Chapter 21

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No, no, no. This can't be happening. I wasn't supposed to fall for Thomas! This isn't the plan! How did this happen? I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Just think, I tell myself.

I started liking Thomas... That night he took me out. His dorkiness and mutual love of Star Wars won me over. Then of course, he took such good care of me when I was sick.

How could I let that happen? Last time I had feeling for a guy it was Michael and it ended horribly! Other than that brief moment of insanity when I agreed to go out with Caleb, but I fixed it. I went to a party, had a few drinks, and kissed Wayne in truth or dare. Problem solved.

Wait, what if I did that now? I could go party and have a drink or two. That could work. Yeah. Let's do that. I pull out my phone and dial a number.

"Hey, Kaylee," I say when she answers. "I was wondering if you know of any parties going on tonight?"

"Of course!" She exclaims. "Emma White is having a field party tonight."

"Great!" I say excitedly. I knew she was the one to call.

"I'll send you the address. Bye!"

"Okay! Thanks! Bye." I end the call. This will be perfect. I haven't been to a party since the end of summer.


I stagger up the sweeping staircase holding a bottle of vodka in one hand and a shot glass in the other, with Logan and Thomas following behind me worriedly.

"Jay, give me that bottle." Thomas demands.

"Eh no," I reply. I go to pour another shot of vodka and pause thoughtfully. I shrug and toss the glass behind me, hearing it shatter on the ground, and take a long drink straight from the bottle.

"Jesus, Jay." Thomas lets out a groan.

"I'll clean it up." Logan sighs.

I hum as I continue walking towards my destination. You are probably wondering how I got myself into this position. Well it all started earlier this evening...


It all started a couple of hours ago at the party I went to. Jordan was there and he convinced me to play never have I ever with some of his football friends and their girlfriends.

The game starts off bad for me. Everyone knows that if you've done it, you drink. Apparently I've done everything.

"Never have I ever worn a dress." Some lame guy says. Of course all the girls drink and surprisingly, two guys do as well.

"It was for a womanless beauty pageant." One of the drinkers explains.

Next a petite nerdy looking girl, who seemed very timid, says, " Never have I ever kissed someone in school."

I smirk and take another shot. I've done that loads of times. Jordan grins at me and took his shot as well. The questions progress with me drinking for most of them.

"Never have I ever been expelled."

I took a shot.

"Never have I ever snuck out."

Another shot.

"Never have I ever been to Hawaii."

Another shot.

By the time everyone has taken a turn, I have taken at least ten shots. My mind starts to grow fuzzy so I drop out and went to get some water to help me sober up. I drain the bottle and turn around to go find Jordan again, when I ran into someone I know. Literally.

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