Lied To Lexi

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Devin was so scared.

Kevin was leading me to the bed. I sat down still holding onto my head. Devin sat next to me looking like he was gonna cry too. He was really scared. I took my hand out of my head. Until we all noticed I was bleeding.

"How are you bleeding? It was just a hit in the head!" Said Daniel. I shook my head. "His toe nail hit my head... Hard!" I said about to cry again. "Ohh it makes sense now. But what do we do with the blood?" They all looked at me as I looked at Devin. His arm was around my waist and his hand was on my lap with his face still showing he was scared. I put my hand in his and said "Why are you so scared?" I said looking into his light eyes.

"What if I get into trouble? We are not even supposed to do flips in the house!" He said sort of yelling. Kevin went out the room and came back with Lexi. "Omg what happened?" Lexi said looking at the blood in my hand. I looked at Devin and then back at Lexi.

"Well, um me and the boys were doing a sleep cam. And the boys wanted to do flips. And they asked me to move out of the way and I didn't listen to them so Devin was doing a back flip and he hit me in the head and one of his toe nails hit my head hard which made me bleed. It wasn't his fault. I didn't listen and they warned me for my own safety."

I basically just lied to Lexi.

"Are you OK?" She said coming closer to me. I nodded my head. She came closer and checked the back of my head. She said it only looked like a cut. "Imma go get you a ice pa-" I interrupted her. "Please don't tell Shana or Allstar. I don't want them getting worried." She nodded and left.

Devin hugged me tightly. "Why did you lie to her?" Devin said with a serious face. " I didn't want you to get in trouble! Plus, it was an accident right?" I said looking at him slightly smiling. He hugged me again this time even tighter. He thanked me and Lexi came back with an ice pack.

I put it in my head. "Are you guys gonna go back on YouNow?" Lexi asked.

"Yeah, we ended it when Y/N was crying. Just go back on." Said Kevin

"How about while you guys play games and Y/N gets some rests, me and Jazzy take over the Sleep Cam?"

We agreed and we went back on. Digaz asked what happened. "We just had a little accident, nothing serious." Said Lexi. I sat up with the ice pack in my head showing my face on camera. I smiled and read some comments.

"Yeah, I'm fine" "Yes, I was crying" "yeah I am OK" "No I am OK thank you!" "It was my fault" I said answering some questions. I laid back down. I went on my phone and went on IG and I had gained 4k followers because of Devins shout out. Soon enough sleep took over my body.


"Wake Up! Yo! Wake Up Its 10 in the morning!" Said Shana with Lexi waking us up. We each woke up. First was Daniel, then Kevin, then Me and Devin. Shana left the room but Lexi stayed. "What time did I go to sleep?" I said stretching.

"Around 2 am? Devin knocked you out!" We all laughed. I touched the back of my head. I was no longer bleeding. I had a small headache. We each showered and got dressed. I wore skinny black jeans with a white shirt that said "100% Perfection!" In black. I wore my Adidas Superstars. I had my hair wet because I had to wash the blood off. Lexi gave me her blow dryer and I soon finished with my hair. I applied some foundation, mascara and chapstick. We were all getting in the car.

"Where are we going?" I said. "Dunkin." Said Shana. We arrived and ordered. Me and the boys sat in a table as we waited. I took pictures with Kevin. Then Lexi joined the picture, soon it was Daniel then Devin. I just laughed. I took the picture and posted it. I captioned it "Family Breakfast At Dunkin. 😊🍩". We got our orders and sat in a bigger table that way me, the boys, Lexi and Shana could all fit. We laughed here and there and me and the boys shared some of our foods.

"Do you guys wanna go home today?" Said shana looking at me, Daniel and Kevin.

I missed my mom. I missed her warm hugs and ticklish kisses. I nodded my head. "You just text me when ya wanna come back, but normally the boys are only gone for like 2 or 3 days." Shana says while looking at me. I laugh and we all go back to the car. We drive back to Shana's house to gather our stuff. We get in the car and one by one, Daniel, Kevin and I get home. I open the door to my house.

Instantly, I smell cigarettes and alcohol. My mom doesn't drink or smoke! "Mom? I'm home!" I yell putting my bag down. I hear a yell and the sound of something shattering from my moms room. I quickly run to the room. I open the door which revealed my mom sitting on the floor crying with a bottle of beer in her hand surrounded by scattered cigarettes.

4th Member Of The Bomb Digzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें