Chapter 28

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Everyone freezes. The only sound is the buzz of the tattoo gun that has stopped just above my skin. Caleb slowly moves his face away from mine, a look of disbelief on his features.

"You love me? You. Love. Me? Love? Me?" He asks in absolute confusion.

I nod profusely. "Yes. Gosh yes. I love you, Caleb." I tell him, for the first time in a long time being completely open about my feelings.

He breaks into a huge grin. "I'm sorry, can you just say that one more time?"

"I love you." I stare into his eyes hoping that he can see that I'm telling the truth.

He leans in and kisses me passionately. "I love you, too."

I place my hand on the back of his head and pull him closer.

"Hey, hey, hey." Chris exclaims. "Lovebirds, are we finishing the tattoo business or not?"

"Yes." I respond pulling back. "Let's do this."

Caleb holds my hand and smiles like a fool while Chris finishes my butterflies. As soon as he's done he covers it with a bandage and then excuses himself.

"We need to talk." I say seriously.

Caleb nods in agreement. He looks incredibly nervous. "Yeah, okay. Where do you want to go?"

"Um, back to my place is fine." I reply. I haven't been in a serious relationship in three years. Not real sure how to start one. Am I even ready for commitment? Is he? I think I'm going to be sick.

"Hey," Caleb lifts my chin so that our eyes meet. "It's okay." He kisses my forehead gently.

I smile, immediately feeling comforted by the gesture. "Let's get out of here."


The drive back to my house is surprisingly comfortable. I expected it to be tense or uncomfortable following my admission but it isn't. Telling Caleb I love him feels so natural. Like, why wouldn't I love Caleb? He's absolutely amazing and it makes sense.

I look over at him while he drives, his hand resting on my knee. His face is fully concentrated on the road in front of him. His brow is furrowed slightly and his lips are tipped up into a slight smile. Subconsciously I realize that I am wearing a smile of my own. Caleb is my best guy friend. I really do love him.

As we pull into the drive I notice several trucks in the driveway. Fantastic. The "squad" is here. Caleb turns to me looking confused and I just shake my head and open the door. He follows silently but stops me before I can open the door.

"Jaylyn, I just wanted to say you are the strong, bravest, most beautiful woman I have ever met in my entire life and just because we love each other we don't have to be in a relationship if you don't want. I want to be with you for the rest of my life but if you aren't ready for a commitment then we can stay friends forever." He rushes out quickly.

I smile. "How did I get so lucky?" I whisper before pressing my lips to his. He cups my face holding me there and drawing out the moment. As we slowly pull away I smile. "Now inside these doors is a bunch of Kentworth high rams. Let's try to slip up to my room without them noticing us because I want to talk uninterrupted okay?"

"Okay." He smiles looking deeply into my eyes.

"Okay." I whisper inching my face closer to his.

"Okay." The word is barely audible as his lips mold to mine.


Eventually we make it upstairs to my room without being seen. From what I can tell the guys are down in the man cave, which means they probably don't even know that I'm here.

"Now, let's stop fooling around because I really want to talk and see where you're at on this," Caleb says taking my hand and leading me over to my bed. I take a deep breath as we sit down.

"I love you, Caleb. Plain and simple. But you know my past and you know how hard it is for me to trust," I tell him. "I want to start working towards a relationship."

He nods, smiling softly at me. "Whatever you want, we can do."

I smile gratefully. "Let's hangout more and go on dates and maybe meet each other's families." I say turning so that my body is facing him. "We can have late night phone calls and I can go to your football games."

"I like the sound of that." He smiles goofily. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this. How long I've wanted to be with you."

He doesn't just want me. He wants to be with me. As my boyfriend. Not a hookup. Not a one-night stand.

I wrap my arms around him in a hug. "Thank you for taking me to get a tattoo." I tell him. My face is buried in his chest which smells of cologne. Its heavenly.

He kisses my head. "Never tell your parents I was the one to take you. I want to live long enough to date you." He says seriously.

I laugh loudly. "Yes sir."

He smirks. "So, Hot Stuff, did you have your nap yet?"

"What?" I ask.

"Don't pretend like you don't take a nap every day when you come home from school. I can see the sleepiness in your eyes right now." He boops my nose with his.

I giggle. "It's true. I do take a nap every day and no I didn't today and yes I am tired." I snuggle up against him.

"Want me to go so you can nap in peace?" he asks.

I think for a moment. "No, I would rather you stay and hold me while I nap. That way if the dreams come you can keep me safe." I tell him.

"I'll always keep you safe, Hot Stuff." He whispers into my hair. "Because you're my baby."

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