"Pup Jesus?"

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I slowly opened my eyes. I saw devin and Kevin playing video games and Daniel was on face time with his dad. I sat up and looked at my surroundings. The room was a mess. Basically, a boys room. Me and the boys stood up all night listening to music, and watching Netflix. I looked around the bed for my phone. Daniel noticed I was awake.

"Hey Y/N! Say hi to my dad!" He said showing me the phone. I went up to the camera and saw Mr.Veda.

"Hey Mr.Veda! How you doing?" I said smiling and waving at the camera. "I'm good how are you?" "I'm good thank you." I said still looking for my phone. Kevin paused the game and him and Devin turned around. "Hey Y/N. What are you looking for?" Kevin said looking around the room. "My damn phone!" I said getting annoyed at the fact that I couldn't find it. "Oh its down stairs charging by the couch. Lexi put it to charge. She said you left it in her room last night." After he finished I jogged downstairs. Shana was sitting down watching some TV while drinking coffee.

"Morning Shana!" I said walking towards her and my phone. I went down to hug her and then grabbed my phone. "What are those trouble makers doing" she said getting another sip of her coffee. "Playing games, as usual." She nodded her head like if she agreed to what she just said and laughed. I walked upstairs again with my phone. I walked in the room and sat on the bed next to Daniel, who was now face timing Mariah. I put my thumb on the home button and it unlocked. I had a couple notifications. I went on instagram. I did what i usually did there and then went on snapchat. I added more people back and saw some people stories.

I saw I had some messages. One was from my mom (Mom💍), one from Isabelle ( Izzy💄 ), and the other was from Seth (Seth💥). I first saw the message from my mom.

Mom💍: Morning Baby! I just wanted to check up on you. Facetime me when you have time??

I answered back saying,

Me: morning mommy. I will face time you in a bit.

Next I checked the messages from Isabelle.

Izzy💄: hey bbg! How's everything?? Forgot about me already?
Me: hey Izzy!! Omg everything is perfect we are going to have a show in Philly. Hopefully you can come!

I dodged the question about me forgetting her. I didn't want to tell her that I actually did.

Lastly, I checked the message from Seth.

Seth💥: Hey bbg😘. I was wondering if we can chill sometime. Lmk.

Omggg!!! He wants to chill! Wait? But I don't know. I'm having mixed feelings about this. I have to tell dev and kev! Is it a date? Do I even like Seth? I don't know.

Me: yeah sure lmk where and when.

I think its time I tell the boys about Seth and I. "Hey guys can I tell you something." I said locking my phone and putting it down. Daniel was done facetiming and put his phone down. Dev and kev both turned to me. "Umm, OK. So the other day I was at a party with Daniel. And I think me and Seth had some sort of connection..." I said looking kind of iffy. "What does sort of connection mean?" Kevin said smirking.

"We kissed." I said looking at both Kevin and Devin. They both looked at Daniel. Daniel smiled and nodded.

A/n: OK so if you don't understand why the boys looked at Daniel, its because a while back, Seth and Mariah actually dated. And this is real. Its not part of the story. They actually did date. So I kind of wanted to use that situation in the story :)

"Omg! Y/N and Seth are dating! Y/N and Seth are dating!" Said Devin jumping around. I shushed him and blushed a little. "We are not dating. We just kissed and that's it!" I said sort of yelling but whispering at the same time. "Yeah, that's what they all say but they always end up in a relationship." Said Kevin smiling. I rolled my eyes.

Shana came in the room. "Digz, get ready we got hours of rehearsals to go." She said crossing her arms. "Oh and y/n Lexi said you can borrow some clothes of hers. Go ahead." She said smiling at me.

I waked into Lexi's room. She was doing her makeup. "Morning bestie! Grab what ever you like!" She said getting up and opening her closet. I grabbed some adidas sweatpants and a loose black crop top. "Is it OK if I change here? The boys take for ever getting dressed." I said putting my hand on my hip. "Yeah sure, we are basically sisters now." She said putting on her eyeliner. I got changed and put some socks on. I borrowed her converse and nicely tied the shoe laces. Lexi looked at me. "You look nice." I smiled at her. I put my hair in a high ponytail and let my curls fall back. I didn't feel like putting on makeup today. I just put on some chaptick.

Lexi got up from her chair and put some music on. She put on Needed Me by Rihanna. She had some grey joggers and a white tank top. She had her black timbs and her hair was in a high bun. "Come on let's take a picture." She said walking out the room. I followed her to the bathroom. She posed just standing there holding her phone revealing the camera to the big mirror hiding a bit of her face with her phone. I crotched down a little bit winking and puckering my lips. She took the pic and posted it with the caption "My Jawn💍@Y/IG/N".

We left the bathroom and we both walked in devs room. The boys were dressed. I grabbed my phone and face timed my mom. She answered my call.

Mom: hey baby!
Me: hey mom. What you doing?
Mom: nothing I just wanted to say that I got you a surprise.
Me: what? Lemme see!!!
Mom: *points the camera to a different direction than back to her* I got you a puppy!
Me: omg! Mommy! Thank you so much! What is it?
Mom: its a boy. Its a baby husky 6 weeks old. He is all yours. What do you wanna name him?

I show the puppy to the boys and Lexi. "What should I name him guys?" I said looking at the boys. " how bout Dgord the second?" Devin said laughing. I shook my head. "How bout Pug Jesus? Get it?" Kevin said smiling. "I like that but no sorry." I laughed. "Oh I know! Gizzy! Name him gizzy." Said Daniel all excited. "Yeah! That's great! Gizzy!" My mom said. "Fine. Gizzy it is." I said looking back at the phone.

"Gizzy it is!" My mom said picking him up and showing him to the camera. "Oh well. I'm still calling him Pug Jesus. I think its pretty good." Said Kevin crossing his arms. I giggled. "Mom I gotta go. We have rehearsals. Take care of Gizzy for me!" We hung up.

We all got in the car. I decided to sit in the passenger seat with Momma Shana. I got the aux cord and plugged it in. I played Uber Everywhere. We all sang along. I opened snapchat and recorded all of us. I posted it and took a picture with Kevin and Lexi in the back. I posted it and then went on instagram. I liked lexi's post of us and liked some of the Digaz posts. I commented on some too. We finally arrived. We went in and put our stuff down. In the room i saw Sam, Zan, Bree, Mikhail, Mariah and Shari. We started talking and laughing. We took selfies and snapchats. Me, the boys, the lucki gurlz, Shari Marie, Mariah and Mikhail decided to take a group picture. We each posted it. I posted mine with the caption "Gizzy Lyfe Team!".

Soon this dark skin guy came in the room. The boys greeted him. I walked up to him and introduced myself. He was our choreographer. We got to work.

About 3 hours past of rehearsals. I learned the choreography pretty fast. We were all sweating. After rehearsals, I was pretty tired. I told them to drop me of home. They were going to pick me up tomorrow. When I got home, my mom was in the kitchen with one of her friends which is also our neighbor. I greeted both of them. "Mom, where is Gizzy?" I said all excited. "In your room." She said smiling. I ran up to my room revealing the most adorable little husky in my bed. I squealed and ran up to him. He was very playful. I loved him so much! I cuddled with him and fell asleep.

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