Hit In The Head

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It was 8:17 and our sleep cam starts at 9:45. We were all in Devins room. Daniel and Kevin were playing gta. And me and Devin were on his laptop taking pics. We were using funny effects. Mama Shana came in. "Hey Digz can I talk to you guys?" We all got up and followed Shana. She was leading us into the dinning room. We all sat down.

"OK Y/N so as you know the boys do home schooling, so we have spoken to your mom and we had agreed that you join the boys in home schooling. She said that she is buying you a Mac laptop because you didn't have one." I nodded my head and smiled. We all went back to the room. I went on instagram. I saw that I had more edits from Digaz. It was crazy. I liked all of them. I don't wanna be a dub. Devin saw me liking some pictures. " Already got edits huh?" He said. "Yeah, they are so dope!"

"You gotta realise that Digaz are our everything. They care so much. We are all a great big family. You should know you were a Diga!" I nodded my head. I smiled at him. I went to my IG profile. Devin saw i didn't have that many followers. "Here I'll give you a shout out." He took a screenshot of one of his favorite pics of me and posted it with the caption: "Follow Ma Sista @Y/I/N. She is the new member of The Bomb Digz 💘💣"

Instantly, I got new followers. I thanked Devin and we began to get ready for the Sleep Cam. It was 9:20. Devin set up the laptop. I went to the bathroom to go change. I put on my leggings. And a white t-shirts that I borrowed from Lexi. I put my hair in a high ponytail. I put socks on and left the room. When I came back to the room, Daniel was cleaning up quickly, Devin was finding the laptop charger and Kevin was on logging onto Younow.

Finally at 9:39 we went live. Me and Kevin sat in front of the camera and Daniel and Dev did flips in the background. I read the comments. "Your so pretty!" Said a Diga. I thanked her and read more. We decided to do some guest calls.

Me And Kev: Hey! What's up!
Diga: Omg hi!
Me and Kev laugh.
Diga: Y/N you are literally goals. I love your hair.
Me: Thanks!
Kev: How about me aren't I goals?
I laughed
Diga: you alright Kevin even though you dub.
Diga: Y/N can you follow me on IG?
Me: yeah what is it?
She told me her username
Me: I just followed you!
Kevin: lit! Let's get a screenshot!
Diga: OK ready?
I tilted my head to the side and smiled.
Digaz: thanks!
Kev: alright love, we gotta do at least two more guest calls so we gotta go.
Diga: bye

We did 3 guest calls and I followed a couple of Digaz. Daniel got tired and sat next to me. Kevin then joined Devin. I put my arm on Daniels shoulder. He played with his hair . Digaz kept commenting to put his hair in a man bun. I grabbed the hair tie in my wrist. I got up and sat behind Daniel. I put his hair in a man bun. "Nah I don't like it, how come your hair is better than mine." I looked at him confused. "My hair is in a ponytail." He looked at it and said " oh! What if I did your hair in a man bun?"

"Try it!" He got excited and got up. He let go of my hair. He kept pulling on my hair. He finished. I looked at myself in the camera. "Daniel that doesn't look that bad!" I smiled at him. "Really?" He said getting all hype. "Yeah, you should be my hair stylist." He laughed and sat next to me again.

Devin was doing flips on the bed still. I wasn't paying mind to him. He accidentally hit his foot on my head. He got up and looked at me scared. I began to cry. I got away from the camera because I didn't want the Digaz see me cry. I hate crying in public. "Are you OK?" Devin said running up to me. I shook my head and cried even more. "I'm sorry. Sorry!" He said hugging me sounding terrified.

Daniel muted the broadcast. The boys all stood around me. I kept on rubbing the back of my head as I looked down and cried. Devin was still hugging me and he rubbed my head. I stopped crying a bit. "You good?" Said Kevin looking worried. I nodded my head. "Should I end the sleep cam and we come back later?" Said Daniel. Kevin nodded and Daniel ran to the laptop and we got off.

Devin was so scared.

4th Member Of The Bomb DigzWhere stories live. Discover now