Chapter 2

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I head towards the cafeteria to meet up with Lexi for lunch. She's supposed to introduce me to the other populars.

As I enter the cafeteria I immediately spot Lexi at a table in the middle. Seven other people are seated at the table including Jordan.

The first person I'm introduced to is Kaylee Summers. She's a gossip girl and a beauty pageant winner. She has short red hair and green eyes. She's dressed in a sky blue sundress and gladiator sandals with a light sweater.

Then there's Alaina and Alex Matthews. Twin brother and sister who share not only their birthday but a mischievous streak as well. The two are well known pranksters in the school. Their most infamous pranks include: putting glue on the toilet seat in the teachers lounge and getting the entire freshman class drunk. In the case of the glued toilet seat the vice principle was the poor victim who had to have the seat surgically removed. As for the drunk freshmen, all the drinks at homecoming were spiked resulting in the whole grade becoming totally drunk.

Next at the table is the tech wiz Jeremy Jones. He has an oriental look inherited from his mothers side.

Then, of course, is soccer captain Jesse Bennet. A tall, slim, brunette with loads of attitude and makeup. She's stylishly dressed in a sporty way with black joggers and a red tank top.

The last person is the school bad boy, Preston Simms. Leather jacket, skinny jeans, and converse make up his attire. He looks at me in amusement with his dark brown eyes.

"I do believe we match." Preston smirks.

"What a coincidence." I reply as I remove my jacket to reveal a gray crop top with the word "love" written across it.

"Yes indeed. Only difference is you have on vans and I am wearing converse." He says.

"Well," I say. "That's because vans are better than converse."

"Are not!" He protest.

"As much as I'm enjoying this." Jordan says. "I would appreciate it if you'd stop hitting on my girl."

"She's not your girl!" Preston says.

"Yes she is. I called dibs." Jordan smirks.

"No fair." Preston pouts. "You got the last new girl."

"Excuse me boys but I'm not anybody's girl." I say.

Jesse laughs. "Finally someone who doesn't fall at your feet!"

"So what I'm hearing is your single." Jeremy says.

I just roll my eyes and ignore him.

"Jeremy!" Kaylee whines. "I thought you were going to stop doing that since we got together." She pouts and crosses her arms across her chest.

"Of course I am babe" He says. "I had a certain friend of ours in mind." He smiles mischievously.

"Oh." She shares a matching look.

I just shrug off their little exchange and turn to Lexi.

"So what classes do you have this afternoon?" I ask her.

"Calculus and English." She sighs. "The two most dreaded subjects." She says dramatically.

"Well.. What would you say if I told you that the two 'most dreaded subjects' will be spent with your favorite person in the world." I smile.

"Justin Bieber is coming to our school?!" She exclaims.

"No stupid." I roll my eyes. "Me." I say pointing at myself.

"Oh." She says sounding disappointed.

"I feel the love.." I reply sarcastically.

Alex snickers. "Don't take it personally she loves Justin Bieber more than all of us."

I laugh. "I suppose your right."

"He's hot, rich, and can sing. It's not my fault you are all those things!" Lexi defends herself.

"That's a matter of opinion." I smirk.

"Guys I'm seriously bored." Alaina complains. "We should start a food fight or something."

"Food fight?" Lexi exclaims. "That would ruin my hair!"

Alex laughs and Alaina rolls her eyes.

As the three of them argue about starting a food fight I scan the room for Thomas but don't see him anywhere.

"You can stop looking, baby doll. I'm right here." Jordan says wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Yes I know. That's why I was looking for an escape route." I say flatly.

He chuckles. "I like you. Your not like the other girls."

I smirk. "That's the idea."

He grins crookedly at me.

Before he can respond the bell rings and we all head to our next classes.

The rest of the school day goes by without a hitch. I show up to class. I have a popular in every single class.

Lexi and Jordan in English, Jeremy, Kaylee, and Lexi for math, and PE with Jesse and Preston.

English was great besides Jordan's constant flirting. The teacher, Miss Evans, is just out of college and is very excited about her first job. When Jordan wasn't flirting with me, he was flirting with her.

Math was exactly like I expected it to be. Terrible, painful, and quite hilarious when it came to watching Lexi try to sweet talk her way out of the class. Sadly for her it didn't work.

PE was fun. The teacher split us into two teams to play soccer, a game I'm actually good at. I ended up on the same team as Jesse and Preston which made it even more fun. Our team one by ten points.

Needless to say by the time school ends I'm exhausted and I still have to meet Thomas in the library.

I trudge through the halls to the library situated in the back of the building. When I enter, my eyes immediately start scanning the room for Thomas. I find him sitting at a table with his nose, unsurprisingly, in a book.

"Hi, Thomas." I say trying to sound happy to be here, when I want nothing more than to be in bed.

He looks up from his book in surprise. "Sorry. Didn't hear you come up." He says.

"It's fine." I say.

"Sooo," he drags out the word. "Are you ready to get started?" He asks.

"Actually. I was hoping we could work on it another day. You know, take a break since today's been so busy." I say smiling and fluttering my eyelashes in attempt to flirt with him.

He stares blankly at me.

I sigh. "Thomas, I'm tired. I want to wait till tomorrow." I whine.

He narrows his eyes at me but still doesn't say anything.

What is with this guy? How has he not fallen for my charm? I pout my lip as a final effort.

"Fine." He sighs. "But tomorrow we work on the paper. No excuses." He says strictly.

"Yeah, yeah." I nod, gathering my stuff and leaving. "See you tomorrow!"

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