Chapter 25

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"Jay, why are we doing this?" Jesse gasps falling flat on her face.

"Because it's relaxing." I inform her easily holding the pose.

Me and the girls, Lexi, Jesse, Alaina, and Kaylee, are in a group chat on airtime doing yoga. It was my idea, of course. Me and Lexi do it all the time on FaceTime; however, airtime let's all of us do it and allows for us to watch a YouTube video. So, of course we had to have a group yoga session.

"Come on, Jesse. You're all athletic. You can't bend just a little?" Kaylee graceful moves into the pigeon pose.

"My thighs! my thighs!" Alaina cries out in anguish. "Unlike you cheerleaders and Jay who's apparently some type of flexible yoga goddess person, I'm not meant to bend like this!"

Lexi laughs so hard that she loses balance in the wide-legged forward bend and falls on her butt. "Omg, Alaina."

We've just moved into our next position when suddenly a new voice is added to the group.

"Hello ladies." Jordan says smirking. "I gotta say I like whatever this is y'all are doing."

"Go away pervert." Jesse groans. She's not even trying anymore. She's just laid out flat on the floor in her living room.

"You go away! You aren't even doing anything!" Jordan fires back.

"Oh no I am. Jay informed me this is the corpse pose. We started with it." Jesse assures him.

I snicker at Jordan's sarcastic eye roll. "She does have a point."

Suddenly the other guys begin to pop up on the chat. Logan, Preston, Alex, and Jeremy. Their eyes grow wide with wonder.

"You weren't kidding!" Jeremy exclaims. "Look at my baby with her sexy little self."

Kaylee giggles. "You like this?"

"You bet I do!" He answers excitedly.

"Get a room." Jesse groans. "Or better yet call 911 because I think I'm dying."

"Need me to come save you, cutie?" Preston smirks.

"No go away." She answers moodily.

"Come on, baby. I might be a bad boy but I bet you could make me good."

"Ew guys. My poor ears." Logan scrunches his face in disgust.

"Well that's the end of yoga time." I hop up off my mat and grab my phone. The girls sigh in relief as I turn off the video and the boys immediately begin to protest.

"No fair!" Jordan protests throwing popcorn at the screen.

"What? Where did you even get popcorn?" Alaina inquires confusedly.

"Dunno. It was on my desk." He shrugs.

Everyone talks back and forth for a while. I mostly just listen and laugh at everyone else's stupidity. I love days like this. It's just so relaxed and comfortable.

At four I finally remove myself to get ready.

"well guys I have a hot date tonight so I gotta go get ready. Bye!" I hang up quickly ignoring the protests that go up from everyone.

I don't really have a hot date tonight; however, dads colleagues are coming over which means Tate is probably coming over. So, you know, same thing.

I quickly do my shower routine then go to the closet to pick something fabulous to wear. I settle on a button down blue jean skirt and a whit v-neck tshirt tucked in loosely. I slip on yellow floral print vans and a yellow watch. I go natural on the makeup and opt for board straight hair.

By the time I finish I see that I have a million texts from everyone asking about tonight's "date". I also have a couple of snapchats from Caleb and text from Thomas. I ignore everyone and head downstairs to see if mom approves of tonight's look.


"Jay, go get the door honey. Your dads colleagues must be here." Mom says patting my shoulder absentmindedly. Tonight isn't just a night for drinking. It's a full blown dinner.

I answer the door to reveal a smiling Tate standing outside.

"Miss Jay, you look stunning." He bows goofily.

I giggle. "Why thank you." I do a small curtsy. "Come on in." I invite.

"Aren't you a proper little lady?" He smirks and makes his way in. I lead him to the living room where dad is seated with Logan and papa.

"You look mighty happy, j-bear." Papa says mischievously. "Just like the cat that caught the canary. Or in your case the intern."

"Papa!" I gasp playfully. "That is not true at all." I can't help but giggle when Tate throws a playful wink my way.

Papa grins broadly. "Not true is it?"

"Not at all." I fight the smile trying to make its way to my face.

Logan scowls at Tate. "So, an intern? Where'd you go to college?"

"I went to Harvard, actually." Tate smiles charmingly.

"Impressive." Logan mutters.

"You must be really smart." I smile looking up at him through my lashes.

"Well darlin, not to brag but I did score a 36 on the act. In 10th grade." He leans forward, his elbows propped on his knees.

I stare at him in awe. "That's amazing!"

"That's amazing." Logan mimics quietly.

I glare at Logan. "Would y'all excuse us for a moment?"

"Of course." Papa smirks.

"Logan, please come with me." I smile sweetly, heading towards the door.

He follows me begrudgingly. Once in the dining room I glare openly at him. He smiles innocently.

"What the heck is your problem?" I demand furiously.

"Oh please, Jay." He scoffs. "Are you kidding me?"

"What? I can't talk to guys anymore?" I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"He's like old though. Plus I just think you could do better." He shrugs.

"Better than a Harvard graduate?" I ask incredulously.

"Ugh, Jay. It's not about money. What about integrity and character?"

"What are you even talking about?" I ask exasperatedly.

"You know, someone like.." He stops thoughtfully. "Thomas! You don't find guys much better than him."

"Oh lord." I roll my eyes towards the ceiling. So that's what this is about. "I can't even right now." I walk out of the room and leave him standing there. This is unbelievable. The guy I'm determined to break has now brainwashed my cousin.

"Awe, Jay." Logan whines following me. "Me ship has to become cannon."

I shoot him a look and don't even dignify that remark with a reply. This is just too much.

Sorry Logan, but Thomas is going down. May the odds be ever in his favor, because I know their in mine.

The Secret Life of the Bad GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora