Chapter 26

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The dreaded day finally arrived. I walk into class to see the king of dicks smirking at me. Mr. Michael Dempsey. I hate that smug little look on his beautiful face. Why couldn't he be ugly?

That's not important right now. What's important is that I stay aloof. "Do not cower, Jay." I tell myself over and over as I make eye contact with Michael. I lift my chin and stare right into his eyes defiantly. Then I run into a table. Fantastic Jay. You totally showed him.

"You're late." Michael states.

"Well, I learned from the best, didn't I?" I say innocently. "Why show up on time when you can show up late and make a grand entrance?"

"Running into a table is your idea of a grand entrance, Jay?" Michael chuckles in amusement.

"Oh please, Michael. As if you don't still struggle with doors." I scoff. "What was it, prom that you went around telling people you were in a fight when really you'd hit your head on a revolving door?" His face goes red with anger and I revel in the small victory.

"Miss Reynolds, take your seat and I will be seeing you after class to discuss the ungodly amount of tardies you have already."  Michael says.

I roll my eyes and sit down. On the outside, I'm still the tough bad girl but on the inside those words are ringing through my head again.

I want you. I want you. I want you. That's all I here throughout class. I want you. I want you. I want you.

Thomas shoots me concerned looks all throughout class but I ignore him. I stare straight ahead at the blackboard the entire time. My eyes never once waiver. A note slides in front of me but I ignore it. People whisper all around about me and Michaels exchange. Rumors begin to circulate. But I ignore it all. Every little thing going on is nothing as I stare at the words on the board and hear that voice in my head getting louder and louder.

When the bell rings and everyone else begins to leave I feel my heart quicken. I'm unable to move from my seat as everyone leaves quickly to get to their next class. Thomas throws an agonized look in my direction as he stands at the door after everyone else is gone.

"Close the door and get to class son." Michael says sternly.

And then Thomas was gone.

I am alone. Alone with Michael.

"Come here." Michael commands.

I hesitantly force myself to stand. I take one shaky step and stop.


I force myself to walk over and stand in front of his desk. He eyes me up and down before placing his hands flat on the desk. I fist my hands trying to control the trembling but I know he saw it.

"What?" I ask rudely.

"Ah, Jaylyn. That was quite the little show you put on for your classmates. You almost had me convinced with your little bad girl act." He smirks leaning back in his seat. "But I can see past your little act."

"What I act?" I scoff. This can't be happening.

"I know I scare you, Jaybird. No need to pretend anymore." He leans in close to me. "I can smell fear."

I shrink away from him on instinct. This seems to spur him on because he stands up and comes around the desk, standing behind me and trapping me.

"You did something bad, Jaybird." God how I hated that nickname. "And you're going to pay for it." He whispers in my ear before kissing my neck.

"No!" I shout whirling around and pushing his chest.

He grabs my wrists and pins them to the desk. "Awe, what's the matter, Jaybird? Scared? You should be after making me look bad in front of my class." He growls.

"Michael, no! Leave me alone!" I scream struggling to free my hands.

"Shh," he breathes into my ear. "You can't tell me you didn't miss me. I know you did." His lips trail down my neck to my collar bone. "And I missed you, Jaybird." He whispers, his lips hover over mine. "I want you,"

That's it. I summon all my strength and push him off me. I quickly scurry to the door and fling it open. I take one last look at Michael before I sprint out and he's smiling.


I run smack into Thomas as I leave. We both tumble over and I stare at him in shock. I scramble off him and sprint in the opposite direction.

"Jay, stop!" He calls after me, but I don't.

I run straight into the main office of the school and stop at the front desk. I gasp for breath and clutch my side. The receptionist watches in concern.

"Is everything all right, dearie?" She asks.

"I just wanted to speak with the guidance counselor." I smile sweetly.

The little lady stands, "One moment. Let me see if Ms. Kelly is free." She says.

"Thank you." I smile charmingly.

I bite my nails as I wait impatiently. If I can get my class changed then everything will be fine. If not... My face pales at the thought. I cannot survive an entire year with Michael as a teacher. He's not going to stop until he gets what he wants. Which is, well, me.

"Okay, honey. Kelly said she'd be glad to see you." The receptionist smiles, settling back into her seat. "Just go right through that door and her office is on the left."

"Thank you so much," I say sincerely. I open the door and quickly walk into the hallway leading to Ms. Kelly's office.

"Hi, you wanted to see me?" She says as I enter her office.

"Yes ma'am." I say taking a seat in one of the chairs opposite her desk. "I need to change my first period class." I tell her.

"Why? Is there a problem with the class?" She asks.

"I just don't think I can pass the class." I lie.

"Well," She says looking annoyed. "I advise you start showing up on time, Miss Reynolds. It's a core class you can't change it."

"Please!" I beg. "I'll do anything! Just don't make me take that class! I'm begging you!" I clasp my hands in earnest.

"I'm not changing it." She says sternly. "Now get to class immediately."

With that my fate is sealed. I am doomed.

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