Chapter 6

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By the time we reach school my mood has improved. Music is my medicine. It soothes me and makes me feel better.

Sadly this good mood doesn't last long. As soon as we step out of the car people begin gossiping. States and whispers follow me through the hallways even more than they did yesterday.

By the time I reach my locker I'm extremely aggravated. I ignore the catcalls and looks from the jocks across from me and open my locker. I throw my stuff in and slam the door.

I turn around to come face to face with Jordan.

"Is it true that Logan is cheating on Lexi with you?" He asks.

"No." I snap.

"Is it true that you and Logan hooked up last night?"


"How about you and Logan being long lost lovers?"

"No!" I snap. "He's my cousin for goodness sake!"

Jordan looks surprised. "Isn't that incest? Dating your cousin."

"I'm not dating him." I sigh in exasperation.

"Your not?" He asks confused.

"No, I'm not." I turn around and leave him standing there. I head straight to science. However, when I reach the door i decide that I'm not in the mood for science.

I end up spending first period in the library on the computer. I update my blog and listen to Justin Bieber.


The Secret Life Blog,
Updated 8:15 a.m.

"When life gives you lemons..." We all know this saying. It's what people say to you when you life sucks and there's nothing you can do about it. Still we always speculate on what we should do with these lemons. The optimistic says: "make lemonade!". Others say: "throw them back and demand chocolate!".

However, today i am more interested in how life gives us these hypothetical lemons. Does life toss them gently to you? Or does life cut a slit in the lemon so that when you catch it, it squirts juice in your eye? In my case life usually freezes the lemons and tries to stone me with them.

So if someone wearing a shirt that says life tries to give you a lemon, don't take it! Life gives us enough problems without us trying to figure out what to do with a bunch of lemons!

                            Feeling sour,
                            The Bad Girl


After some alone time with JB and an emotional release on my blog, I feel much better. I reach my History class just as the tardy bell rings. I share this class with Jordan, Logan and Thomas.

I don't know if life just hates me or what but my desk is between the three guys. Which means, Logan was kicking the back of my desk the whole time, Jordan was throwing cheesy pickup lines at me, and a very angry Thomas was trying to find out why I skipped first period.

"Hey, Jay." Thomas whispers.

I ignore him and continue working on the handout the teacher gave us.

"Jay, why weren't you in class?" Thomas asks.

A paper airplane lands on my desk. I see writing on it so I open it. It says:
"Are you a tower? Cos Eiffel for you."

I roll my eyes.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Thomas whisper-yells. "I asked you a question."

Logan kicks my chair from behind. I turn and glare at him before returning to my work. Another airplane lands on my desk. This one says: "Did you invent the airplane? Because you seem Wright to me. ;)"

Thomas keeps talking. Another kick. Another plane. More talking. More kicking. More incredibly stupid pickup lines. I'm going crazy. Someone's going to get it.

I turn around and send Logan my best glare. The kicking stops. I turn back around and right Jordan a note saying: "Send one more plane over here and I will kill you." Then I turn to Thomas.

"If you do not shut up I swear something very bad will happen." That shuts him up.

I quickly gather my stuff as the bell rings and leave as fast as I can. Sadly Thomas catches up with me.

"Look," he says. "I can't work on the project after school so I need to do it during lunch. Does that work for you?" He asks.

"No, Thomas." I say slowly. "That does not work for me. If you can't do it after school then I will not be doing it today." I glare at him.

"Then when do you want to do it?" He asks in annoyance.

"I don't really care when we do it or if we do it. But if you think I'm giving up lunch to work on science then you are not as smart as you think you are." I flip my hair over my shoulder.

His eyes simmer with anger behind his glasses. He meets my glare with one of his own.

"Fine." He says through clenched teeth. "Give me your email and I'll send you a rough draft of the paper later. You can read it and work on it then send it back."

"Fine." I say. I snatch a piece of paper out of my bag and right down my email.

"You know," Thomas says casually. "It would probably be helpful to have your phone number too."

I smirk and add it to the paper before handing it to him.  I turn and walk away with a walk that would rival a professional model. I knew Thomas was attracted to me like any other guy and I would prove it.

After school I'm stuck in detention due to my skipping class. I use this time to formulate my plan for making Thomas like me. Fortunately, the teacher let's me out after thirty minutes because I was quiet.

Logan has football practice and one of his friends are going to drop him off at home. Which means, on the short ride home, I get to blast Selena Gomez as loud as I want!

When I reach the house, I park in the garage and run inside to change my clothes.

I strip off my school clothes and slip into workout clothes. I grab a book and Logan's truck keys, along with my purse, and head out again.

I drive for thirty minutes before I reach my second favorite place in the entire world.

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