First YouNow

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It was 5:11 and the younow was at 7:15. So we just went to the living room. Devin put some music in the speakers. The boys got on the hoverboards while I just watched them. After a few minutes of the boys doing circles and just making me dizzy watching them, Devin looked at me and said "Do you know how to ride a hover board?". I just shook my head kind of embarrassed. "Come on we'll teach you" said Devin offering me his hand. I reached out and got up.

"OK so before you get on you need to understand that you need to find your balance." Said Kevin in front of me and the hoverboard. He then took both his hands out. I placed both my hands on his. I then put one leg on one side. I then struggled to put the other. Devin stood in the back as he helped me on. He held on to my waist. Daniel just cheered for me. Finally I was able to put my other leg on the hoverboard. I immediately lost control. Devin helped me keeping myself still.

"Ok now that you got on we are going to slowly let go of you. But you need to find you balance." I nodded. I was holding on to Kevin's hand very tight. I was still scared. Devin and Kevin slowly started to let go of me. Finally they let go, but then    I start to slowly go in circles. The boys started laughing at me. I just giggled a little and said "That's not funny! Why is it doing that?" I kind of yell. "Its not doing anything, you are! Fix that leg." Kevin said while pointing at one of my legs. I did what Kevin said and finally the hover board stopped.

Kevin backed up a bit. "OK, now come to me. Just lean forward a bit." I slowly leaned forward and I started moving towards him. Finally once I reached him, he gave me a high five. They all cheered for me. I smiled. "Ok now how do I get off!" I said scared again. "Just step back." Said Daniel. "No no no. That's to scary! Carry me off! Carry me!" Devin quickly carried me off the hover board and put me down. "You ok?" He said. I nodded then laughed.

We looked at the time. It was 6:57. We then all went to their home gym. "Imma go get the laptop so we can set it up for the Younow." Said Devin walking up the stairs. I was kind of nervous. What are all the Digaz gonna say about me. Daniel looked at me. "You ok?" He then sat next to me. "I am a bit nervous. I don't want the Digaz to hate me." He hugged me and said "its ok if they start hating you then me and the boys will defend. You are our new young sister other than Jazzy." He smiled and then hugged me again. I was kind of freaking out. He just called me his little sister! Well I am younger than all of them. I am only 14.

Devin finally came with the laptop and charger. He set it up. It was 7:12. We all sat in front of the screen. The boys made sure I sat in the middle. Finally we were live. The comments started coming in so fast I could barely read them. "Wow your so pretty!" "Thanks!" I said. "Your goals AF!" "Thank You" I said. This was going so well.


We are still on Younow. The Digaz love me! I though they would hate me. My notifications were blowing up with screenshots, likes and comments. Finally we posed for one more screenshot then got off. It was 9:56. Shana came in and said "hey Y/N I am really tired to drive you back home is it ok If you sleep over? We have a extra mattress in the garage that way you can sleep in Devin's room with the boys." I nodded and smiled. Lexi walked in with some clothes in her hand. "Here these are for you to sleep in." She said smiling at me.

I went to the bathroom to get changed. I came back out with a black T-shirt and some black leggings. The rest of the night we took pictures,snapchats and the boys played with their stupid video games. We then finally all got tired so Devin put Netflix on and we all went to sleep.

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