Chapter 31

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On the night of the big game, I find a seat on Kentworths side with Jesse. Everyone one keeps giving me mean looks because I'm wearing the rival team's jersey, but I could care less. Tonight I am cheering on my boys from both teams. No matter who wins tonight, I will still have to deal with the losers complaining. Oh, the excitement.

    Both sides are overflowing with fans. The Princeton versus Kentworth game is a bigger deal than homecoming. Every student, every teacher, every momma comes to this game. Students from other schools come to this game. Heck, most of the city comes to this game. They fill the stands, congregate by the fence, sit on blankets on the grass, and even sit outside in the parking lot. The usual pregame activities commence. Captains from both teams meet in the middle for the coin toss.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like the Princeton Pirates will be receiving first."

    Caleb looks around and spots me in the middle of the crowd, sending me a wave and a wink. Students from our section boo. In that moment I feel like Juliet. Two lovers separated by a feud, brought together by love. Caleb? Oh, Caleb. Why fore art thou, Caleb? I giggle and wave back, blowing him a kiss. He chuckles and hurries back to his side of the fence.

    Next is the prayer and the national anthem. Then Thomas gets his "Good Luck Kiss" from a chubby brunette. "I bet she has a great personality." Jesse mumbles sarcastically. I crack up laughing and so do several of the people around us.

"What?" Jesse shrugs innocently. "It's true!"

I just shake my head at her and turn back to the field. The game starts with Princeton Private academy on the offense. Caleb throws the ball to another guy and he runs it a short distance before being tackled by the rams.

"Looks like it's going to be a tough game, folks." The answer booms over the crowd, and he was right. At half time the teams are tied fourteen-to-fourteen. There have been very few mess-ups on either side. Both sides are fighting desperately for a lead.

    While the bands are playing, I look down and notice several missed calls from both of my parents. Confusedly, I excuse myself and fight my way into the bathroom.

"Hello, mom?" I say, I plug my other ear and struggle to hear her. "Mom, what's going on?"

"Jaylynn, its- You need- "her voice is breaking up on the other side of the line and I start panicking. Whatever it is it can't be good. Mom and dad rarely ever call, and definitely not so many times in a row.

"Mom, you are breaking up. I can't hear you." I leave the bathroom and try to find somewhere secluded.

"Need you to come-" I hear her say again.

"Come where?" I ask desperately. "Is everyone okay? Is it Maggie? Is it Papa?"

I look around and then sneak into the locker room in attempts to find some quiet and finally succeed.

"Everyone is fine." Mom assures me quickly. "We need you to come immediately." She says.

"Mom, come where?" I ask in confusion.

"To the police department." She says urgently.

"What? Mom no!" I say frantically. "I swore to myself I was never going back! Whatever they are telling you I did, I didn't do it!"

"Jaylynn no. It's not you!" mom exclaims.

"Then what is it?" I ask. "What's going on?"

"They found him. They found Ethan."


Beep beep beep. The sound of my own heart beat filled my ears. I stir panickily. Where am I? What's going on? Ethan! Where's Ethan?

I look around and see nothing but hospital and machines. I sit up and try to move my legs, but I can't. My heart rate increases as I freak out. I can't move! Why can't I move? Nurses rush in as tears stream down my face. I slap my leg but don't feel anything.

"What did you do to me?" I scream. "Why can't I move? Where's Ethan?"

"Calm down." The lady says soothingly. "It's okay. you're safe here."

"My legs won't move! I can't move!" I sob. In that moment I was absolutely terrified. Moments later the room was filled with doctors and nurses. Papa came in and rushed over to me.

"Papa what's going on?" I cry clinging to him. "I'm so scared."

A man with a clipboard stands at the end of my bed. "I want everyone out except Kaitlyn and the old man." He says. Instantly the room clears of everyone except the man, papa, and a nurse. "Now young lady, I need you to calm down, so I can talk to your or I'm going to have to sedate you and I don't want to do that."

I nod and wipe away the tears on my face. "I can't move my legs." I stutter shakily.

He nods. "While we were doing the surgery to remove the bullet from your back we nicked your spine. There was a chance that you could be paralyzed."

My lower lip trembles. I couldn't be paralyzed. There's so many things I haven't done yet.

"Now I'm going to do some quick tests. Push against my hand." He says placing his hand on my foot. I close my eyes and focus on trying to press my foot against his hand. "Good." He says. I open my eyes and watch him. "Tell me when you can feel this." He runs a tool up my leg, all the way to my hip.

"There!" I exclaim. The doctor looks at the nurse then writes down something else down.

"Alright, Miss Jaylynn. We are going to go talk to your parents and we will be back."

With that I was left alone with papa. "Ethan's gone forever isn't he?" I ask sadly.

"We don't know that, Jaylynn. As of right now they haven't found him, but that doesn't mean they won't."

"I'm never gonna be able to walk again." I cry. "I wish they had taken me instead of Ethan. Then I would be dead and not him."

"We don't know that he's dead. We just have to hope he is alive and coming back to us very soon." Papa says.

I shake my head, tears streaming down my face. "They are never going to find him."

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