Chapter 16

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After me and Thomas's little trip to the park, I return home to find it empty. I sigh. No one is ever home. I drag myself downstairs and start the next movie in the Star Wars series. Maybe I can drown my sorrows in buttery popcorn and a large dose of Han Solo.

By the time I look at the clock it's midnight and I've finished two movies. I haven't heard anything from my family so apparently they aren't coming home tonight. I'm guessing Logan decided to stay over at Jeremy's. I sigh again.

Since I'm not tired I decide to head out to my place. I grab my keys, shoes, and bag quickly locking up the house and driving off on my motorcycle. The passing scenery helps me relax. Before long I reach the tracks and park behind the little building. I lay down in the grass and stare at the stars.

I list the constellations I know. Cassiopeia, Orion, Hercules, Pegasus, Scorpion, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. I know the names and the stories but I can't spot any of them. I stare at the sky some more. Maybe if I focus hard enough I will find one of them. Maybe if I focus hard enough I'll forget the twinge of pain I feel in my chest every time my family leaves me alone.


At some point I dose off and am later awakened by the raising sun. I quickly hop back on my motorcycle and hurry home to shower for school.

While I'm getting ready my thoughts drift back to Thomas and our "outing" last night. What should I do today? Should I dress up? Or not? Should I pretend last night didn't happen and see if Thomas will bring it up? Ugh. I'm never like this with guys! What is my problem?

Finally I settle more on a middle ground. I dress in light wash, ripped skinny jeans and a forest green shirt. I pull my customary leather jacket on and slip my feet into white vans. I braid my hair in a Dutch braid to the side like Prims in the Hunger Games.

As for my make up, I do a quick smokey eye. I perfect my contour before adding a light blush to my cheeks. Lastly, I add a nude lipstick and mascara.

I study my reflection. I'm missing something. My fingers move to my neck and I realize I forgot to put my necklace on. I face palm for my stupidity. I carefully remove the delicate chain from my jewelry box. The two little charms sparkle in the sunlight. My dandelion and a dainty 'e'. I smile softly before putting it on.

I arrive to class early the next morning, eager to see Thomas again. When I enter the class room a familiar voice greets me. But it isn't Thomas's. It's someone I thought I would never see again.

"Good morning, young lady. Do you belong in this class?" He asks politely.

I look up and gape at him. "Michael. " he looks the same as before. Same closely cropped blond hair. Same mesmerizing blue eyes.

"Jay?" Michael asks confusedly. "Well you've grown up." He smirks raking his eyes over my body.

My chest constricts. "What are you doing here?" I ask sharply. I grip the straps on my bag tightly.

"Why Jay, I'm your new teacher." He smirks evilly.

"No!" I gasp. I can't breathe. Dark spots fill my vision as the room starts spinning. Then I do the one thing I never thought I would. I succumb to the darkness.


I wake up in my bedroom and spot Michael looking at my from his place on the end of the bed. I smile at first, but then the past four years come rushing back. I sit up quickly and become dizzy. I close my eyes and wait for it to pass.

"What are you doing here?" I ask calmly. Trust me, I am anything but calm right now. I really want to smash in his pretty little faces, but it's too hard to get blood out of the carpet.

"You fainted and I was worried about you." He says in that smooth, deep voice I used to love.

"You're supposed to be in school, Michael. You can't skip when you're a teacher." I argue.

"I told them I had a family emergency and needed to leave immediately. I don't officially start until Wednesday anyways." He replies moving closer to me. "How are you feeling Jaylynn?" He asks in concern.

"Noo." I say furiously. "Don't you dare call me by my real name. You lost that right the minute you cheated on me with all those girls."

He looks at me blankly. "I cheated, but it meant nothing to me."

"Well it meant something to me!" I yell. "I was only fourteen years old when you started dating me! You forced me to do things I didn't want to do and then I found out that you'd been cheating on me the whole time! Our whole entire relationship was a lie, Michael." I say more calmly. "I thought I was in love with you and you ruined me. All of this? Going to jail, being expelled, it's all your fault!"

He leans closer to me, his face inches from mine. "From the moment you walked into the school that first day of school I wanted you. And you know what?" He whispers. "I still do."

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