Chapter 16

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'You have everything right?' Kara asked her as they head for her home. She could barely sit in her seat at how excited she was, all the time planning out what they would do for the weekend. Alexis just rolled her eyes at her joviality.

She had gone home and talked to Jake privately about staying the weekend at Kara's. Fortunately, Jake had told her that he had heard Jack talking on the phone about staying away for the weekend at some place called the Dings. Wherever that is. She didn't know how much she wanted to spend the weekend with Kara until that moment. She was so excited that she had pack a weekend bag immediately then called Kara to come pick her up. Jake had scowled her to behave herself, and bluntly told her to stay away from Lucas.

'Yes, I have everything. And where the hell are we? Why are we going into the woods?' They had driven off the main road just a few minutes ago.

'Our home is just a few miles away from the town. Don't worry you will love it.' Kara replied excitedly. As the drive continued Alexis became more nervous. She was worried about being under the same roof with Lucas for an entire weekend. What would it be like to live with him, even for such a short time? 'Relax Alexis, just keep cool and everything will be fine' she told herself.

After the long drive, they finally came to a stop and Xavier parked the car in what seem like a small parking lot in front of the house. Alexis look out the window at-not a house- but what could only be described as mansion. Surely Lucas and Kara had more siblings? That house was too big for just four people. 'You live here?' She asked no one in particular.

They look like they were filthy rich. Stepping out of the car she looked around her surroundings and realized that there were plenty of other houses around the area. It was like a small community. Why were they situated from the rest of the town?

'Close your mouth you might catch fly.' She heard Javier said coming up to lift her off her feet. She giggled when he put her down.

'Hi. I'm Kim.'

'Hi. I'm Dora.'

'You’re pretty.'

Alexis heard all at once as three little girls came rushing up to her. They were so pretty. One had had red hair with freckles; another had brown hair that reaches her shoulders while the other had blonde sandy hair plot in two pony tails. They were just so cute and look only about three years old. 'Hi.' She said back to them and they smiled at her. Alexis bent down to their level 'Why don't you introduce yourselves again?'

'I'm Kim.' The one with the red hair said proudly before giving her a hug. Alexis was surprised but hugged the little girl back. 'I'm Dora.' The one with the brown hair said also giving her a hug. 'And I'm Lora.' Also giving her a big hug.

'It's nice to meet you. You’re all very pretty.' She reached down and picked Kim up when she reached for her. 'Could you get my bag Javier?'

'Sure thing.' She was about to walk off when she notice that there were a lot more people around. Persons that weren't there when she just arrived and they were all staring at her with only what she could only guess was awe and happiness. And why were they all happy to see her? She wasn’t anyone important. 'Why is everyone staring at me like that?' She whispered at Xavier when he came around.

'Don't pay any attention to them. They are just curious.' He said with a shrug and before she could question him further he walked off to his girlfriend. She smiled at them as they hug and kiss, it must be nice to have someone to love you like how Xavier obviously love Becca. Alexis sighed with longing.

'You have pretty eyes. They are so green,' Kim said with a small giggle as she placed her chubby hands on her cheeks. Alexis smiled down at her and give her a kiss on her forehead.

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