Chapter 18

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"What happened to her?" A hushed voice asks.

"I don't know." Another response quietly. "When I got here she started babbling about an exboyfriend and ended up in tears before falling asleep."

"Exboyfriend?" The first voice asks again. "What exboyfriend?"

"I think his name is Michael." The second voice whispers.

I groan and roll over, pulling my knees tight to my chest. Hasn't Michael ruined my life enough? Why must he ruin my sleep as well?

"Jay?" A voice, that I finally recognize as Logan, says. "Are you awake?"

"I'm cold." I mumble my face pressed against the pillows.

"What?" Logan asks confusedly.

"She said she's cold." Thomas sighs exasperated. The bed dips as another persons weight is added and I feel someone's chest being pressed against my back. I roll over and come face to face with Thomas. He smiles softly at me. "Are you okay?"

I nod sleepily and press my face against his chest trying to go back to sleep. My head is pounding like crazy and my throat feels raw.

"Jay, before you go back to sleep we need to talk to you." Logan says. The bed dips on the other side and I can sense Logan's presence close to me. I move slightly so that I can catch a glimpse of his face. He looks deadly serious and slightly concerned as he watches me. "Why weren't you at school today?" He asks.

I sigh. I knew this question was coming. "I saw Michael and I fainted." I say trying to get the worst over.

"You did what?" Logan explodes. "Why did you faint? Have you been eating? Are you dehydrated? Was it shock?"

"I don't know Logan." I tell him honestly. "I thought it was shock but I haven't been feeling well since I came to earlier."

"What's wrong? What hurts?" He demands.

"My throat burns and I have a headache." I answer. Thomas places a hand on my forehead.

"Dear god, Jay!" He exclaims. "You're burning up!"

Logan looks panicky. Before he can start freaking out, I speak up. "It's probably just a cold." I tell them.

"Colds don't make you faint." Thomas points out.

I glare at him. "I didn't sleep much last night, I forgot to eat breakfast, and I saw the person I loath most this morning."

Thomas's face hardens at the mention of Michael and he wraps his arms around me protectively. "My mother is a doctor." He says. "I think it would be best if I called her and asked her opinion on it."

I roll my eyes. "If you feel the need." I say sarcastically. "I'm going to change and then go back to sleep so both of you need to leave."

Reluctantly, both Logan and Thomas get up and exit my room. I stand up and feel a bit dizzy, but it passes quickly and I'm able to get changed into a sports bra and oversized t-shirt. I shiver slightly in my chilly room and pull out some socks to put on as well before returning to bed. It seems like the longer I'm up, the worse I feel. I quiet knock sounds on the door as I'm climbing under the covers on my bed.

"Come in." I mumble. By this point my body is shaking with chills.

Thomas enters with his phone pressed to his ear and sits on the edge of my bed. "My mom thinks you probably have flu. Can you tell me all of your symptoms again?"

"Sore throat, headache, fever, fatigue." I list.

"Uh huh." He nods and relays that to his mom on the phone. "Also chills." He adds. "She's trembling like crazy." He nods to whatever is being said in the phone and turns to me again. "Are you experiencing any aching?" He asks.

I nod in response and close my eyes as he continues to talk on the phone. I hear Logan re-enter. "Thanks man." Thomas says. "Hey, are you awake?"

"No. Go away." I mutter.

Thomas chuckles. "I just need to check your temperature then you can go to sleep." I sigh and open my eyes to meet his. He quickly checks my temperature then looks at the thermometer in alarm. "Uh Logan come with me." The two of them leave and I can hear rapid talking between the two of them but ignore it.

A few minutes later both boys return. "Jay, we need to go." Thomas says.

I sit up slowly, the room tilting slightly. "Why?" I ask confusedly.

"You're running a 105 fever and you need to see a doctor." He says coming towards me. Logan moves to the other side of my room and begins rummaging through my drawers.

"I don't wanna go." I say panicking. The last time I went was after the incident and I'm terrified to go back.

Thomas must have seen my alarm because he immediately soothes me. "It's okay." He says. "I'm just going to take you to my house so that my mom can keep an eye on you. You have a really high fever and it's not good for you."

I eye him skeptically. "Well, if I'm just going to your house it should be okay." I say unsurely.

"It'll be okay." Logan promises, coming over with sweatpants and a blanket. I quickly pull on the pants and wrap up in the blanket before clasping in exhaustion. Logan picks up my feet and slides my shoes on before scooping me up in his arms like a baby.

He carries me to Thomas's truck and sets me down gently. He buckles me in and makes sure I'm covered with the blanket gods. Then he kisses my forehead before and closes the door. Thomas climbs in the truck and starts it. He quickly pulls out of my driveway and starts driving towards his house.

"Can I sleep now?" I ask Thomas timidly. The whole thought of a doctor has me nervous beyond belief.

Thomas nods. "Yeah. That's fine."

I loosen my seatbelt and lay across the seats, my head resting on Thomas's thigh. I pull the blanket tightly around me, closing my eyes. Before I fall asleep I feel Thomas's fingers gently caressing my head.

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