Chapter 27

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sorry for the long wait on this update. Please forgive me I was busy with a lot of things. But please enjoy this Chapter as an apology.

Killa--------> In the media.

Tap that star for me will ya, you know what they say every vote counts.


Adam P.O.V

I went back home packed a few clothes and somethings I needed on this trip on finding Leila. Thank god my parents weren't home, or I would have been busted. After packing I met the triplets at Starbucks and we started analyzing places where Lucifer could have token her.

The plan was we had to find Alex first; he knew almost every places Leila could have gone. He knows a lot of things about Leila which is creepy. Amber is the one we need the most. Being in Leila's background a lot has had a lot of perks.

Amber was the master mind behind finding Leila. She was gonna be difficult to find.

After writing a few things down with Jayda, we left and made our way to Alex house. After the first few knocks the door finally opened revealing his parents.

"Adam? What a surprise to see you." His mother beamed. His father stood in the background smiling as well.

"Same here Mr. and Mrs. Crusoe. Anyways, we were wondering if Alex is home." I smiled politely. His fathers gaze was starting to make me uncomfortable.

"Of course! Come in." She stepped aside and me and the triplets went in. The house was neat and tidy, as expected from the Crusoe's. They were the type of family that didn't take bullshit and they were good parents and have there flaws. I wondering how Alex deals with them.

"He's upstairs in his room. We tried to make him come out but he refuses. Poor boy still sad and hasn't gotten over the break up with your sister."

I scoffed a little but then covered it with a small smile. "I'll go talk to him."

They all nodded. I turned on my heels and went upstairs in his room direction. Sad my ass. I'm actually glad they broke up, he was in the way anyways. I never liked Alex from the start not one bit. His light skin ass just got on my nerves most of the times. I'm actually glad I stabbed him once I found out he was dating my sister. It was no big deal, I just tore a few skin off his side.

When I was right in front of his door, I didn't bother knocking I just went right in. His room was cold and smelled like weed. I closed the door which made him jump and turn around with big eyes.

"Surprise.." I smirked making Jazz hands.


(A/N: The babies were born they were twins..two girls)

Leila P.O.V

The babies were taken out of me and I was able to lay back and sleep for a while, once I woke up I saw Lucifer holding two girl twins. They were the identical ones.

I sighed. "They look like you."

Lucifer's headed whipped towards me and beamed. She set the twins down in what seemed to be a crib next to my bed and came towards me.

"Your awake. How are you feeling?" She asked kissing my knuckles.

I shrugged and mumbled an alright. After that there was a long awkward silence. I broke the contact of our hands and reached and picked up one of the twins. Before I can rub my thumb against the little ones lips, Lucifer snatched the baby away from me.

Her eyes showed some kind of emotion that I couldn't figure out. She put the baby back down in the crib and turned towards me.

"Why can't I touch my own baby?" I glared with anger clearly in my voice.

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