Chapter 12

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The first punch is thrown by Logan. Unfortunately for him, Caleb sees it coming and ducks. While Logan is off balance Caleb jabs him in the stomach. This angers Jordan, who tackles a laughing Ty. Of course, Killer and Mikey can't just leave their friends so they pull Jordan off of Ty. Preston, being the only guy not fighting, shrugs and starts throwing punches. The boys are just a mess of flying fists and tangled limbs. I stand in shock. I was not expecting that.

It almost reminds me of World War I. Serbia (Caleb) kills archduke Franz Ferdinand (slapped me on the butt) and angers Austria (Logan) because the archduke was their heir (cousin). So Austria, declares war on Serbia. Serbia's buddy Russia (Ty I guess) joins in to help Serbia (or in this case laughs). Then Austria's ally Germany (Jordan), jumps in excitedly. Of course everyone's allies, Britain, France, and Italy, (Mikey, killer, and Preston) join in too.

Lexi's cries for the boys to stop bring me back to the present. "Stop it! Your gonna get in trouble!" She yells.

"Don't stop!" Jesse shouts. "This is getting good! Hit him again, Preston." She cheers excitedly.

My thoughts stray again. Preston can't be Italy because Italy stays neutral.. I guess he's a tiny, insignificant country no one cares about. I laugh out loud at the thought and Lexi glares at me.

"Do something!" She shouts.

"Okay okay!" I hold my hands up in surrender. "Guys!" I shout. I manage to pull Ty off of Logan and he just backs up. Something hits me in the back and I whirl around to see.. A shoe? "Who threw a shoe at me?" I yell. I look around and find Jordan to be the one with no shoe. "Jordan! I will kill you!" I yell tackling him. I punch anyone who crosses my path and am getting quite into it when someone's elbow hits me in the lip and sends me flying to the ground.

The breathe gets knocked out of me as I hit the asphalt. After that it's like everything goes in slow motion. Thomas runs up and starts yelling for everyone to stop. When that doesn't work he begins throwing the guys off of each other and throwing a few punches when needed. He leaned over and hooked his hands under my arms to pull me up from the ground before turning to glower at the guys. I guess this makes him America.

"Look, I understand your need to display your manliness and stuff, but hitting a defenseless girl? Really? Isn't that a little low, even for you academy boys." Thomas says.

"Excuse me?" I say crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at him. "I am not a defenseless girl!"

"Suuure. Says the girl who got knocked to the ground and has a bloody lip." He says sarcastically. My blood boils.

"I'm not going to be the only one with a bloody lip if you don't shut your mouth right now!" I say threateningly.

"Please," he scoffs. "You think I'm scared of a weak little girl?"

"Ahhh!" I scream lunging at him. Caleb catches me by the waist and holds me back. "Let me at him!" I yell. "I'll show you weak little girl!" I try to wiggle out of Caleb's grasp but can't.

"Whoa, feisty pants." Caleb says.

"Let her go. It's not like she's gonna hurt me." Thomas smirks.

"I wouldn't bet on it." Logan pipes up.

"Yeah." Jordan agrees. "She did this to my nose." He says pointing at his nose.

Thomas quirks a brow. "What'd she hit you with? A bat?"

"Argh!!" I yell finally managing to escape Caleb's hold. I tackle Thomas and straddle his waist. "Take it back or I swear I will break your pinky." I threaten.

He looks at me in amusement. "How do you plan to do that?" He asks.

I grab his hand and twist his pinky.

"Jesus women!" He shouts. "Let go of me!"

"Not until you say 'Jay is amazing and I'm sorry for calling you weak'" I taunt.

"No way!" He exclaims. I twist his finger more. "Fine!" He concedes. "Jay is amazing and I'm sorry for calling you weak!" He shouts.

"Why thank you." I say cheekily. "Apology not excepted." I hop up as he glares at me. Everyone is laughing hysterically, except for Lexi who is giving me a disapproving look. "Now!" I say turning to the group of laughing boys. "All of you go home and stay out of fights!"

The boys grumble but do as I say and head towards their cars. A final round of goodbyes is said as me and Logan climb in the Lamborghini. The ride home is silent as Logan states sullenly out the window. We both become nervous when we see moms car in the driveway. We are going to be in so much trouble.

We go inside as quietly as possible and turn to go upstairs when a voice stops us.

"Hello children. How was school?" Mom asks.

"Good!" I call without turning around.

"What are you hiding?" She asks suspiciously.

"Nothing." Logan answers quickly.

"Turn around." She demands. We obey slowly and come to meet her stern gaze. She gasps. "Did you get in a fight?"

"Yes ma'am." Logan replies ashamedly.

"Logan I am so disappointed in you." She says. "We expect this kind of behavior from Jay but you are supposed to be better than that."

Ouch. Even my own mom likes Logan better than me.

"I'm going to have to call your father and tell him about this unacceptable behavior." She reprimands him.

"Yes ma'am. I understand." Logan says guiltily.

"Mom," I speak up. "The fight was my fault. Some privet school friends of mine came to check out the competition and Logan got protective over me. I shouldn't have let them hug me so much. Logan was just doing what he thought was right to defend me."

Mom scoffs. "I should have known it was your fault. All you've done is cause trouble since the day you were born. I will not tolerate this young lady. Your cousin has a bright future ahead of him and I will not let you ruin that for him." She says sternly.

My eyes tear up slightly at her insinuation that I won't amount to any thing. I nod. "I understand." I reply quietly. "Please don't tell uncle." I beg.

"Fine." She relents. "Logan, your grounded for one week. Jay, two weeks. Neither of you can leave the house and for anything other than school." She says. "If I hear about anymore fighting then your punishment will be much more severe." We nod meekly. "Now go put ice on those bruises."

Me and Logan hurry to the kitchen for an icepack. I hold one against my mouth and Logan holds one to his jaw.

"Thanks for taking the fall." Logan speaks up breaking the silence. "You really didn't have to do that."

"I was just being honest." I sigh tiredly and turn to leave. I go to my room fighting tears. Moms right. I'm nothing but trouble. Logan will go on to do great things and I will probably grow up to be a waitress at Waffle House. I'll never amount to anything so why try? I go to bed with that thought in mind.

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