Chapter 1

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The Secret Life Blog
Updated 12:05 p.m.

Labels. They are the one thing in life everyone grows up with. And I hate them. Not all labels are bad but they can all have bad effects. Let's start with when we are little. There's the quiet one, the smart one, the nice one. Then you hit middle school and things get a little more interesting. You have popular and unpopular. Social and anti-social. You move on into high school and the labels don't change much. Nerd, jock, queen bee, player. We all start feeling unsatisfied. Trapped by mere words. But what can we do about it? Those words have classified us for so long. They make us unhappy, depressed, angry. And who do we take it out on? Not the ones who gave us those labels but ourselves. Tomorrow I start at a new school. Let's see what new labels we can and to my list.

As always,
The Bad Girl


Today is the day I start at my new school. Same routine as always. Show up just before the bell. Park where ever I want. Walk through the doors like I own the place and bam! Everyone thinks I do.

I'm dressed in my usual attire of skinny jeans, vans, and a leather jacket. My thick hair is pulled back in a French braid. I have on black eyeliner and mascara.

I park my motorcycle and take off my helmet, studying my new surroundings. This school is just like all the other schools I went to before getting kicked out. Uniform buildings, cars parked in straight lines, and exactly what you would expect as far as students go.

I sigh and enter through the front door. Everyone stops to stare at me.

"Is that the new girl?"

"Man she's smokin' hot."

"Did she come on a motorcycle?"

Directly across from my locker a group of football players were checking me out. I smirk and unlock my locker before tossing my helmet in.

"Hey baby doll." Says a voice by my ear.

I turn around to find a jock leaning on the locker beside me. "You are?" I ask.

"Names Jordan." He smirks. "And you are?"

"Names Jay." I say sticking my hands in my pockets.

"I was wondering, do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?" He asks leaning closer.

I raise a brow. "Is that the best you have?"

Jordan looks slightly offended. "No! How bout we go out this weekend and I can show you the best I have." He winks.

"Hmm." I tap my chin as if I'm considering his proposal. "How about no?"

Laughter comes from the guys across the hall watching us.

Jordan just smirks at my refusal. "Playing hard to get? Well I like games."

"It's not a game." I say in annoyance. Cocky and arrogant isn't my type.

He certainly has a good reason for it though. You can see the outline of his toned chest and six pack through his tight tee-shirt. His grayish-blue eyes are surprisingly attractive. His facial features are extremely handsome and his black hair is styled messily.

"Come on baby doll. I see you checking me out." He says smirking again.

I roll my eyes. "You don't get it do you? Sorry I don't speak Neanderthal. I'll say it slowly so you can understand. I. Am. Not. Interested." I put extra emphasis on the last word. "I wouldn't go out with you if I was held at gunpoint." With that I flip my hair and start to leave.

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