Chapter 15

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Two weeks have passed since that day. Logan apologized for upsetting me and I apologized for overreacting, so we are good. As for Thomas, he's been sitting at the popular table at lunch. Apparently he's Jordan's cousin and has been friends with the guys since middle school. I haven't made too big of a deal about it since he hasn't bothered me.

I'm currently snuggled under a blanket in the man cave watching Star Wars. The beginning part where it does the whole "in a galaxy far, far away," was just ending when the door bell rang. I sigh in exasperation and head up stairs to open it since no one else is home. I pause before opening the door and take off my glasses. I swing open the door to reveal the blurry face of Thomas.

"If your looking for Logan he's at Jeremy's house." I say looking at him blankly.

"I know." He smiles. At least I think he smiles. It's kinda hard to tell with out my glasses. "They invited me over but I declined. I've been waiting to get you alone and this seemed like the perfect time."

I glare at him and slam the door. I huff as I put my glasses on and go back downstairs to resume my movie.

"Did you think I would be that easy to get rid of?" A voice asks from behind me.

I scream and jump off the couch, backing as far away from Thomas as I can. I clutch my heart as it beats frantically in my chest.

"You can't just break into people's houses and scare the crap out of them!" I yell at him.

"In my defense, you left the door unlocked." He says putting his hands up in surrender.

I can't believe I keep making the same mistake. I squeeze my eyes shut as I try to block out the memories. My breathing quickens even more as my chest constricts.

"Hey," Thomas says soothingly. "It's okay just breath."

"I can't." I sob.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you so badly." He says worriedly. I let him infold me in an embrace as he tries to calm me. He rubs my back soothingly and soon my tears subside and my breathing returns to normal.

"Leave me alone." I Push Thomas away and sit back on the couch under my blanket.

He sighs and sits beside me. "I'm really sorry." He tries again but I ignore him. "So, Star Wars? I've always liked that series. Are we watching A New Hope? That's a good one. I always liked watching how they all come together." He glances at me. "Who's your favorite character? Mines Han Solo. He's awesome. He's like an intergalactic bad boy, you know? No ones bad like Han Solo, yet he's on the good guys side."

I sigh. He obviously isn't going to shut up so I might as well talk. "Han Solo is my favorite too because Harrison Ford is hot." I say grumpily.

He looks at me in amusement. "You like him because he's hot? That's it?"

"Well, when you say it it sounds incredibly shallow." I pout crossing my arms. "I like Darth Vader because he's a really good villain, who shows us that if we don't control our anger it will control us. Happy now?"

"Yes. That was surprisingly insightful." He nods approvingly.

I roll my eyes and turn back to the movie. We sit in silence for a few minutes, the only sound being the tv.

"Jay?" Thomas says timidly. "Why were you so scared when I came in?"

I freeze. "It was nothing you just surprised me." I lie.

"I don't believe you." He sighs.

"I don't care. Talk about something else." I say irritably.

He runs a hand through his shaggy hair and studies me through his glasses. A small smile graces his face. "You look good in glasses." He says.

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