Who Is Most Likely To Game

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I looked at Kevin as he still had both of his hands on my cheek. I sat there just looking at his eyes. I backed away so his hands fall of my laps. "Kevin, i think we should just go to sleep. I need to think about it ok? Let me sleep on it." he nodded and walked back to his bed. I snuggled back into my bed and buried my head in my pillow. I looked at the wall as sleep took ever my body.


"Digz lets go we have an interview today in 3 hours get up! Get up!" Momma Shana said busting the door open. One by one we each sat up at our beds. I wanted to get dressed quickly so i ran to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and splashed my face with water. I quickly ran out into our room, grabbed my bag and ran back into the bathroom before anybody else does. I hopped in the shower and scrubbed my body with body wash and washed my hair. And very quickly pat my body dry and changed into some nice clothes and dried my hair and styled it nicely.

 And very quickly pat my body dry and changed into some nice clothes and dried my hair and styled it nicely

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the bathroom. Next was Daniel, then Kevin and then Devin. Once we were all done we went downstairs and decided to get a quick snack. Devin grabbed a bag of cereal, Kevin got a donut that was left in the fridge, Daniel got a granola bar and i got some oreo cookies. We all got in the car and waited for Shana. Allstar couldn't go because he had to take Jazzy somewhere. Finally Shana got in the car and we were off. I put on my headphones and just closed my eyes.


"What's up guys im Caroline your interviewer and basically we will sit in this couch right here and ill obviously interview you guys and then right after we will play a little game. Ok?"

We all nodded. We all took our seats. The boys and I sat in the white soft couch while Caroline the interviewer sat on a stool next to us with index cards on her hands. We waited for the producers to turn on the camera.

"What's up guys! Im Caroline and this is The Bomb Digz, Wanna say your names?" She said with a smile.

"Well, Im Devin, Im Kevin, Im Daniel and Im Y/N (together) And we are The Bomb Digz" We said looking at the cameras with nothing but smiles. 

"Ok lets just start off by saying how did you guys meet?" Caroline began.

"Well Me and Kevin met through dance, Um Kevin and Daniel met through school. And I Met Daniel through Kevin obviously. But then we met Y/N...." Devin said giving me a sign telling me to continue on.

"So basically a couple months ago I had accidentally sent them a video of me singing, and then later on i had gotten a message saying that they thought that I was talented and that they wanted me to join their entertainment production and then they put me in the group."

"That sounds awesome! So Y/N how does it feel to be the only girl on the group?" 

"It feels great to be honest. At first I was like oh my god this will be weird and im going to have to just stay to myself. But actually they really have become into like brothers to me and they always help me out with everything, either with school work, or advice or just even going on stage so I love being the only girl plus they treat my like a princess." i ended with a little giggle.

"That's cute. So  boys, what has changed now that you guys have a new member?" Continued on Caroline.

Daniel answered, "Um the songs have to be a little different cause we cant talk about girls, we mostly have to give each other more space especially Y/N because she is a female so we have to leave her alone even on the time of the month." 

We all laughed at Daniel's comment.

"Ok now we will play a game of who is most likely to? So I am going to give you guys a scenario and you guys decide who is most likely to do this? Good?" said Caroline.

We all nodded and sat up straight waiting for the game to start.


"Who is most likely to cry in public?"

Devin: "Oh easy! Y/N she is such a cry baby" he said giving me a hug.

"Who is most likely to forget someone's birthday?"

Kevin: Daniel!

"Who is most likely to sleep early?"

All": Daniel!!!!!

"Who is most likely to fall in public?"

Y/N: Daniel because he was probably doing something very stupid lol

"Who is most likely to laugh at the wrong moment?"

Devin" Y/N she always laughing for the smallest thing

"Who is most likely to fart in public?"

Daniel: Devin

"Who is most likely to be a flirt?"

Y/N: Daniel

"Who is most likely to die first in zombie apocalypse?"

Kevin: Y/N cause she would be to scared so she would stay in a corner and hide.

"Who is most likely to listen to classical music?"

Daniel: Devin would cause he would listen to anything tbh.

"Who is likely to know all the songs of a TV show theme song?"

Devin: Kevin

Last question, who is most likely to forget an item that they just bought?"

Y/N: Daniel

"Ok, that was very fun. It was great having you guys here make sure you guys follow the bomb digz on their instagram and twitter and we cant wait to have you guys come back! Bye guys!"




4th Member Of The Bomb Digzحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن