Chapter 4

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Lexa's POV

Clarke and I retire to her room. Her mom is not happy about us sharing a room again. Clarke hands me sleep clothes and we turn our backs to each other as we change. Now is not the time for us to admire each other's bodies, especially since our room is so close to Clarke's mother's. As well as Octavia's and Raven's.

Clarke gestures for me to join her on the bed, yawning. I lay beside her. She moves closer to me and we fall asleep with our legs entwined.

I awake to the sound of the door being thrown open. I turn my head towards Clarke and away from the bright lights.

"Wake up!" Raven yells cheerfully.

I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. I glare at her and pointedly look at Clarke, who is somehow still asleep.

"I know, I know. But come on. The vote is soon. We let you sleep in after a night of hot sex long enough."

Clarke groans, signaling that she is now awake. "Raven, we didn't-"

"I know." She sighs. "You two are so boring."

"Are they up?" Octavia asks, walking into our room from behind Raven.

"We are now." Clarke grumbles.

"Well come on, Princess. The vote's starting soon. Get dressed and don't get distracted by your hot girlfriend."

I flush and Clarke gets up, ushering her friends from the room.

I stand and run a hand through my hair, trying to get out the messy tangles.

Clarke walks over silently and moves me until I am sitting on the only chair in the room. She braids my hair quickly with nimble fingers and I focus on the comforting feeling so my mind does not wander.

She is finished quickly and I look into her mirror, impressed. Clarke braided my hair perfectly.

I turn to her. "Thank you, Clarke. You did it perfectly."

Clarke smiles and kisses my cheek. "No problem. Octavia taught me how so my hair won't get in my face while I'm fighting."

I nod and we get dressed again. Clarke puts her clothes on quickly so she comes over and helps strap on my armor. It is distracting to feel her hands on my body, especially since she presses her lips to my exposed skin whenever she gets the chance, which is often.

Once we are both clothed, I take her hand in mine and pull Clarke closer to me. I kiss her gently and her hands automatically go up to cup my jaw. I have noticed that her hands are either there or in my hair when we are kissing.

Raven and Octavia decide that this moment is the perfect time to burst in.

"Told you, O. You owe me a cup of booze." Raven says and I can practically hear the grin on her face.

Clarke and I pull away from each other. Octavia is scowling at Raven, who looks annoyingly happy.

"Stop betting on my love life." Clarke chides.

"Nope. The pool for when you're finally going to get laid is getting too big to hand it all back." Raven says, cackling at our mortified expressions.

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