"We Would Like For You..."

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"Y/N?" Said Allstar.
I looked at everybody. I was kind of scared. Like what the hell!
"Yes?" I said still scared.
"We would like for you to join the group The Bomb Digz. But that's if you want of course!" He said smiling.

I just stood there. Shocked. What! OMG!

"Wait but are you guys OK with this?" I said looking at the boys. "Yes, we were the one that asked Allstar if you  could join the group!" Said Kevin smiling.

"But I'm going to be the only girl, and you guys already have a poster with your faces on it, not mine. And the songs," I got interrupted by the boys.

"Is that a yes or what!" They all said. I smiled.

"Yes!" They all jumped and hugged me. I was starting to tear up. Daniel brushed of a tear with his thumb and said "Congrats!" I laughed and went to hug Mama Shana and Allstar. "Thank You Guys so much!"

I sat down. "Don't sit down girl, we got some work to do!" Said Allstar.


The rest of the day we were in the studio changing some of the boys voices into mine in the songs. Which I have to admit was very stressful. I got to bond with the boys WAY more! Me and Devin even have a handshake which is super long. And I met Jazzy. Which she finds me hilarious. I called my mom.

Mommy: Hey honey what's up?
Me: You can not believe what just happened!
Mommy: What?!
Me: I am in the group The Bomb Digz!
She began to scream
Me: Ow! Mom my ears!
Mommy: Sorry! OMG I am so proud of you! Are you happy?
Me: Hell Yeah!
We both laughed
Me: Well I gotta go. We in the studio right now. Love you
Mommy: Bye Have Fun! Love You!
He hang up

"Oh we gotta take a picture with the new member of the group!"

We all got up. "Oh I have an idea! We take a picture but with Y/N facing backwards and if they went to meet her then they are going to have to watch our Younow today!" Said Devin. "That is the smartest thing you've ever said in a while!" Said Kevin. We all laughed.

We all got in our positions. I flipped my hair then turned around. All of a sudden the boys started giggling. Finally Allstar took the picture. We go to see how the picture came out.
In The Picture:
Me: Facing Backwards
Devin: Pointing at my butt.
Daniel: Pretending To Kiss My Butt
Kevin: Pretending To Grab My Butt.

"Omg! Stop! For real This time!"
They laugh and we all get back in our position. The picture was FINALLY  taken. They post it in the group page. Caption was "New Member Of The Group! To Meet Her Watch Our YouNow at 7:15pm!"

4th Member Of The Bomb DigzWhere stories live. Discover now