Chapter 10

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The next morning at school I enter my Science class to find Thomas already there. I cringe when I take in his outfit. Jeans, a tee shirt, a ball cap, and work boots. I shudder. Work boots are the ugliest pair of shoes known to mankind.

The schools I went to before were all privet schools which meant that mostly rich kids went to them and I didn't have to see those offensive shoes. However, this is a regular public school out in the country in south Alabama. A lot of these guys live or work on a farm. It's still hard for me to accept the sight of those shoes though..

"Hi, Thomas!" I chirp perkily.

"Hey." He answers monotonously, not even glancing up from his book.

I roll my eyes. I swear he is the first guy I've ever met who has found books more interesting than me! No offense to books, they are absolutely amazing, but it's not going anywhere! Why can't he spare two minutes of his time to speak to me like a normal person? I huff and cross my arms. I have to admit, he's pretty attractive when he's reading. The way his eyebrows scrunch together in concentration, how he bites his lip occasionally, the little half smile when something good happens.

After sitting in silence for two full minutes, curiosity gets the best of me and I lean over to see what he's reading. My eyes widen. He's reading The Maze Runner. He's part of my fandom! I swear I had a mini meltdown on the inside. Could he get more adorable?

Fortunately my phone saved me from doing anything I would regret. I open the text from Jordan.

Hey. Where are you? :) -Jordan

Science class -me

Oh. Do you like science? 'Cause I've got my ion you! ;) -Jordan

Wow.. -me

Wanna skip class with me? -Jordan

Usually I would love to but I'm still mad at you for dumping water on m this morning! :p -me

The guys had thought it would be funny to drop water balloons on us this morning. At five a.m.

I said sorry! -Jordan

Your gonna have to do better than that! -me

You can't stay mad at me! -Jordan

Sure I can. -me

Did you swallow magnets? Cause your attractive.  -Jordan

Not working. -me

If you were words on a page, you'd be fine print. ;) -Jordan

I stifle a laugh.

Are you a bank loan? Because you've got my interest.  -Jordan

I can't hold it in anymore and laugh out loud. Everyone in class, including Mr. high-and-mighty Thomas, turns to look at me. I ignore the stares and reply.

Okay! You are forgiven. Please stop! -me

The bell rings and Mr. Johnson comes in in a particularly bad mood. "Okay class. Put away everything you are not supposed to have out and turn to page one hundred of your textbook."


When lunch rolls around I head to the cafeteria to eat with my friends. I go through the line and grab the least disgusting looking thing which just so happens to be pizza.

"Hey, everyone!" I say sitting down between Logan and Preston. "How's it going?"

"Great!" Kaylee replies enthusiastically. "This morning I heard that Mrs. Bedford is sick with the flu and Mr. Bradley is going to be teaching P.E.!" She exclaims excitedly.

My eyes light up. Mr. Bradley is my PE teacher. He's a handsome guy in his late twenties. He always jokes with everyone and makes class fun. All the girls love him because he's gorgeous.

"I don't see what's so great about that." Jeremy mutters.

"Awe, babe!" She coos. "There's no need to be jealous!"

The guys laugh. "Yeah Jeremy. Quite acting like a girl." Alex teases.

"Ooh guys! I have a story!" Alaina exclaims, practically bouncing up and down in her seat. "In math class we were supposed to do an assessment test, but instead I did a whole impromptu speech on why we shouldn't have class today!"

"Did it work?" I ask in amusement.

"Nope!" She says. "I also got detention. But we ran out of time so we didn't have to do the test!"

I laugh. "Maybe I should try that sometime."

Her eyes twinkle. "I'll teach you my tricks."

"Hey, Jay." Jordan calls from across the table. "Did you get your license suspended for driving all these boys crazy?"

Logan tenses. "Don't hit on my cousin." he growls.

I ignore Logan and answer. "Nope but I got alternative school for trying to kill a guy who used to many corny pickup lines." I say causally.

Jordan stares at me with his mouth open while every one else laughs.

"Need some ice for that burn?" Preston jokes.

Jordan scowls at him. "Shut up."

That just makes everyone laugh harder.

"Jay, your my new hero!" Jesse says between laughs.

Lexi smirks. "I taught her everything she knows."

I roll my eyes playfully. "Keep telling yourself that."

Logan throws an arm across my shoulder. "Someone's in a good mood today."

"Really?" I raise a brow. "Who could that possibly be?"

He shoots me an unamused look and I giggle. "Chill. I'm just messing with you." I say slapping his chest lightly.

I glance down at my phone to see an email. I click on it to find it's from Thomas. I groan.

"What is it?" Logan says trying to read over my shoulder.

"It's a email from my stupid science partner about the paper we have to write." I complain.

"What's wrong with your partner?" Lexi asks curiously.

"All he cares about is school." I complain. "He ignores me when he doesn't need to talk about the project, he's really bossy, and I can't even flirt my way out of things!"

"Really?" Alaina asks. "Who is your partner?"

"His name is Thomas." I tell her. Everyone at the table gets these knowing looks on their faces. "What?" I ask in confusion. It's like they all know something I don't.

Kaylee gets this creepy grin on her face. "So, Jay, are you coming to the football game on Friday?"

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