Chapter 3

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"Hello, Ivan." I greet my gray and white kitten as I enter the house.

He meows and rubs around my ankles.

"Have you been a good boy while I was at school?" I ask him, bending over to pick him up.

He purrs in response.

I carry him upstairs to my room. I have a big room, with light blue walls. The floor is covered with a pale pink rug. A king sized bed is situated on the wall to the left of the door. It is covered with matching pink and blue covers. On the right wall is a door leading to my en-suite bathroom. I have a large flat-screen tv on the wall across from the bed. On the middle wall is my dresser and my desk.

I slip out of my clothes, putting on navy sweat pants and a matching sports bra, but no shirt. I take out my contacts and put on my glasses before climbing on my bed with Ivan and laying on top of the sheets.

I grab my laptop and pull up my blog, my jaw drops at the number of views it's gotten. I click the comments button to see comments flood in.

"Labels are terrible!"

"Where do you go to school??"

"This is the only blog I read and it's amazing!!"

I scroll through so many more. A large smile takes over my face and I start jumping up and down on my bed in excitement. Suddenly my phone rings, startling me and causing me to fall off of the bed.

I hop up off the floor and answer.

"Hello?" I say sitting back down on the bed.

"Hey." A deep voice greets me. "It's Jordan."

"Oh hey." I reply, absentmindedly stroking Ivan. "Not to be rude, but how did you get my number?" I ask curiously.

"I may have gotten it from Lexi. Just maybe." He says.

"Traitor.." I mutter under my breath. "Soo, how can I help you?" I ask.

"Well baby doll, I can thing of lots of ways for you to help me but for now I just wanted to make sure Lexi gave me your actual number." He drawls.

I roll my eyes. "Sadly she did." I sigh.

He laughs. "See, that's why I like you."

"Okayy." I say dragging out the word. "Anything else you need before I hang up?" I ask.

"Nope." He says popping the p. "Bye!"


I hang up, tossing my phone to the foot of the bed. I quickly reply to some of the questions on my blog, before curling up with Ivan. I guess staying up late to update my blog wasn't my wisest decision. Soon I fall into a deep sleep.


When I awake I stretch lazily before climbing out of bed. I place my hand on an empty piece of wall and press down, triggering a lock mechanism, causing a hidden door to open. I walk through to my favorite room in the house: my library.

The room is circular with shelfs all the way around. Books of all kinds fill the shelfs. Mystery, romance, poetry. You name it, I have it. A comfy couch is the only other furniture and it's perfect.

I pick a book, Jane Austin's "Pride and Prejudice" and settle on the couch, wasting time until my parents and six-year-old sister, Maggie, get home.

Some time later I hear the front door open. Thinking it's Lexi, I don't bother putting on a shirt before heading downstairs. But when I reach the stairs it's not Lexi who waits for me. Instead I'm greeted with a familiar set of blue eyes, eyes the same as my own.

"Logan!" I yell running down the stairs. I run and jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his torso. 

Logan is my cousin who came to live with my parents during sophomore year. Before that he stayed with us often because his mom past away when he was born and it was too hard for him to move around with his military father. Over the summer he had gone to stay with his dad in Hawaii, meaning I haven't seen him in months.

He chuckles. "Did somebody miss me?"

"Nope." I smile cheekily. "I just really like your shirt." He knows I'm laying. I've always had a soft spot for him, since we are the same age.

He laughs. "I missed you too, J-bear." He says grinning broadly. J-bear is the nickname he gave me when I was little because I was obsessed with teddy bears.

"How was Hawaii? How was summer?" I ask hopping down from where he was holding me.

"Whoa Jay. One question at a time." He says quirking a brow. "Why do you have so much energy?"

"Oh you know." I shrug innocently. "I took an hour nap after school."

He laughs again. "Of course you did."

Ivan wonders in and starts crying at my feet.

"Who is this little guy?" Logan asks squatting down to pet him.

"This is Ivan. I adopted him two weeks ago." I smile and pick up Ivan. "So are you going to tell me about your summer?"

"Yeah sure." He replies.

I smile and drag him to the livingroom. I pull him down beside me, waiting expectantly for him to tell me everything.

A little while later the front door opens again. 

"Oh my god Jay. I think I'm seeing things. I could have sworn I saw Logan's car in the..." Lexi trails off. "Logan your home!" She screeches running into his arms.

"Lexi!" He exclaims before they start kissing.

Did I forget to mention their dating?? Well they are.

"Okay guys. I'm just gonna go.." I run upstairs to my room unable to stop smiling. My cousin is home. And he's in the livingroom. With Lexi. Unsupervised.

I throw on a tank top and rush back downstairs. I find Logan and Lexi sitting together talking animatedly about their summers.

I sigh in relief. "Thank god! I was worried I was gonna end up an aunt soon." I plop down on the couch.

Both Logan and Lexi blush.

"So Jay, how was your first day at your newest school?" Logan asks breaking the awkward silence.

"Good I guess." I shrug. "Oh and Lexi your a traitor!" I say accusingly.

"What did I do?" She asks innocently, but I can see the smirk she's trying to hide.

"You gave Jordan my number!" I exclaim.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Jordan Andrews? Football captain? Quarterback?" Logan asks suddenly very protective.

Me and Lexi nod.

"No way am I going to let him talk to my cousin!" He exclaims. "He's a player!"

I laugh. "I thought we had a connection." I say with a straight face. "Besides, it was your girlfriend who gave him my number."

He groans. "You've got to be kidding me!"

Lexi laughs. "I heard she told him off in the hall."

I shrug. "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't."

"Oh praise God." Logan sighs. "I thought I was going to have to kick his butt."

I smile and shake my head. "Nope."

We spend the rest of the afternoon chitchatting and catching up on each other's lives. My parents and Maggie arrived home at six.

After greeting Logan, mom turns to me.

"Go get dressed." She says. "Some of your dads colleagues are coming over."

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