters will have to have 15 votes. If this is completed I will update. I'm also working on the second book for this, you will have a sneak peak later. This book will somewhat come to an ending.

Lucifer is in the media

Please do enjoy the story!! all that fun stuff.


Laraya Thompson P.O.V

I woke up to a throbbing between my legs. Kerra wasn't playing when she said we were going to go at it all night. I felt exhausted.

Remembering that today was Lucifer's birthday, I tried to get out of bed. Keyword: tried. Kerra had a death grip onto my waist, and she wasn't letting go anytime soon. I sat there for a while collecting myself, when I got up and leaned against the bed board the whole room seemed to be spinning.

"You ok?" I heard kerra asked. She loosened her grip and look at me.

I nodded. "Just a'lil dizzy."

She got out of bed with a smirk on her face and got me some water and pain killers. I glared at her which she found out to be quite amused. I took them and seems like the room started getting still. I sighed.

"So, yesterday you told me you found Leila. Where is she?" I got out of bed and put my boxers on and my basketball shorts.

Kerra started getting her boxers on as well. "Lets eat first cause I don't feel like telling you on an empty stomach."

"Are you for real right now. I put my life at risk for having sex with you, and this is how your gonna repay me." I scoffed.

"Your life at risk? Since when did I put your life at risk?" She asked token back.

The fact that I'm standing right now is a miracle, she was a monster in bed last night. I now believed her once she told me she hadn't had sex for the last six years I left. Especially that thing she put in me last night was-was--I can't even describe the feeling.

"Are you still wearing that thing?" I asked in complete horror.

Her face scrunched up trying to figure out what I was talking about and then she beamed.

"Depends if you want it on me. Wouldn't hurt to have a quickie once in a while." She shrugged.

I shook my head. "Your sick."


After our regular hygiene's, I sat down at the counter eating breakfast. I was currently eating some pancakes with whip cream with some butter. Kerra was upstairs taking a shower getting ready to take me to Leila.

The party is ready for Lucifer when she comes back home. Nobody should work on a holiday, but Lucifer insist that she go to work. I'm not complaining because it gives us time to get Leila to come back.

After kerra finished her shower, we left and started going to the hospital direction.

"Why are we headed to the hospital?" I asked kerra who seemed to be more focused on the road.

"Were going to Leila."

"She's in the hospital?" I looked ahead and saw that we were only a few minutes from the hospital.

Kerra nodded and didn't speak the rest of the way. I got a little worried. Why is she in the hospital? When we finally arrived we parked near the entrance of the hospital. We walked in and saw a blond chick at the desk.

When she saw us-well when she saw Kerra her face lit up. I scoffed.

"Um..Leila." Kerra said.

The typical blond bit her lips and blushed and then pointed us to room 219. Kerra's arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"Don't bother to try. I already got a girl that's way outta of yo league." She told the blond before we walked away. I blushed a deep shade of red. I snickered at the priceless expression the blonde had on her face.

When we arrived at the door, I knocked and went inside once she told us that we could come inside. Once we got inside I couldn't believe me eyes. Leila's stomach was as big as a hot air balloon.

"Your Pregnant?" I yelled shocked. "And you knew all this time?" I said pointing at Kerra.

I was beyond pissed. "When are you due." I growled.

Her smile was weak and her face looked lifeless. "Today." she croaked out.

Pissed was not a word to describe my feeling right now, so basically she was planning to have the baby without Lucifer here. I sighed and walked around the room rubbing my temple.

I grabbed my phone to call Lucifer only to have kerra grab it. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Stopping you for calling Lucifer." She said throwing my phone on the hospital bed.

Kerra walked up to me and tried to touch me. "NO! you don't touch me right now!" I pushed her away. I looked around the room for a while then finally turning my gaze on Kerra.

"Is it your baby?" I asked Kerra. She shook her head no. "Then who's baby is it?"


I didn't get it why they didn't want Lucifer to be here once the baby was born.

"She's ju-" a knock at the door interrupted kerra. We looked at each other.

I went to open the door and when I opened the door I tensed. "Lucifer?"

I walked out and closed the door behind me. "I heard that Leila was here." She said surprisingly calm.

"And your not mad?" I asked.

She didn't say anything but rather push me out her way and busted inside the room. "Your fucking pregnant!" She boomed.

Leila was scared and I couldn't blame her I was scared of her too.

"Happy birthday Lucifer." I said trying to lessen the tension in the room. She shot a glare my way then returned back to yelling at Leila. She should know that yelling is not gonna solve anything but make matters worst for the baby.

"why?" she asked Leila in a much saddened tone. Her face looked hurt and she ran her hands through her hair.

"Because I thought you wouldn't want it and I t-" I saw Leila tensed and her body suddenly shifted forward, like there was a string tied around her waist and someone just pulled on it. Her hands went to her stomach and started rubbing it.

Lucifer knelled down at her eye level. "Leila baby what's wrong?"

She looked at all of us and then back at Lucifer. "Something just moved in my stomach."

"Sweetheart it's just the baby." Lucifer beamed.

Leila grabbed Lucifer's hand and guided it to her belly.

"No, I can feel four hands scratching at my belly."



Hope you guys like it, next update on whenever I'm free.



All that fun stuff.

Lucifer in the media.

Mami More 1 & 2 (Lesbians)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang