Chapter 34

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Clarke's POV

Somehow, I wake up before Lexa. We didn't get much sleep last night (we were both pretty insatiable), so I don't know why I've woken up. It feels like it's early morning.

A knock sounds at the door and I groan, shaking Lexa's shoulder. She grumbles sleepily and cuddles back further in my arms. It's not fair she's being so adorable when it's too early for everything. I shake her shoulder again when the knock comes again, this time faster paced and louder.

"No." Lexa says, her face half pressed against the mattress.

"Lexa," I whine, "someone's at the door and they won't go away."

Lexa sighs and removes herself from my embrace, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. She takes the largest fur and wraps it around herself, otherwise naked and walking to the door.

I shiver without Lexa and the warmest fur. I sit up to watch as she pads to the door, her bare feet making a small slapping against the cold floor. If I end up living here, I'm making her get a carpet or a bear pelt or something. She opens the door a crack, her posture straighter. Somehow Lexa manages to look elegant when she's wearing nothing but a fur.

"Moba, Heda (Sorry, Commander)." The person at the door stumbles out before rushing away.

Lexa returns to bed with a tray of food in her hands, using the other one to keep the fur around her. She silently hands it to me and gets back into bed, draping the pelt back over us. Lexa snuggles into my side, taking an apple and eating it, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Tired?" I tease her, my voice hoarse with sleep.

"Mm. You kept me up almost all night."

"Me? I seem to remember you imitating that last round."

"You looked so sexy in my bed, I could not resist your allure." Lexa murmurs, pressing a kiss to the nearest patch of skin, which happens to be the base of my neck.

I can feel her smile against my skin at my shudder. "Don't we have a meeting today?" I gasp out against her attack, which has become relentless.

"Mm." Lexa stops her assault on my neck, but I can practically feel the bruises forming. "We have to get downstairs soon to greet the other leaders. The meeting is later tonight."

"We can continue this later, then." I press a kiss to the top of her head.

"Very well."

We finish eating the breakfast and get dressed, Lexa and I both dressing up in our armor. She frowns at something on my armor and then runs her hand over the shoulder piece she gave me what feels like forever ago.

"This has a dent."

So that's what she noticed. "It's from a sword." Lexa's eyes snap up to mine, worry in them. "It stopped it from cutting me, but I still had a bruise there for a week or so."

"I could have it repaired after the meeting, if you would like. The best armor smith in the twelve clans resides here and works exclusively for me. I can have her add a sash, as well."

"That would be great, thank you. Wait, isn't the sash reserved for Commanders?"

Lexa nods, "They are reserved for the Heda and her most trusted warriors. You are my girlfriend, ai alf keryon (my half soul). Perhaps yours could be blue, for the red is only for the acting Heda."

"Ai hod yu in (I love you). Mochof (thank you)." I kiss her gently.

"Pro. Ai hod yu in seintaim (you're welcome. I love you too)."

Lexa reaches out her hand and I meet her halfway, entwining our hands. She leads me out of her (our, if Lexa and I have anything to say about it) room.

We stop at a familiar door, which the guards open for us. Lexa strides confidently toward the throne at the center of the room. I pause in front of the steps to go up to it. She turns, confusion on her face.

"What is wrong, Clarke?" Lexa asks.

"I don't know where I'm supposed to sit."

Lexa smiles, the one she reserves for me. "We can bring a chair from the sides of the room."

Now I'm kind of confused. Bring it where?

Lexa pecks my cheek as she walks past me. I spin to watch what she's doing. She picks up one of the fancy heavy looking chairs easily and begins carrying it toward me. Still confused, I wonder if she wants me to sit facing her on the throne or something.

Lexa climbs the steps with the chair, sweat glistening on her neck. She sets it down next to her throne, scrutinizing them with her hands on her hips. She then readjusts the chairs so they're centered.

"This won't be seen as favoritism?" I ask nervously.

"Do not worry, Clarke. It has become well known throughout the clans that we are together. If anything, it will be seen as a declaration that we are equals and you should be treated with respect."

Lexa takes my hands in hers and gives me a reassuring smile.

I let out a shaky breath. "I just don't want anyone to take you away from me again."

"I cannot make any guarantees, hodness (love). The life of a Heda is dangerous and perilous, as is the life of the Heda's partner. You can take care of yourself, and I know you would survive what Costia did not. But Commanders usually do not live to see their thirtieth year. But I can promise I will try my best to stay where I belong, by your side."

I squeeze her hands. "Thank you, I know you'll do everything you can to keep that promise." It isn't a threat to make sure she does, but an observation. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close, nuzzling against her shoulder and neck. "You're going to be the first Commander to hit ninety."

Lexa laughs and I can feel the vibrations from it echoing through her body.

Some nice fluff and slight angst before we get to the meet and greet and then... The meeting. Thank you all for reading and stay awesome!

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