Chapter 14

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I wake up earlier than usual on Monday morning to start getting ready for school. I brush my teeth and put in my contacts. If this plan of mine is going to work then I need to put extra effort in my appearance. I start by swapping the tight, black, high waisted jeans I picked out last night for a pair of black shorts die to the heat outside. I put on a form fitting, light pink tank top. I pull my sheer, cream sweater over my shirt. I slip my feet into cream colored lace vans. I head to the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup.

I put anti-frizz spray in my hair and pull my hair into a neat bun. I add a matching pink headband to my hair. Then I start on my makeup by contouring my face to perfection. I pair a bold eye with a light pink lipstick. I look in the mirror one last time and I'm ready to go. I grab my backpack and keys and head out the door.

I drive the Lamborghini to school, singing along to the country station. I arrive earlier than most people and head straight to my locker. I put everything I don't need in there before heading to the science lab. Upon entering I find that Thomas has yet to arrive. I smirk in victory and set my stuff out. I try to mix random song lyrics into a poem as I wait. After failing miserably, I try free handing an mixing some lyrics in.

Lonely nights I laid awake,
Trying to find a road to take.

A road that leads to life and love,
A life that that fits me like a glove.

I ask myself what am I doing here?
I don't belong, that much is clear.

I find myself dreaming in silver and gold,
But I always wake up to find it dark and cold.

I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream,
Because of what I've heard, what I've seen.

I scrunch my forehead in concentration as I read over the poem.

"Wow. Didn't except to see you here early." I voice speaks snapping me out of my thoughts.

I jump and quickly close my notebook praying he didn't read any of my poem. "I got here early to talk to you actually." I say to Thomas in a rush. "I wanted to tell you that you did an amazing job on the paper and thank you for doing all the work. It's been so hard moving schools. I really appreciate all your hard work." I gush. I give him a small smile hoping he believes me, considering most of what I just said is a lie.

He looks at me skeptically. "Was that a poem I saw in your notebook?"

My eyes widen and I imagine I look like a deer caught in headlights. This is not how a pictured this going. "No?" I say but it comes out more like a question.

"I only read the first two lines, but it didn't seem half bad." He says.

My jaw slackens. "It wasn't a poem." I say desperately. If he goes around telling people that I wrote a poem then it will completely ruin my reputation.

"Of course it wasn't." He smirks. "Wouldn't want to ruin your reputation would we?"

I give him a frightened look. This can not be happening.

"No worries." He chuckles. "Your secrets safe with me."

I let out a breathe in relief. "Thanks." I say sincerely. I stand to run and grab a drink before class starts. For the first time Thomas takes in my attire. From my pink headband, to my sweater that's falling of my shoulder, to my short shorts and vans. His mouth hangs slightly open and I smirk victoriously. My hips have a little extra swing to them as I exit the class. I peek behind me to see Thomas's eyes still fixed on me. My smirk widens and I hurry to the vending machine.

Thomas's head snaps up when I sit beside him again with my drink. "I read your poem." He says.

I face palm myself for my stupidity. Of course he read it. I shouldn't have left my notebook. "Today is not my day." I sigh placing my head in my hands.

"Who knew the bad girl was a closet poet?" Asks Thomas rhetorically.

"I'm not a closet poet!" I whisper fiercely. "Now please shut up. People are getting here."

"This isn't over." He says in warning.

I'm saved from answering by Mr. Johnson entering the classroom. He sees me and stops. "Miss Reynolds." He says in shock. "Your, your- but how?" He stammers in confusion.

I roll my eyes. "So I got to class on time. No big deal."

He clears his throat. "Umm indeed." The class snickers.

"It's not like I'm going to make a habit of it." I scoff propping my feet up on the desk. Time flies and before I know it class is over. Gathering my stuff, I hurry out before Thomas has an opportunity to mess with me. Sadly, however, Thomas has the next class with me as does Jordan and Logan. So, I had three aggravating males trying to get information out of me.

"Where were you this morning?" Logan asks in annoyance. "I was worried sick about you."

"I was here." I tell him.

"What were you doing here?" He asks suspiciously. "Were you meeting up with a boy? Because if you were I swear I'll kill him."

"Yes. Because that's all I ever do right? Sneak off with boys and get into trouble?" I retort sarcastically.

"No need to get all sassy." Logan snaps back.

I glance around at everyone who's straining to hear what were saying. "If you must know," I say in a quieter voice. "I came here early to see Thomas because we had a paper to turn in this morning."

Logan immediately becomes apologetic. "Sorry. I just worry about you. I'm the overprotective brother you never had."

I smile sadly and turn away from him. I stand up a leave class before it even starts. Logan tries to come after me but I hide in the crowd of teens rushing to class and Logan gives up and returns to class before he gets marked as late. As the halls empty I sit in front of my locker.

I stare blankly at the wall as I think about what Logan said. He's worried about me. He says that but then he said the forbidden word. He knows how much it hurts me but he said it. I blink back tears as I think of a day I would rather forget. As I push that memory to the back of my mind more assault my brain. I fiddle with the charm hanging on the chain around my neck. I still remember that day I got it.

It was my sixth birthday. I convinced my mom to let me have a costume party that year. Before the party started, she told me that she wanted me to open the gift from her and daddy.

"Why now mommy?" I had asked. "Why not when my friends get here?"

"Because," she's said smiling softly at me. "This is a very expensive gift I want to give you now."

"Okay!" I had said enthusiastically. She pulled me into her lap and I eagerly ripped the wrapping paper off of a long thin box. I opened it to reveal a silver necklace with a dandelion charm on it. "Mommy it's beautiful!" I exclaimed.

"Remember how mommy taught you that dandelions are wishes?" Mom asked. I nodded. "Well, I want you to always remember that wishes can come true as long as you have hope."

I nodded. "Okay mommy. I promise to remember."

I smile slightly to myself at the memories and hurry to the bathroom to check my makeup before the bell rings.

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