Powerul Group Hug

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I looked at them. "Umm, you see..," Daniel and Seth walked down the stairs. "Morning!" Said Seth. He walked up to us and sat next to Devin. Everybody but Seth looked at Daniel. Daniel had noticed that we were looking at him. "What's going on?" He said looking a little terrified. Kevin shifted over leaving a space between him and Devin. "Daniel, sit here. We all need a talk." Daniel walked to where Kevin suggested. As he was walking he was looking at me. He looked scared. He sat down.

Kevin handed him his phone revealing the comments. "Have you seen these?" Kevin asked looking concerned than ever. Daniel took a deep breath than sighed biting his upper lip letting a tear slip down. Oh no! Please don't cry. In situations like these if people cry, I cry too. He nodded his head closing his eyes. "Bro, why didn't you tell us!" Devin said trying his best not to cry. Devin hugged Daniel so damn tight. They were both crying into each others shoulders. The sound of their voices just sobbing made me begin to cry much more. Devin and Daniel let go. I looked at Devin. His eyes were so red. Kevin was sniffling his nose, also trying his best not to cry but he already had 4 to 5 tears coming down his cheeks. Seth was looking at Daniel while rubbing Daniel's back trying to calm him down. Lexi and Shari were both sobbing right next to each other.

We all got ourselves together and Daniel began to speak. "This all started happening a couple days ago. And the only person who knew was Y/N. She was sleeping here with me in the couch because she had seen me crying late night and she didn't want me sleeping by myself. I told her not to tell anybody. At first she resisted but i told her to promise me. I was reading those comments and I swear I was about to lose it. I didn't even want to be here. I just wanted to be in a happy place."

Once he said that, I lost it. I began to cry. Sobbing louder than anybody in the room. Kevin hugged me tight. I hid my face on his neck. I don't think I've ever cried this much. I let go. I looked at Kevin's face, he was crying almost just like I was. I gave him another hug. This time he hid his face on my shoulder. I rubbed his back. I heard him sobbing too. I closed my eyes letting my wet eyelashes rest on my moist skin. Once he relaxed we both let go. Once again everybody got their selves together.

"Daniel, if you are ever feeling this way please let someone know. It really kills me that you had to deal with this on your own. And I'm speaking to everyone. I don't know who I would be if anything happened to you guys." Devin said sounding like if he was going to cry again but was trying not to. Everybody in the room got up. Daniel, Devin, Kevin, Seth, Lexi, Shari and I. We all got into a group hug. This group hug was powerful to me. Although in this group hug there was people that were definitely supposed to join, it was still powerful. I looked at everybody's face.

"We need to do this more often." I said smiling a little. "What crying?" Kevin said trying to be funny. "No! I mean like group hugs. I like how this feels." Everybody nodded. We all let go and sat down. "OK I think we really need to do a younow, make sure all Digaz watch. We say that its super duper important and we talk about what happened and cyber bulling. Because if this happens to us imagine if it happens to Digaz. So we really need to go on Younow. Everybody that was here in the group hug, can also be in the younow." Devin explained. We all agreed. "Ugh, but like I already feel it we are all going to be crying." I said kind of groaning. "I know but its for the best. And i think that while we do the younow, Allstar and Shana listen in the background. Because they need to know." Said Kevin. We all agreed.

"Ok guys, we have a dinner for Y/N today so we have to remove all the negativity. Listen to Mariah and stay positive. We got shopping to do for the dinner. Everybody got ready. Lexi had woken up Jazzy.We all agreed on taking 3 minute showers each. It worked out very well. Once I got out the shower i wrapped the towel around my body and ran to Lexi's room. Shari and Lexi were both getting dressed. I got some clothes out of my bag and for dressed. Finally, I was done.


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Everybody hopped out of the uber. One by one stepping into the sidewalk in front of the mall. We all walked in the mall. All the boys and girls going into their own ways. Jazzy, Lexi, Shari and I were walking into plenty of stores giving everyone a chance to get what they need. I pulled my wallet out giving the cashier, $67.32, as she had said. We texted the boys asking where they were. Eventually, we all met up with the boys in chipotle. We decided to leave and call an uber once again. Once we arrived at the Gordon House, we saw Shana and Allstar cleaning. Mama Shana was vacuuming the rug and Allstar was cleaning some studio equipment. Shana stopped the vacuum to greet all of us. "Where have you guys been?" She said hugging Shari. "The mall. We took an uber." Said Daniel. I hugged Shana and then Allstar.

Everybody rushed to get to the bathroom. But Kevin ended up in the bathroom first. As everybody waited we each took turns. Finally it was my turn. I washed my body and shaved my legs. I got out the bathroom and this time it was Lexi's turn. Everybody else was either waiting or getting changed. I went into Lexi's room to change.

Once I was done everybody was nicely dressed

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Once I was done everybody was nicely dressed. I mean it is a dinner at a fancy place. We all went downstairs and saw Shana And Allstar. They were nicely dressed also. We got in the car and we were on our way to pick up Mikhail and Mariah. Once we picked them up, we went into a fancy dinner place. Looked like we already had a table reserved. It was a huge table too. The whole night we laughed,cryed and had fun.

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