Chapter 19

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We arrive at Thomas's house and he carries me inside. His home is a really nice farm house surrounded by fields. The interior of the house is mostly wood and has a very rustic yet expensive look to it. Thomas takes me to a clean guest room, with pale yellow walls and dark wooden furniture. The bed has clean white sheets and a homemade cover.

"This rooms pretty." I say, snuggling into the sheets. "I like this quilt."

"Thanks." He smiles. "My nana made it."

I'm about to reply when a pretty older woman comes into the room. She has sandy blonde hair like Thomas's and green eyes a shade darker than his. In her hand she has a black medical bag and a stethoscope hangs around her neck.

"Hello, darling." She greats warmly. "I'm doctor Green, but you can just call me Trinity."

"It's nice to meet you Trinity. I'm Jay." I say timidly. I don't think Thomas's mother would do anything to hurt me, but I still don't trust doctors. Except for my mother.

"Okay hunny, I'm just going to do a quick checkup. Based off of your symptoms I believe you have the flu." She comes over to where I'm sitting on the edge of the bed. She places her stethoscope on my chest. "Take a deep breath." She says. She does several checks and test and in the end she concludes that it is the flu.

"I'll be right back with some medicine." Trinity tells me as she exits the room.

Once she's gone I sigh in relief. I collapse on the bed and take a deep breath to calm my racing heart. The longer Trinity was in her the more scared I got. I glance over at Thomas who is staring at me quizzically.

"Why are you so afraid of doctors?" He questions.

I sigh. "I had a terrible experience with them once." I really don't want to tell him about it right now.

"Wanna tell me about it?" He ask walking towards me.

"No." I reply honestly. I slip my pants and shoes off and climb under the covers.

"Oh." He says looking down in disappointment. "Well, if you change your mind you know where to find me." He offers.

My fever must be making me delusional, because, I swear, in that moment my heart skipped a beat and butterflies filled my stomach. "Thanks." I smile.

At that moment Trinity returns with some medicine. She hands me some pills and a bottle of water and I quickly take them from her. I down the medicine with a gulp of water before placing the bottle on the nightstand.

"You need to drink as much of that water as you can to stay hydrated." Trinity tells me. "I'm also going to send Trent up here with something for you to eat."

I nod even though I don't feel hungry. "Who's Trent?" I ask when Trinity leaves again.

"My baby brother." Thomas grins widely. "He's seven."

I nod slightly feeling a bit spacey. "Do you all start with T?"

"You mean our names?" He asks. I nod. "Yeah. There's mom who's name is Trinity, my oldest brother is TJ, then it's Travis, me, Tyler, Timothy, and Trent. Dads name is Tate."

"You know," I say absentmindedly. "You have a nice voice. It's deep and smooth and manly. I like it."

Thomas chuckles. "Wow. What does mom have you on?"

I giggle. "I must be drunk. The odd thing is I don't remember drinking." I say thoughtfully. At this Thomas full out laughs.

"You should probably rest." He says.

I nod. "Yeah. Nighty night. Sleep tight." I mumble.


"I'm not not hungry." I complain. Thomas is currently trying to get me to eat a peanut butter sandwich.

"You have to eat." He argues stubbornly.

"But I don't want to." I protest.

"Well I don't care." He snaps. "Eat this sandwich now." He demands.

"No!" I cross my arms across my chest.

"I'll do anything if you eat this."  He bribes. He waves the sandwich in front of my face enticingly.

I contemplate the offer for a moment. "Anything?" I smirk.

He gulps and nods an affirmative.

"I wanna watch Star Wars." I say.

"Really?" He perks up. "Which one?"

"Episode two." I say holding up two fingers. "Attack of the clones."

Thomas groans. "That one is boring."

I gasp in offense. "It is not. It's romantic. Anakin and Padmé get married in that one!"

"Fine." He concedes. "If you eat this sandwich I will watch it with you."

I nod and take the sandwich from his hand, staring at it distastefully. I honestly have zero appetite for anything right now. Thomas returns with the movie and I still haven't taken a bite.

"We had a deal. If you don't eat, we don't watch the movie." He says.

I sigh once more and take I tiny bite of my sandwich. Thomas smiles and nods approvingly. He puts the disk in and starts the movie. I make it about halfway through my sandwich before I start feeling nauseous. I set it to the side and lean against Thomas as we watch the movie.

"You know," I say as we watch Anakin kill the people who took his mother. "If he wasn't so afraid all the time he wouldn't have turned to the dark side."

"Nah. I think it was his anger that caused it. If he didn't have such a bad temper he would have been fine." Thomas argues.

"Yoda says 'Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.'" I quote.

"Everyone is afraid of something." He reasons. He stares into my eyes and I stare right back holding my ground until I can't help myself anymore.

"Did you just quote Four from Divergent?" I ask not being able to contain it.

"Yeah." He says proudly. "It's one of my favorite books."

"Oh my gosh!" I say excitedly. "It's mine too!"

"Really?" He asks enthusiastically. "What's your favorite part?"

I ponder his question for a minute. "Probably the Farris wheel scene or his fear landscape. What about you?"

"I like the part where Tris fights Four while he's in the simulation." He replies.

"I guess that parts good." I shrug. "I like the part where Four shows Tris his tattoo." I smirk.

"Oh course you do." He rolls his eyes. "You're such a girl."

I laugh. "Excuse me. I didn't know being a girl was a bad thing." I joke.

"It's not." He says seriously. His eyes cut threw me as he stares into my eyes. That weird nervous feeling erupts in my belly again. Thomas leans closer and for a moment I think he's going to kiss me. But then he turns away and focuses on the tv again.

I sigh inaudibly and turn towards the screen as well. I have to admit I'm feeling a bit disappointed. Which either means my medicine is making me delusional or I'm starting to like Thomas. Let's just hope it is the first one.

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